
A Little Trip to Asheville

As our Christmas vacation came to a close Daniel and I made a quick little trip to Asheville to play downtown and explore the Biltmore House for the second time.

It was a little warmer than I anticipated (and hoped), but needless to say I ate a lot of good food, drank good beer, walked my butt off at the Biltmore House, and grew my love of chocolate!

Daniel and I went up to Asheville on Sunday and one of our first stops was the Battery Park bookstore and champagne bar! I sadly walked out with only coffee but if I lived in the area I would spend a ton of time there! Definitely check it out if you go to Asheville (well check out everything I mention if you have time!).

We then had lunch at this great latin restaurant named Chorizo. I wasn't sure what to think when Daniel suggested we eat there but holy moly it was so good!

Daniel didn't want his picture taken but I forced him to take one before food.

Then we walked around, explored, bought some honey, went to Lexington Avenue Brewery (aka LaB)

And then I found my calling and true love - The Chocolate Fetish. I wish I took a picture for you but I was so excited and chocolate overwhelmed when I went in that I just started deciding what delicious chocolates I wanted to demolish eat and bring home!

After checking into the hotel Daniel and I went out to dinner at Early Girl Eatery - which I totally recommend by the way. I had the ham and goat cheese quiche and Daniel says the Shrimp and Grits were one of the best he has ever had.


The next day Daniel and I checked out of the hotel and headed to Biltmore where I ate more good food and walked forever. Please enjoy the picture overload...

Have you all enjoyed your Holidays?


Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone has been able to enjoy some down time with family this Holiday season!
I have been able to spend time with both Daniels family and my family and I can say that it has definitely been a good Holiday season :)

I will be back to my normal blogging schedule next week but until then I wanted to pop by to say hello and wish all of you a wonderful Holiday season!

I was able to see my best friend and I am so happy!! 

Daniel and I at my parents house 

Christmas at Daniels parents house!  

Daniel opening my present to him on Christmas Eve 

Mine and Daniel's tree! 

This is not my house but these people are awesome!
Look at the two story Rudolph! 


Alcohol&Painting, cupcake mania, and sickness

Are you impressed? I thought it turned out pretty well considering my anxiety level was through the roof - perfectionist problems - and I am quite sick.

I would suggest that everyone goes and paints/drinks alcohol! I had to skip out on alcohol time since I did not feel good but the painting was fun! 
On Sunday I drove to Raleigh to partake in a Bridesmaid sleepover to celebrate the upcoming wedding of our good friends Mitzi and Tyler. 
So we went painting! I was a little rebel and and added purple leaves instead of hot pink. I also added purple to the tail feathers instead of blue and hot pink. Art is all about creativity right?!

Our finished masterpieces! 

After our paintings were complete we headed off to enjoy good Mexican food, talk about the bachlorette party, watch Netflix, and play Phase Ten. If you like card games I suggest you play Phase Ten.

Unfortunately my night took a turn for the worst when I got a piece of mascara stuck under my lid and then my sickness hit a whole new level.

Since I didn't sleep much and haven't been able to eat I left for home late this morning in hopes that I would make it home safely. Before I left I had to make a quick stop at Gigi's Cupcakes since I no longer have access to one - it's tragic - and I may have went a little crazy...

Yum! While I may not be able to eat one yet, I can tell you that they smell incredibly good!

Did you all have a good weekend? Can you believe how close we are to Christmas! I am so excited!
In light of Christmas being right around the corner I want to share with you, probably, one of the best Christmas songs I have heard..



Five on Friday!

Any fun Holiday parties this weekend?
Wrapping presents? 
All of the above?

Today I am joining Caroline to bring you 5 on friday!

Boone wanted to help me wrap presents the other day so naturally I 'wrapped' him in a scarf!
Adorable, no?

My mom sent me a Tarte 12 Days of Christmas calendar! 
I love getting travel sized goodies so that I can try all the new products out and decide what is worth getting at full price.

This year I decided to go a little different with my Christmas nails.
Instead of red I ended up doing a purple and did a gold accent nail. The purple is shellac by OPI and the color is Get Cherried Away

While it is a long way away...
I can't help but stare at houses that I one day hope to have/build.
My current obsession is this one: 
The porch! 

I am dying to perfect this hairstyle
So far not so good...

