
Liebster Awards {2015 Edition}

Amfashionandbeautyblog nominated me for the Liebster Award! 
Thank you so much.
You all should head over there and check out her blog!

Lets get started with the question answering!

1: What Is Your Least Favorite C

I am not a huge fan of very vibrant colors. 
When I say vibrant I mean vibrant! 
Colors such as traffic cone orange or lime green just aren't my thing.

2: If You Had $1500 What Would You Spend It On?
A) Horse Stuff
B) Makeup/beauty products
C) Tell myself I should put it in savings
D) All of the above

3: Most Embarrassing Moment...Ever!
Dumb blonde moment coming at ya!
I was in the driveway with my dad one day and we both noticed a slit in one of my moms tires.
The way her tire was positioned was just at that perfect spot so the slit was at the top.
Before I even processed what was coming out of my mouth I said, "wow that must have been a high curb."
Before my dad could even say anything I was very aware of how wrong that statement was and corrected myself immediately but the damage was done.
Good times, good times.

4: Favorite Quote
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."

5: Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
Ben and Jerry's Everything But The 
...Or anything involving chocolate.

6: Where is your favorite place in the entire world.
Crazy horse lady alert: Either at the barn or at a horse show. Anything involving my horses.
Otherwise it would probably, at this point in time, be Charleston.

7: Why Did You Start Blogging?
It partially started out of boredom the summer I had to live by myself and it also partially started because I was an avid blog reader and really wanted to connect with the blogging community. 

8: What Was/Is Your Favorite Subject At School?
I never thought I would say it but I loved Anatomy and Physiology!

9: If You Could Go To Dinner With Anyone (Present or Deceased) Who Would It Be? 
This is so hard to answer. So I will cheat and answer both ways!
Deceased: My Grandma
Present: Probably the cast of the Big Bang Theory. I think that would be an entertaining dinner.

10: Guilty Pleasure?
Singing out loud when no one is home.
Singing/Performing in the car.
Dancing with the dogs like a crazy person.

11: What Is Your Favorite Song?
Of all time? Can't answer that - I like way too many.
Currently? Still loving Stolen Dance by Milky Chance. Or Froot by Marina and the Diamonds!

So I had to run out of the house today before being able to nominate other bloggers and make up questions, but I will! I wanted to get this up and thought I would have a little more time. Forgive me.


  1. Love this! Always fun getting to know you better! :) Totally agree about bright colors!!


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