
TGIF - Confession Time!

Happy Friday blogger friends! Are you excited for the weekend? Only one quiz and work stands in the way of mine. 
Are you doing anything fun for the three day weekend? Daniel does not have Monday off (farmer life y'all) but I am hoping my parents can come visit for a day or two! 

So shall we get to the confessions? Join the fun by going to Leslie's blog

{1} I confess that I am so darn excited that it is football season! This makes me want fall and all the cute clothes and warm food that comes along with it! You can cool down anytime now weather...

{2} I confess that my day ended with a bang yesterday when I managed to get a piece of glass stuck in my heal last night. It happened in Daniel's truck and I don't even know how it got there but it certainly found its way into my heal. I didn't even know what it was at first but Daniel figured it out after he pulled it out - ouch! 

{3} I confess that I had a man - who I waved to and he didn't wave back! - return to his home while I was walking the dogs on by. This man proceeded to come after me and ask if my dogs were the one's who pooped in his yard. I promptly informed him that it was not my dogs (but thanks for targeting me since I was the only one out at that time) and if it were my dogs, I would pick it up with my poop bags that I proceeded to show him, since I had already picked up Ash poop earlier. Rude. 

{4} I confess that I learned we are supposedly having a very cold winter again this year and it makes me want to buy sweaters, scarves, boots, etc! 

That is it for this Friday. I hope everyone has a great long weekend!


So You're Thinking About Starting HIIT Workouts...

Happy hump day blog friends! 
We are half way through the week which means we are that much closer to the weekend! 

Today's post is about my favorite, follow along, HIIT workouts. 
I didn't do HIIT workouts for a while because I wasn't sure how to perform all of the moves correctly.
Instead of googling every single one and trying to remember it when I got to the gym, I found two woman who film their workouts so that you can follow along and see exactly what you are suppose to be doing!
If you do not want to perform these at a gym - have no fear! You can follow along at home and stream it on your TV, if you have the ability :) 

Both these women have a variety of HIIT workouts that range from short to long as well as focusing on different parts of your body.
If you are interested an want to take a look:

1) Cyclone Fit

2) Christine Salus

Do not let the full body workouts scare you away. Both women have 15 min HIIT workouts that you can easily incorporate into your routine! 
Take a look and enjoy! 
Let me know if you complete any of the workouts or if you have any workouts that you truly enjoy and want to share. 


Hopes and Plans

Today I am linking up with Amanda to bring you my hopes and plans for the week!

Lets get to it

One:: Make an appointment to consign some fall clothes.

Two:: Follow up on Daniel's Christmas present and see whats going on with that.

Three:: I will receive my NLN Pax scores this week and my hope is that I did well enough so that I do not have to take them again.

Four:: Celebrate the nuggets Birthday! They turned one today!

Five:: To do another total body workout along with my HIIT cardio for the week! 

That's it! Do you have any hopes and/or plans?


Lets Confess

I'm so sorry but I just had to add this picture this Friday since everyone is going back to college.
I must admit that I feel this picture is a good representation of what I have seen during my first weekends back to college!

Want to play along, go to Leslie's blog by clicking here!

{1} I confess that I am starting to see all the fall stuff in stores, magazines, websites, etc. but it is still a blazing 100 degrees here and I am so over it. Fall weather where are you?!?!

{2} I confess that I am frustrated with the gym and working out. I have gained a little weight since last summer (not much - most things still fit but I want them to fit like they did last summer) and have really kicked it into high gear with my workout routine and eating. I tend to stay away from the scale because I like to judge based on how my clothes fit, not a number - but I haven't lost a lb. In fact I think I gained one and I really do not see how this is possible. I know it's only been a two week change but I figured something would happen. Ugh.

{3} I confess that my love of Alex and Ani has been rekindled. It's not that I ever stopped liking their stuff, my obsession stage died down slightly. Well not it's back and I feel the need to get dressed up so that I can wear all my cute stuff!

{4} I confess that with my schedule and nannying this semester I never wear anything cute or put on makeup and this saddens me. Daniel has promised that we could go out this weekend so that I can get dolled up. Sad but true folks!

{5} I confess that as I was going through bins of clothes trying to decide what to donate, I found all my cute summer shirts that have been MIA! Now I just need to try them all on and make sure everything fits! 

That's all she wrote!

Are you ready for fall? What is your go to gym routine?


