
Hello Monday

Monday, once again, you snuck up on me.
I was on the go the entire weekend so I am sure that didn't help.
My mom and I were suppose to get our hair cut on Saturday morning but our hairdresser ended up falling ill the night before so we had to reschedule. Thankfully he is squeezing us in just a couple of weeks! My hair needs it! I was disappointed that we didn't have our hair done on Saturday because I am thinking about making a decently big change with my hair.
I am thinking of going shoulder length. 
Something like this: 

I have blonde wavy hair so I figure this couldn't be too awful - just something I will have to get use to. 

Even though the hair fell through I still went and met my mom in Raleigh. We had a good day!
I ended up finding the micro beauty blender (see picture) - they are so tiny and cute! It is meant to blend in concealer and other tiny areas of the face. They are just so cute!

I also ended up picking up NARS Orgasm and I am so excited! I have been missing out all of this time. We might go into my love of this blush later but I have to say that I will always be picking this up when I run out, in the future.

I spent the vast majority of the day in Raleigh on Saturday and by the time I got home it was late and I plopped my butt on the couch until bed. 

Sunday I worked in the morning and then went out to the barn.
I hopped on both horses and had a great day. Velvet is always a good girl but I can't shake the feeling that she isn't quite where I want her to be. Regardless I tried to take cute pictures with her and she wanted none of it. 

After I was done with Velvet I hopped on Lulu and took her for a spin. I wasn't sure how it would go considering she had only been ridden once that week and I put a new bit in her mouth...
She was fantastic! Such a pleasure to ride. I could have cantered around on her all afternoon. The girls were so good! 
I was planning on making it to the gym but it was already passed five and I still had to run to Target so I skipped the gym and opted for a triathlon HIIT workout (Christine Salus did it and holy moly you will hurt!) today. Can we say pain?

I did have a great surprise last night (but I had to swear not to document it in any shape or form)...
Chipotle opened! Well they had their last training day yesterday so as long as we didn't share any info, yesterday, on social media we were allowed to get free food! Oh my gosh, so happy!
I should have documented a picture of it but I was too excited and devoured it. 

So overall a good weekend! How was your weekend? 


Confession Friday

Woohoo Friday!!
I don't know about you but this week has flown by for me. Also, how is it the end of September already? I love October so I'm not complaining, but honestly time is just going on by.

Let's get to these Friday confessions! Join the link-up here!

{1} I confess that I am so happy and also horrified that Halloween candy is out. I already bought three different bags...
Yes, I did. I am now working on not eating all of the candy. I did buy one bag of snack size twix just for me so that I wouldn't be tempted to open the other candy.

{2} I confess that I haven't been able to really ride this week because of the weather. Having a break the first few days of the week was nice since I horse showed last weekend but I went out today hoping to ride and the ring is so sloppy from rain. So I hopped on Velvet, realized the ring was a disaster, and then let her walk around the farm. I then went into the pasture and played with Lulu while she enjoyed some outside time.

{3} I confess that this cloudy drizzly weather really gets me in the mood for chili and tortilla soup! Can't wait to bust out the crockpot for some warm chili or soup this year!

{4} I confess that we have had temperatures in the awkward 60's and it's killing me. It's not warm enough to bum in a tshirt and shorts but it's also not cold enough to break out my fall clothes!
Soon, hopefully, soon...

What have you got going on this weekend?


Super Yummy Healthy Tacos!

Hello everyone!
I hope your week is going well so far.
The weather here is cool, windy, and we have gotten a good amount of rain this morning, which is a bummer because the dogs want to go on a walk and I was planning on riding.

Since I am currently snuggled up in the house, procrastinating, I wanted to share my new lunch/dinner obsession!

Healthy lettuce tacos!

Here is what you need:
1) Strips of lettuce. I used romaine.

2) Cheese of your choice. I used pepper jack.

3) Ground turkey or ground beef.

4) Taco seasoning.

5) Red onions - or any other toppings you choose.

