
Hopes and Plans

Today I am linking up with Amanda over at Marry Mint!
She has started a new link-up where you jot down your hopes and plans for the week and then the next week you can re-visit your hopes and plans and see what you managed to get done!
This is my first week participating so I will hop right to it...

One:: Organize the Bills. While I have managed to keep the bills, I have not managed to organize them. I ran to target last night and got an accordian binder to organize everything so hopefully I can get it all together!

Two:: Pick up the dogs heart worm and flea/tick prevention. If only the vet would allow me to buy in bulk so I wouldn't have to go back every month to get more. Alas that is not possible and it is cheaper for me to get it from my vet versus a pet store so I can't pass that up.

Three:: Hit the ground running with my online class. Guys I didn't realize that my summer class starts Wednesday. Don't get me wrong, I knew it started this week but I thought it started Friday - wrong. Good new is that I have my book so now I am just waiting for my syllabus so I can get going on that.

Four:: Continue studying for the NLN Pax. I bought the book and managed to start studying the day I bought it! I did some studying yesterday while Daniel worked. Lets hope I can keep this motivation to study going!

Five:: Call the bank and see why my card keeps getting rejected by the Starbucks app. Why cruel world?!?! I need my caffeine and while I can pay with my card, I want to upload money so that I can earn my little stars and get a free drink! Addicted? No...

Six:: Budget my money for next month. I don't blow through money. Okay I do, but it goes to the essentials like bills, groceries, gas, etc. While I know everything I am spending the money on is essential I plan on keeping better track of where everything is going versus just looking at my bank app and making a list in my head. 

Seven:: Make dinner every single day this week - except Friday or Saturday. I tend to do pretty well with this until we get towards the end of the week and laziness kicks in/Zoe's greek salad sounds really good. I have planned out meals this week (huzzah!) so lets see if I can make this happen!

Do you have any hopes and plans for the week? Join the link-up :) 
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Did you do anything fun??

I am off to spend time at the barn while I have the time :)

Marry Mint


  1. My budget needs a little facelift too. Just gotta make the time to sit down and re-evaluate things.

    Thanks for linking up :) Look forward to seeing what you accomplished next Monday!!

    1. No problem! We'll see what I can do. I made attempts to complete a few things yesterday :p


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