There's Always a Silver Lining

Hello and happy Wednesday! 

I know this post isn't the most invigorating thing, but it's a nice reminder that hit me slap in the face yesterday. 

Yesterday was just not my day... 
I went to class and ended up with a spider in my hair - and if you know me and spiders then you are aware of the horror that befell me when I saw the girl I was talking to make a panicked face while looking at my head. 
Then I went home and brought up the garbage and the recycling after checking to make sure that the recycling was empty since they always get the garbage first. Not yesterday. I took the dogs out to pee and there was the garbage truck passing my house! Oh well.

So lunch it is! I did have a good lunch but not until I managed to spill shrimp sauce all over the floor and inside of the refrigerator. The dogs thought it was great! 

Then I found out that my school email had been disabled because someone hacked it. 

After all was said and done I went to the gym to get rid of some of the frustration. 
When I got home from the gym and took the nuggets out, I noticed this cute little dog standing on the porch of a house - clearly lost. 
With the help of two neighbors we were able to get the sweet girl into the fenced in back yard of one of my neighbors! 
She is incredibly sweet and we have found out that she is not microchipped and the girl who currently is keeping her might keep her for life if we do not find the owner! 
It just makes my heart burst with joy knowing that we were able to safely get this sweet girl into a neighbors yard. It made me realize how minuscule my problems of the day really were.

I know this little girl is happy with her food, water, attention, and crate. 
If I didn't have two young dogs I would take her in an instant. I really hope my neighbor ends up keeping her but if she can't I will make sure this sweet girl finds a good permanent home. 

Good things always happen when you least expect it! 


Currently - A Link Up

Hello and happy Monday! 

I saw this link up over at The Ashcraft Bunch and thought it would be fun to give it a go! 


Thinking About:: What to make for dinner, how boring my Ethics book is, and how nice it would be to have some caffeine right about now.

Reading:: Tigers in Red Weather. I bought the book in the beginning of the summer, read like crazy before my summer class started and then it went downhill from there. Now fall classes have started and I have yet to finish the book!

Listening To:: Pandora's Sweater Weather station!

Watching:: All my junk lovely TV shows! True Blood, Jersey Belle, Don't Be Tardy, Game of Crowns, the Housewives, etc.

Thankful For:: My new job, my horse, my parents, the dogs, my boyfriend, friends, and my new sparkling water love.

Enjoying:: My horse. I have had more time to ride this summer than I have had in a while and I am so happy to be able to spend more time at the barn! I have also been enjoying my HIIT workouts. I may not enjoy them when I am struggling through them but afterwards I sure do feel good!

Photographing:: Nothing! And I was saying to myself this morning how I need to be better about that because I always get caught up in the moment and forget to take pictures even when I do remember my camera. 

Feeling:: Tired but excited to have a switch up in my normal routine this semester. New workouts, more barn time, and a job!

Making Me Happy:: Chai Latte's ;) Okay, okay, I am happy that Daniel and I got to spend Sunday together (even if it was boring stuff like grocery shopping), I'm happy that we have already booked a small trip for this winter, and I am happy that we are so close to fall! I love fall.

Loving:: The opportunity to possibly have another horse in the nearish future, incorporating weights into my yoga workout, the few mornings we had when it felt like fall, and that it's almost time for college football! Go Wolfpack!


It's Friday So That Means It's Confession Time!

Join the link-up here!

Let's get to it!

{1} I must admit that I, for once, was not looking forward to this Friday...
Why? Because my classes started today. I didn't even have to go on campus seeing as both of my classes were online today, but I still have yet to look at them because I am avoiding.

{2} I confess that I have completely switched over to HIIT workouts on the elliptical and they have killed me. Literally...

{3} I also confess that I was the crazy lady in the gym this morning watching the Derby Finals (horses) while working out.

{4} I confess that I take the NLN Pax tomorrow and I am trying not to freak out about it. I've studied, I've prepared, I don't standardized test well but I have to give it my all.

{5} I confess that the mornings have felt so nice around here and it is making me want fall to come faster and it is also making me want to shop. I love fall clothes, shoes, and accessories. I already found some stuff I want! Too bad I cannot afford it, haha.

What do you have to confess this Friday? 


Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Overnight Oat

Want a quick yummy breakfast that will keep you full?

Introducing overnight oats! There's a ton of different overnight oat recipes on the internet but this is the one I have been making and have no complaints!