Happy Friday!


Quick and Easy Pizza Roll Ups

Don't those look good?

I know, I could have taken a better picture but you are lucky to even have one before I devoured it!
Meet your fast, yummy, and fairly healthy new meal - Pizza Roll Ups

Here is what you'll need:
Wheat tortillas 

Marinara sauce 

Light shredded mozzarella cheese

What you do:
Scoop some sauce onto your wheat tortilla

Place cheese (and whatever else you please) on top of your pizza

Place on a cooking sheet and stick in the oven for 5 minutes on 350 degrees

It is that simple and that is why I made one after getting home from the barn (and not eating) until 4 this afternoon. Phew!

You can add anything you want to yours. I was lazy today because I was starving and just slapped some cheese on mine but spinach, onions, olives, mushrooms, etc would also be good!

Please enjoy!


Today I Will Be Happier Than a Bird With a French Fry

With all the stress that surrounds the Holidays I have to take the time to remind myself that today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry!

It all started Saturday morning when I finally had to chance to do yoga (can you say no longer flexible?!) and zumba on Saturday morning! I haven't been able to do this for months so I was thrilled to get back into it.
After having my own personal zumba lesson I was able to pick an ornament from the box at the gym and low and behold it had that great little quote on it!

My luck continued as Daniel ended up getting off work early and we were able to go to lunch and binge on Supernatural!

Sunday I had to work but Daniel and I were able to run a few errands and clean the house!

This morning I spent quality time with my girl in case she goes off to a new person for a little bit

Enjoying our trail ride with Bethany and Ashley (not pictured)

Tonight we were able to go see Christmas lights at a place called Mike's farm!

I wish we had gotten a better picture!


Five on Friday!

And what a busy Friday it has been!
I recently arrived home and was able to shower/take a breath and present you with this post! 
Today I am linking up with Caroline to bring you five things on Friday!

1:: I am so excited for dinner tonight! Daniel and I (along with his brother and sister in law) are going to the Boiler room! It is a burger and oyster place and boy is it good! It also features my favorite local beer so how can I not like it?! I am not an oyster person but I really do enjoy their butterbean burger.

2:: My new addiction - Soda Crush
I don't know why but I enjoy this one better than Candy Crush even though it is the exact same thing.
So if you like Candy Crush then go check out Soda Crush!

3:: I know I mentioned it in a past post (please forgive me for showing the picture to you twice) but I cannot stop thinking about Simply Natural Creamery and their delicious ice cream! I have to go back and try the peanut butter cup (among other flavors) because the ice cream is incredible. 

4:: Since it is five on Friday I will share with you a grueling little five minute ab workout that you can repeat more than once if you like! I did it this morning, along with another ab workout, and you will feel it! 

5:: Please enjoy my current obsession favorite song! Stolen Dance by Milky Chance

Happy Friday!


Chocolate Chip {Reeses} Cookie Muffins

If you like Reeses then prepare to make and eat a ton of these things! 
They certainly aren't healthy but boy are they good.

And did I mention that they are super simple to make?

Here is what you'll need:
1. Cookie Dough (unless you make your own!)
2. Miniature Reeses Cups (I used dark chocolate this year)
3. Small muffin/cupcake tray
4. Pam

What to do:
1. Pam the muffin tray
2. Roll cookie dough into small balls (golf ball size) and place in tray
3. Stick in oven - following the directions on the cookie container
4. A few minutes before cookies are done cooking, get out Reeses and unwrap as many as you need
5. As soon as the cookie muffins come out of the oven place a Reeses into the middle of each one

And there you have it! 
A fast, easy, and delicious treat that most people will enjoy!

P.s. Sorry for the non-glamorous picture. I made another batch of these last night and remembered that I wanted to share with you all!


Weekend Happenings

I was actually home this weekend and had some very successful happenings.
For starters, I made it to the gym Saturday morning to take Zumba with my favorite instructor!
I haven't been able to do my usual yoga and Zumba on Saturday mornings, for about 2 months, because I have either been out of town, at a horse show, or working and let me just say that I had my butt handed to me Saturday morning.

So what's a girl to do after having her butt whooped at the gym?
Go get her nails done of course! 
...And I caved/went to the dark side again. I ended up with shellac and boy did I miss it! 