5) Some type of chunk salsa. I used My Brothers Salsa in Black bean and Corn.

All you do is cook up your meat and add the taco seasoning.
You can use a whole strip of lettuce or split it in half like I did in the picture.
Scoop some chunky salsa onto your lettuce. 
Add the ground meat once it is ready and then add toppings and that's it! 

So good and easy! 
They can be a bit messy but the lettuce held up well overall.

I have eaten these the last two days in a row and ran out to get more ground meat today so I can make some more for lunch - that is how good they are!

If you try these out, I hope you enjoy!


Unexpected Places

Sorry I have been MIA for a few days but I promise I have two good excuses reasons!
1) I spent my weekend at a horse show and it literally sucks up your entire life - but it's so worth it!
2) I am sick. Just a cold but it has sucked all the motivation right out of me. 

So, as the title says, I ended up at unexpected places this weekend.
First off, the horse show. I had planned on showing for a while but Velvet hadn't been quite right for a good month now and we started to suspect that it had to do with her shoes. While she was never not ridable (thank goodness!) she certainly wasn't going like she normally does.
We made the executive decision to have her re-shoed on Thursday and bring her to the show Friday to see if there was a difference.
I schooled her around Friday and there was a huge difference! Because of the large turn around we decided to show her even though both she and I hadn't jumped hardly in the past month+ because of everything going on.
We had a few rough spots but nothing bad whatsoever and I couldn't be happier considering the circumstances. I was pretty proud of myself and my little girl. 
We also ended up bringing Lulu over to the show to play with her - we also thought we were sending her home at this point. Well she is young and needs some work but overall (considering everything we've thrown at this mare) she has had a good brain about it. 
Now we are keeping her for a month and then sending her home to foal while we decide what to do next! 

Saturday night my mom, Daniel, and I headed back to the show to watch the equitation finals and then we headed out to dinner with Loren at a little place called Sunnyside Oyster Bar. I am going to link the website because, guys, this place was so much fun and I don't even like seafood! My dinner consisted of broccoli and cheese, lance crackers, shrimp, and beer. I regret not taking pictures of everything but you will get the gist of it if you decide to visit the website.
Let me put it this way...
If you happened to drive by this place without knowing anything about it you would more than likely avoid it - yes, it is a complete hole in the wall and while we all know some of the best places to eat are holes in the wall - there are plenty that you really should avoid.
We waited for about an hour before we were crammed into a rectangular bar while the shuckers stand on the other side and shuck your oysters right in front of you. The shuckers make the place! They even have pictures of the shuckers on the place mats and you just know that a lot of these people have been shucking oysters at this place for a long time. 
This place has been featured in Southern Living among other magazines so you know you're in for a treat! 

If you are ever in Williamston, NC then you have to stop by!

So, I completely sucked at taking pictures this entire weekend and I apologize for that. 
Wednesday I plan on having a new healthy recipe posted if all goes well tonight! 

Did you have a good weekend?


Sally Hansen Gel Nail Polish - First Thoughts!

Hello everyone!
Sorry this post didn't happen yesterday but I literally ran around like a chicken with its head cut off all day and then promptly passed out around 10 before I could get this up. 

So, as I mentioned on Monday, I bought the Sally Hansen Gel Polish in Red Eye.

Here it is freshly applied on Sunday night:

Here it is as of today (Thursday):

So, it definitely isn't pristine anymore.
I wanted to see what it will look like on Sunday but I don't know if I will make it that far without repainting my nails.
Anyway, I will admit that the polish did apply nicely and is fully opaque after two coats.
I definitely recommend using their gel top coat with it. I only used one coat and next time I will use two to see if it makes a difference.

It really did look good until, about, late Wednesday night. I also admit that the color is gorgeous and I have received so many compliments on it. 

I do wish it would have lasted a bit longer since it is a gel formula, but overall it did perform pretty well considering what I put it through.
I have worked out every day, I thoroughly cleaned the house (scrubbing stuff without gloves), I've done the dishes multiple times, I rode two horses yesterday, and I have been playing catch (among other sports) while nannying.