Here is what you need:
-mason jar
-1/2 cup of rolled oats
-1/2 of almond milk
-a tablespoon (or however much you want) of almond butter/peanut butter
-half a teaspoon of vanilla extract 
-Chocolate chips (I use the mini ones!)
-teaspoon of agave (optional)
-cocoa powder to taste (also optional)

*On the optional ingredients, I slap together some or all of these ingredients the night before. It is really just preference and the great thing about overnight oats is that you can change the recipe however you want! 

Mix everything together and leave in the refrigerator overnight!

That's it! Go to bed and enjoy your yummy breakfast the next morning :)

I can't always eat all of my oats in one sitting but they also make a delicious snack during the day.


My Hopes and Plans

Hello, and happy Monday blog world :)
I sure hope your Monday morning started off better than mine!
Nothing like cleaning explosive nugget puke out of Boone's crate at 6:30 AM.

Though I will say, I feel like I have accomplished a lot this morning since I was forced out of bed to attend to a sick dog and do his laundry - nice life he leads, huh?
I hope my little man starts feeling better soon!

Click the picture to link-up with Amanda!
Marry Mint

Last weeks hopes and plans:

{1} Tighten up my eating routine a bit.  So far so good! Though I did have pizza last night for dinner as my cheat meal of the week. Hey, you only live once and I cannot eat healthy 24/7 or I would stray constantly.

{2} Go to the umbrella market and hopefully get some grass fed beef! Done, done, and done! So I didn't end up with grass fed beef but I ended up with grass fed sausage, mini cupcakes, some really good peach/habanero/basil jelly, and a picture frame. Yea, let's not talk about it. Also, Boone was great and I hope he had a blast walking around.

{3} Switch up my breakfast. Yes, I am either making eggs or overnight oats! Currently I am on an overnight oats kick. Recipe coming Wednesday! 

{4} Go pick up my books and parking permit for the semester. And what a sad day it was. Reminding me all about this upcoming semester. This is an easy semester for me and I am still dreading it...maybe because I don't like philosophy? Yea, definitely for that reason. 

This week/my last week of freedom hopes and plans: 

{1} Study, study, study: I take the NLN Pax this coming Saturday and I need to keep the studying up! Granted, some of it is sheer luck on whether or not you manage to get questions that you stand a better chance at knowing, but studying definitely helps you improve on what you are week on *cough* math *cough*. Cross your fingers I manage to do well enough that I do not have to take the Pax twice!

{2} Spend time with my lovely four legged creature that lives at the barn: Thankfully I am not as busy this coming semester because I have less classes, but I will also be working so I am going to take full advantage of this week (if the rain stays away) and ride my horse.

{3} As Daniel says: either sh*t or get off the pot: Let me explain. I have had this weird obsession with scarves and maxi skirts recently. The problem is 1) I am broke and 2) I am picky and am having a hard time finding what I like. I did find a scarf that I like (except it's always harder to tell online) and it's on sale for, oh 5 dollars, so I think I need to make a move. 

{4} Find some more HIIT workouts: Let me preface this by saying these workouts hurt like you know what. But you know what? I love them. I've only been doing two a week after my usual cardio workout (and I do yoga three days a week so...). Since I do a combination of things, I didn't want to give up what I already do so I just altered it and fit in HIIT workouts where I can. Now I just need to find a few to rotate. 

Do you have any hopes and plans for the week?


Confession Friday!

Happy Friday! Have you done the happy Friday dance yet?

Join the link up by going to Leslie's blog!

{1} I confess that I am currently obsessed with the Chai latte from a local coffee shop. Alas I cannot be addicted, though, because I cannot afford to be addicted. 

{2} I confess that I made some overnight oats last night and yummy! It's like having a healthy dessert for breakfast that fills you up and keeps you full. Can't beat that!

{3} I confess that I bought some veggie burgers this week to try them out and I am impressed! I bought the Dr. Praegers California Veggie Burgers and they are becoming a new staple food in my house! 

{4} I confess that I have a job! That is right! In fact I have two right now - one's more of a as needed basis but I will take it!

{5} I confess that I had Daniel kill a big spider that was sitting on the front porch yesterday and low and behold I failed again and unleashed tons of little baby spiders! If you missed the initial story - please see this post.

