
But Why is The Weekend Gone?

This weekend was a busy one!
Saturday I worked early in the morning until the afternoon, then I went to pick up Daniel's shoes (Christmas present) and let me just tell you the disaster that occurred...
So Daniel has been wanting these shoes for the longest time and my parents are giving them to him for Christmas. I went to order them early (because of a miscommunication disaster last time Daniel attempted to order them) and was proud of myself because this way I had time if anything went horribly wrong. Thankfully nothing went wrong with the order, but things went astray when they CALLED Daniel to tell him an order was in...
I explicitly told them not to call Daniel because they were a present and he needs not know about them! They took my number and assured me that I would be phoned when they came in. I tried to by step this whole mess by stopping in with my mom last weekend to see if they had arrived and I just hadn't received a call (this has also happened on a previous order).
When I went in to pick them up on Saturday (and grudgingly tell them that they called Daniel which was a big no no) the guy informs me that they were actually in last weekend when my mom and I were there but they had been misplaced (or something like that) and when they figured it out they tried to call the number on the sheet (my number) but it wasn't good. UGH! I think it's just excuses but at least I got the shoes! Small victories, people, small victories. 

After that disaster I went to the gym and then home to the nuggets who thought I betrayed them by leaving them in the crates for so long. That night Daniel and I went to dinner and I must admit I think I loved my cocktail more than any other part of the meal - sad but very true. I do not remember the exact name but it had muddled raspberries, muddled lemon, gin, simple syrup, and I believe that was it. I didn't take a picture because I was too busy consuming it but I definitely had a lot of fun at dinner and am happy Daniel and I had the chance to go out for a bit.

I have a crappy iphone pic to share since Daniel dislikes taking pictures and my best chance is with impromptu iPhone pics in the parking lot. This is not a good picture of Daniel and after we took it he goes "this is why I don't take pictures." Sigh.

Sunday was a diasterous morning. Daniel and I planned on making breakfast but low and behold two of the four eggs were frozen leaving only enough for one of us. Daniel made me an omelet and proceeded to make oatmeal for himself. 
I had plans of getting to the barn early so I could ride both Lulu and Velvet before it stormed.
Que the disaster. 
We left late because of the breakfast conundrum and then sucked up a whole 10+ minutes saving turtles. We finally made it to the barn and the gate was locked. Guess what? I didn't bring the key and didn't even think about it because I never use my gate key. After trying to get a hold of anyone (and disturbing everyone I am sure) with no luck we drove back to the house to get my key. 
On the way back we ended up saving two more turtles and our original little buddy who we saved was crossing the road again (no friend!) and as Daniel and I were turning back around to save him/her...some a-hole ran my turtle over and I will never forgive them. 
Once we got the gate key and made it back to the barn I realized that the key I was given did not fit the lock. Thankfully I got hold of Loren (my one trainer) that time and her dad came and let us in.
The good news is I had a very good day with Lulu and Velvet and both mares were very good! And I managed to get on both of them before it monsooned the rest of the day. 


Later that day Daniel and I relaxed and played Yahtzee (yes we are that couple) and then I painted my nails and read Marie Claire all while obsessing over fall! The temperatures have finally dropped a bit and it is making me anticipate fall even more! Ah!

Obsessed with that Gucci dress...

If you have made it this far - thank you! Sorry about my shoe rant and turtle rant but I just had to share it with someone. 
Did you have a good weekend?
Are you ready for fall?!?!

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