
Confession Friday!


Anyone have any fun plans for this weekend?
The weather is going to be beautiful here and I wish I wasn't just renting a place - otherwise I would be outside working on a garden! 

Lets get to it! Join the link-up here!

{1} I confess that I am DONE with the semester! AHH!!! Next stop: A summer class.

{2} I confess that I had/kinda have a promising potential job until they e-mailed me yesterday and said that that their hiring needs might change. No, I was looking forward to this job!

{3} I confess that if all else fails I am going the CNA route for now. Glamorous? No. A job? Yes.

{4} I confess that my mom is coming to town for the weekend and I am so excited! We have a few things planned for the weekend so it should be a fun one :)

{5} I confess that real life is scary you guys. I haven't had to worry about paying my rent, not being able to find a job, will I ever find a job, what if I spend all that time getting my Masters degree and can't find a job around here where Daniel has a good permanent job? The struggle! Can you tell I'm a worry wart? I know it will all be okay but sometimes you feel like you are constantly walking up a hill and never making it to the top - but I will!

{6} I confess that I am use to having so much work that I didn't know what to do with myself this morning when I couldn't sleep in. I did succeed in cleaning the house before my mom makes it here!

{7} I confess that in my boredom I contemplated the thought of picking up my book for my summer class so that I could start reading it. Yes I am crazy - judge away!

Have a nice weekend and Happy Mothers Day to all you mommas out there! 


  1. real life really is scary...
    Have a great weekend

  2. I am a total worry wart too - I just come by it naturally, thanks to my momma. :) Have a great weekend sweet girl!


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