{6} I confess that I want fall, like, now. I love fall - hot coffee, cute fall clothes, and college football! Ah, I so miss being an NC State student and going to all of the games. I totally took that for granted when I was there. Didn't realize how easy I had it - except for fighting for student ticks. 

What do you feel like confessing this Friday?


"It's Like Heaven in a Cup!"

Daniel and I celebrated his Birthday this past weekend!
Not only did Daniel get a slice of cheesecake but I managed to snag a reservation at one of our favorite restaurants - The Chef and the Farmer!
If any blogger friends live in the south and get the chance to stop by Chef and the Farmer, do it! 

I have to apologize ahead of time and let you know that I took the pictures, in the dimly lit restaurant, on my cellphone - but you'll get the idea! 

To start off of our meal we had Peach Pork Belly skewers and a cheese plate.

For my entree I had the Blueberry BBQ Chicken and Daniel had a Striped Bass dish! 

For dessert we had the berry cobbler with basil ice cream! I loved it, Daniel is weird and likes cold cobbler so he wasn't quite as big of a fan as I was

And last but not least, let me tell you about my drink. This my friends is a hoptail.
It is a cocktail and beer concoction and I literally want to go back just for the drink. Kidding I want the food because it has been to die for all three times that I have been - but seriously a beer and a cocktail mixed together?!?! Dream come true! 

I tried googling it and cannot find anything! I am so bummed because I want to make one of these wonderful things. 
Mine had a wheat bear in it with some type of grapefruit and lemon concoction - all I can say is yum! 

Have you ever heard of a hoptail? Have you had one? 
If you figure out how to make a good one, would you pass it along, please? :) 

And there you have it, my Wednesday post filled with food and drinks! Are you ready for the weekend yet?


Hopes and Plans Link-up!

Another week where I am joining the lovely Amanda for her weekly link-up!

Last week:
{1} To do two HIIT workouts this week. Done and done!

 {2} Finish my micro class strong!   It's all done :)

{3} Study big time for the NLN Pax as soon as micro ends.  It's happening. I have been studying!

 {4} Get Daniel his favorite cheesecake for his Birthday. He demolished it last night and enjoyed every piece of it :)

 {5} Drop clothes off at the Salvation Army. Fail. I had high expectations and then it completely slipped my mind.

This week:

{1} Tighten up my eating routine a bit. I already eat pretty well, but I need to be a bit more consistent with my snacks and plan a bit better for dinner. 

{2} Go to the umbrella market and hopefully get some grass fed beef! Cross your fingers that the man is there so I can get some beef along with other stuff - all while taking Boone out and about for socialization.

{3} Switch up my breakfast. Not only am I tired of eating yogurt and granola every morning, but I also think I need to cut back on it a bit. 

{4} Go pick up my books and parking permit for the semester. Pretty self explanatory!

And that is it! What are your hopes and plans for the week? Did you have a nice weekend? I'll update you on mine on Wednesday!


Confession Friday!

Happy Friday!!

Are you happy that it's almost the weekend?

Link up and join Leslie for today's confessions.

{1} I am sitting on the couch in my barn clothes debating whether or not I will make it before I get poured on. I got up early, walked the dogs, and figured I'd have no problem making it to the barn before the, supposed, rain in the afternoon. Nope, we've already gotten some rain and it's so dark outside. 

{2} I confess that I rotted my life away yesterday and watched almost the entire first season of American Horror Story and I am hooked! I felt so bad for binge watching it that I started studying for the NLN Pax even though I told myself I would take a mini break and start today. 

{3} Speaking of the NLN Pax...I have no motivation and don't really want to study today but alas I have to.

{4} I confess that I am tired of people not coming through. I have had two potential employers, who I both had really good interviews with, not contact me back even though they said they would. I contacted both of them to see what was going on but I never received any word back. While I assume that both got my message, I know for a fact one did because they have their read receipts turned on on their phone so I can see that they read my message and chose not to respond. Sweet, no? Okay, rant over.

{5} My problem child dog, ahem Ash, chewed through his harness that I have only had back a week since his first altercation with it. I thought I was being smart by leaving it on only when I was home to watch him, last time he chewed through it he did it while bored in his crate, so I thought I was outsmarting him. False. The dog outsmarted me by beginning to play/chew on a toy and then I noticed something flop from him. Yea, it was the harness. Sigh. 

And that is it! Have a wonderful weekend! 

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