
New Experiences and New Favorite Places

Like everyone else, I need more time during the weekends!
I always have good weekends but all the sudden it's Sunday night and I wonder how it crept up so fast.
I vote we should have three day weekends at least twice a month. Any takers?! 

Even though I'm bummed that the weekend is over, I did have a good time.
Friday night I worked late so I wasn't home until around 9 but Daniel had dinner waiting for me when I walked through the door. I snuggled into the couch anticipating Say Yes to The Dress and it wasn't on! Such a bummer.

This is everything

Saturday I had the chance to enjoy Yoga and Zumba in the morning before meeting Ashley for lunch.
We planned on going to lunch and then to the barn and spend time with our four legged children considering we haven't been able to ride all week. Well during lunch the weather got worse and we decided it wasn't worth it so Ashley and I went to, my new favorite store, Jefferson's! 
They have so much wonderful stuff and I stumbled upon a limited season release Rewined candle called Wine Under the Tree!

I also gifted Ashley her little Valentine's present, lol. 

Since we gave up on the barn we decided to get our nails done instead. I ventured away from my neutrals and decided on a very pretty watermelon color in anticipation of spring aka I get to start showing my horse!

Sunday Daniel and I went to brunch after Daniel came home from work. We won't even talk about his 7 day work weeks...
Then I explored the Health Sciences Campus in order to find a place where I can park tomorrow when I talk to an admissions advisor. Cross your fingers and wish me luck on this!
Afterwards we ventured into a bridal show and ran some errands before going home and cooking dinner.

I have a few new experiences/information coming at me this week so we will see how it all goes!
I hope you all had a good weekend and have a good week!


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