Overall Impression:
I am pretty pleased! Yes, I wish it would last a bit longer - I miss my fake nails that lasted forever - but overall it looked really good once applied, the color is gorgeous, and I put it through the ringer and it managed to hold tight pretty decently. I think I will be picking up another color to see if it performs as well. Also, I will try two top coats next time to see if it makes a difference!

Will you be picking up one of these polishes?


A Weekend Full of New and Old Memories

This weekend was a rainy one - but the temperatures did also cool down which makes me super happy!

This weekend consisted of cleaning the house and buying a new vacuum. Thrilling, no? 
I also ended up at the three different grocery stores because I just couldn't pull it together.

I also ended up at Ulta twice. That's right, bad Hanna. 
I did pick up the new Sally Hansen Gel Nail Polish that I have been interested in trying!

I tend on running these puppies through the mud and back this week as I will do my normal workout/riding routine and then this weekend I have a horse show. On Sunday (a week from when I painted them) we will see how they did.

I also started watching Scandal on Netflix this weekend while Daniel was working and I am hooked! 
Blew threw Season 1 on Sunday alone...

Even though it rained pretty much all day Saturday, I was able to get out to the barn Sunday and ride Miss Velvet and Sweet Lulu. I wasn't sure how the two girls would be considering the temperature has dropped a bit but they were both incredibly good! 

On a sadder note...
This weekend marked the one year of the death of my little Bailey.

Just because the days go by does not mean I miss you any less.


Confession Friday!

I am crushing on Leslie's new blog design! You see the button above? Aren't you intrigued? You should go check it out here!

{1} I confess that I went to the urgent care this morning to discover that I have a scleral cyst...
How?? I admit it's not that painful - more irritating than anything though I do hope it goes away soon. 

{2} I confess that even though the morning didn't start off the best, I did get in a great HIIT workout and had a blast at the barn today!

{3} I confess that I went to Ulta last night to buy Ardell Accent (half) lashes and I am so bummed that I cannot try them out this weekend now because of my eye! If you love big lashes but don't want full fake ones then go look at accent lashes. They give you some oomf without being to overdone! 

{4} I confess that I finally have my school e-mail address up and running again (yay!) but now I cannot get the admission people, from the school I will be applying to, to call me back. Why is this so difficult?

{5} I confess that I am ready to make some crockpot chili! I may have to take the plunge and make some this weekend even though it's not going to be that cool outside..
Any one have any go to chili recipes?


Why Fall Needs to Hurry Up

I am fall obsessed and I'm pretty sure you have figured this out by now.
Unfortunately, in the South, we tend to skip over fall (except for a few fleeting days) and while that saddens me, it does not stop my enthusiasm for the season!

Reasons why fall needs to get here:

1:: Vests
I have been dying to get my hands on this herringbone J.Crew Vest but it is always sold out.
Find similar vests at here.

Barbour Vest
Look at that color! Find it here!here!

2:: Jackets

Barbour Beadnell Waxed jacket here!
Pricey but such a great lifetime investment piece!

Pendleton Coat
Find it here!

3:: Oxblood Lips
I am in love with this trend!

MAC Diva
See picture and review on

Drugstore: Wet and Wild Cherry Bomb

4:: Boots or booties!
Frye Phillip Riding

Hunter Boots

Find all different styles here!

What do you love about fall?


But Why is The Weekend Gone?