While all smelly, but hey my fingers looked nice, I went out and picked up some presents for Daniels family while he worked.
That night Daniel and I attended the barn Christmas Party and it was a blast just like last year.
At one point Bethany, Ashley, and I ended up down in the barn having photo shoots with our horses.
Here is the end result

On Sunday Daniel and I just bummed it because we don't get that opportunity very often. Our day consisted of Supernatural, grocery shopping, and more Supernatural. 
We did get the chance to go to the Simply Natural Creamery and it did not disappoint!

That is one scoop you guys...

So definitely go get yourself some ice cream if you end up in Eastern NC.
Seriously some of the best ice cream I have ever had.

Did you get to do anything exciting/fun this weekend?


Confession Friday!

Happy Friday!! 
I hope you all have had a good week.
Want to confess some things? Join the fun here!

I am looking forward to the barn Christmas party tomorrow!
Are you looking forward/doing anything fun this weekend?

Lets get to the confessions...

{1} I confess that having a young horse is no joke. There are many positives about Remi but I have this grandiose picture in my head that everything is going to be beautiful right now. Well someone better pop that image with a pin real fast because with a baby horse I am going to go to hit all three phases of the good, the bad, and the ugly before it all comes together. 

{2} I confess that I really want to go have my nails done and get shellac. I have been painting mine because of my lack of income and trying to save, but shellac looks so nice and I miss having my fake nails that would last between working out and the barn...
Ah, I don't know what to do.

{3} I confess that I made a mistake by not buying a set of stocking holders. Yes, call me crazy but I bought two when I should have bought four and just used the other two for the dogs. It took me a year to find stocking holders that I liked and now I can't find any more. Major mistake.

{4} I confess that I tried dates for the first time and they are so good! The texture is odd to me but they are incredibly good and I suggest that everyone should go and try one if you have a grocery store that sells them!

{5} I confess that the Christmas tree is totally decorated and I wrapped presents yesterday! Ah Christmas! 


Currently... {A Link Up}

Today I am participating in a new link up hosted by Jenna and Anne to talk about Christmas! 
This link up is right up my alley since I love Christmas!


Listening:: The Christmas station on Pandora. We decorated the tree last night and I had Christmas music on full blast and enjoyed every second of it.

Watching:: Daniel and I have been binge watching Supernatural on Netflix every chance we get. I don't mind since I have a major crush on Dean...
I also started watching ABC's 25 Days of Christmas! 

Wrapping:: Nothing...
I did get the tree up and I have managed to order almost everyone's presents so I feel that I am doing pretty good. Now that I have accumulated a few presents I do believe I need to start the wrapping process. I even bought the wrapping paper already!

Making:: I am going to make my Reese Cookie Cupcakes this weekend and I will also be making the Better Than Sex Toffee! Tis the season!

Anticipating:: Finishing up this semester and finding out about nursing school.
And Christmas - of course!

P.S. I kinda want to be that crazy family that does this...


November Favorites!

Hello December! 
I am so thrilled that it is December because I am such a Christmas fanatic.

So November flew by but that does not mean I didn't fall in love with a few makeup items!

This is the palette I have traveled with recently. It is very versatile and includes a full size Tarte Amazonian blush as well as a highlighter and bronzer. 

I like this foundation because it really does have good coverage and it has SPF 15. I like using my beauty blender to apply this foundation because of the coverage. A little goes a long way! 

After doing a cat eye I love outlining my cat eye and glaming it up a little. I included a swatch so you can see the glimmer of gold. It is hard to capture it on camera but definitely check it out. 

I have had this product for a while and loved it but then I forgot about it. I recently rediscovered it and am a total fan of applying it under my eyes after finishing my eye makeup to brighten and illuminate my under eye area. It also makes your eye makeup appear crisper.

Adore this product. I love caviar sticks because they are so long lasting and the range of colors is great. Amethyst is swatched in the middle above. It definitely glistens a bit more in real life but you can definitely wear it everyday by itself or put eye shadow on top. 

It is no secret that I love Revlon Lip Butters because they are so comfortable to wear. Red Velvet is actually a nice pigmented red. It is not as dark and scary as some lipsticks but it is definitely a very pretty red on the lips. I also swatched it so you could have an idea of what the color looks like.

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