
Bring On 2015

Welcome to 2015 everyone. I hope the first few days of 2015 are treating you well!
I don't make New Years resolutions, per say, but I do take the time to reflect back on the past year and  decide how to better myself during the coming year.

Feel free to tell me how you better yourself and what goals you have for this year!

Without further ado...lets go!

One// Realize that even when things don't work out when I want them to does not mean they won't work out for the best. Phew that was long - but seriously. For example, since I now have my new baby horse, Remi, we have been trying to lease Velvet for months now. Around October (I believe) I thought we found the perfect person to lease her and keep her in the barn. Well it didn't work out. After multiple tries, she has seemingly found a home and the whole situation is actually better for me and my mom! Patience is a virtue, people!

Two// Keep pushing myself to be healthy. I really have gotten back into a great workout routine that has been working great for me. I also have been eating cleaner. I do need to keep pushing myself physically at the gym (safely, of course) and my gym is going to start a booty bar class that I think is right out my alley! I also need to expand my repertoire of healthy recipes. I get stuck in a rut eating the same old thing at times and I need to branch out.

Three// Out with the old and in with the new! Alisha wrote a great post about simplifying your life. We all know this is easier said than done but I really need to work on this. I get wrapped up in all the little things and don't see the big picture at times. I started simplifying this morning by trying on my spring/summer clothes and purging what is no longer needed.

Four// Take more time to do what I like to do. Thankfully with a new horse I can get back into the horse showing world which is a huge plus for me. I love horse showing. I also need to take time to read, which is something I have always loved, but during the semesters I have no motivation to read what interests me because I read so much for school. Thankfully I am already off to a good start in the reading department. Lastly, and this may be a long shot, but I want to go on a  few trips! Charleston, Savannah, the beach, the mountains, etc. We will see if this is unrealistic.

Stay tuned for the best of 2014 makeup and my Clarisonic vs. Foreo mini luna posts! 

1 comment

  1. Thanks for the shout out Hanna! I totally agree with everything listed above. Being healthy and trying to make more time for myself is totally on my list too.


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