This weekend was a busy one!
Saturday I worked early in the morning until the afternoon, then I went to pick up Daniel's shoes (Christmas present) and let me just tell you the disaster that occurred...
So Daniel has been wanting these shoes for the longest time and my parents are giving them to him for Christmas. I went to order them early (because of a miscommunication disaster last time Daniel attempted to order them) and was proud of myself because this way I had time if anything went horribly wrong. Thankfully nothing went wrong with the order, but things went astray when they CALLED Daniel to tell him an order was in...
I explicitly told them not to call Daniel because they were a present and he needs not know about them! They took my number and assured me that I would be phoned when they came in. I tried to by step this whole mess by stopping in with my mom last weekend to see if they had arrived and I just hadn't received a call (this has also happened on a previous order).
When I went in to pick them up on Saturday (and grudgingly tell them that they called Daniel which was a big no no) the guy informs me that they were actually in last weekend when my mom and I were there but they had been misplaced (or something like that) and when they figured it out they tried to call the number on the sheet (my number) but it wasn't good. UGH! I think it's just excuses but at least I got the shoes! Small victories, people, small victories. 

After that disaster I went to the gym and then home to the nuggets who thought I betrayed them by leaving them in the crates for so long. That night Daniel and I went to dinner and I must admit I think I loved my cocktail more than any other part of the meal - sad but very true. I do not remember the exact name but it had muddled raspberries, muddled lemon, gin, simple syrup, and I believe that was it. I didn't take a picture because I was too busy consuming it but I definitely had a lot of fun at dinner and am happy Daniel and I had the chance to go out for a bit.

I have a crappy iphone pic to share since Daniel dislikes taking pictures and my best chance is with impromptu iPhone pics in the parking lot. This is not a good picture of Daniel and after we took it he goes "this is why I don't take pictures." Sigh.

Sunday was a diasterous morning. Daniel and I planned on making breakfast but low and behold two of the four eggs were frozen leaving only enough for one of us. Daniel made me an omelet and proceeded to make oatmeal for himself. 
I had plans of getting to the barn early so I could ride both Lulu and Velvet before it stormed.
Que the disaster. 
We left late because of the breakfast conundrum and then sucked up a whole 10+ minutes saving turtles. We finally made it to the barn and the gate was locked. Guess what? I didn't bring the key and didn't even think about it because I never use my gate key. After trying to get a hold of anyone (and disturbing everyone I am sure) with no luck we drove back to the house to get my key. 
On the way back we ended up saving two more turtles and our original little buddy who we saved was crossing the road again (no friend!) and as Daniel and I were turning back around to save him/her...some a-hole ran my turtle over and I will never forgive them. 
Once we got the gate key and made it back to the barn I realized that the key I was given did not fit the lock. Thankfully I got hold of Loren (my one trainer) that time and her dad came and let us in.
The good news is I had a very good day with Lulu and Velvet and both mares were very good! And I managed to get on both of them before it monsooned the rest of the day. 


Later that day Daniel and I relaxed and played Yahtzee (yes we are that couple) and then I painted my nails and read Marie Claire all while obsessing over fall! The temperatures have finally dropped a bit and it is making me anticipate fall even more! Ah!

Obsessed with that Gucci dress...

If you have made it this far - thank you! Sorry about my shoe rant and turtle rant but I just had to share it with someone. 
Did you have a good weekend?
Are you ready for fall?!?!


Friday Happenings

Happy Friday everyone! 
I've been out of the house all day and work tomorrow morning but I wanted to get this post up to share what has been going on this week. 


This little cutie pie is the dog I (along with a few other neighbors) found in our neighborhood. She is just as sweet as could be and is now living with one of my neighbors! I couldn't be happier for this little girl. She is going in to get groomed tomorrow and I can't wait to see how adorable she will look afterward!


One of my little goobers. Ash has an obsession with being sandwiched between stuff when he is resting. Weird I know - but very true! 


So...I may have paid a ridiculous amount to pick up this juice from the last umbrella market - and it was good! So good! I really want to get a few more but the price tag is killing me. Maybe I should just invest in a juicer...


Pumpkin Beer! Ah, I have been waiting for the fall to rear its beautiful head so that I could get my hands on pumpkin beer again. I am really picky about which one's I like but I must admit that the Dogfish Head Punkin Ale was great! I am also a big fan of Uinta Punk'n Harvest Pumpkin Ale is another favorite of mine.

Last but certainly not least...
I was nominated to post some of my favorite horse pictures on Facebook and took the challenge.
Unfortunately I do not have many pictures at my house (the vast majority is at my parents) but I managed to find a few good one's of my glory days to share with you

And here is a major Throw Back Thursday - senior pictures with my beloved cheese puff!

I hope you all had a good week and I hope you have a great weekend!
I will be working and then watching football!


August Favorites!

Hello all! I am sorry that this post took me so long to get up and running today. Today has been a bit more stressful than anticipated.
Anyway...without further ado here are the things I loved during August.

1:: Tarte Rainforest After Dark Palette. So I tried and tried to not bring this palette home with me because I have too many but I just couldn't help myself. The palette is so versatile and it just made me want fall to hurry up. The palette include six eyeshadows, a full size amazonian clay blush, a highlighter, and a bronzer! And I am thoroughly impressed with the quality of all of the products. You may want to check this palette out if you are looking for a nice fall palette that really is is a great bang for your buck - check it out!

2:: Simply Natural Sparkling Water (specifically the Strawberry Peach). So I drink a lot of water but it does get monotonous after a while. To spice things up a little bit, without taking in a lot of calories, I opted for some sparkling water. I stumbled upon this sparkling water by accident at Harris Teeter and have been obsessed ever since. I really need to branch out and try other flavors but I am so hooked on the Strawberry Peach!

3:: Essence I Heart Extreme Mascara. I picked this stuff up on a whim while in Ulta. If I could only have one makeup item for the rest of my life it would be mascara and I am always on the hunt for a bigger and better one. So my all time, current, favorite mascara is Armani Eyes to Kill. The problem? It's so expensive. I am always on the hunt for a good mascara at a good price. I must say I am quite impressed by this mascara. It is a little thick for my bottom lashes but I love it on my top lashes! It makes my lashes longer and fuller without being super clumpy - so I can't complain! On my bottom lashes I am currently using L'oreal Telescopic mascara which I am also a big fan of.

4:: Revlon Lip Butter in Lemonade. What a great shade to just pop on your lips that goes with almost any look and is very natural looking. Always a fan of the lip butters! I also like to layer MAC's lemonade lip glass over top of the lemonade lip butter.

5:: MAC Honey Love. I love, love, love this lipstick! It is so natural but not too nude where your lips start matching your flesh color. I feel that this lipstick is understated in the tube but when you put it on your lips it really pulls any look together. A definite must in my book!

6:: Tazo Chai Latte. Can you tell how badly I want fall? Since I cannot afford my Starbucks coffee addiction on a normal basis, I picked up the Tazo Chai Latte from the store to add into my almond milk. It might not taste quite as good as my Oprah Chai from Starbucks, but I love how convenient it is to make at home and how well it tastes with my almond milk!

7:: Cotton Candy Grapes. Guys...I am addicted. I did not touch these for the longest time because cotton candy and grapes just didn't sound appealing to me. Boy was I wrong. I cheated and ate a grape in Fresh Market and promptly grabbed a bag of these and threw them in my cart. I also proceeded to demolish them within a few days of purchase. Will definitely be getting some more. If you can find these then please do yourself a favor and try them! 

There they are! I have some new fun things to experiment with this month and will hopefully make it onto September favorites. Stick around to find out what makes the cut!


Monday's Hopes and Plans!

Hopes and Plans

Happy Monday! And it is a happy Monday since it's Labor Day - well if you are not working, that is.

I managed to complete all of last weeks Hopes and Plans except make an appointment to consign come that will roll over to this week!

Here we go!

{1} Call and make an appointment to consign some clothes

{2} Send a picture ID to my lovely school so that my account will no longer be deactivated

{3} E-mail the potential new school and ask some questions about the application process

{4} Complete another full body HIIT Workout this week! One down today, one to go!

Do you have any hopes and plans for the week?

Wednesday I hope to have my August favorites up and running :)

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