
Confession Friday

Happy Friday! Another week has flown on by!
Join Leslie's link-up here!

{1} I confess that the nuggets and I made a boo boo this week. I did not move the Scentsy warmer like I should of, and Ash learned that dragging the Scentsy warmer and getting wax on himself/wall/and carpet is not a good idea.

This picture doesn't even do it justice. His ear looks fine here but it was COATED in a nice layer of wax. 

{2} I confess that I finally shaved my legs this week. TMI?? I'm lazy when it get colds and all I wear is long pants. Since we had a few warm days I decided it was time to shed my winter coat :)

{3} I confess that I keep telling myself that I will cut back my Starbucks consumption. The only reason I have cut back is because I found a new caffeine addiction that I can buy from Fresh Market.

{4} I confess that I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new wattle bottle all week! It finally came last night!


{5} I made my frist gyno appointment. It's not for a few more weeks but that still doesn't mean I am not slightly nervous. TMI once again? Sorry ladies but it's true and we are confessing... :)

{6} I already have too many nails polishes but I saw the color Splash of Grenadine by Essie and I am dying to get my hands on it. Does anyone own it and what do you think of it?

{7} I confess that I let the nuggets crawl into bed for about an hour in the morning so that I can sleep some more. 5:40 is too early for me!


My Love of Smoothies

About 3 years ago I made a commitment to be more health conscious. 
To this day I am still going strong! So don't be alarmed if you start seeing health posts here and there/maybe a lot. 
Anyway, one of the changes I made when being more health conscious was making sure that I eat breakfast every morning and that I eat something fulfilling and nutritious for breakfast. Enter my smoothie addiction.
I love smoothies because they are simple, tasty, and filling. While my smoothie recipes very from time to time I wanted to share with you guys the smoothie I have been making recently. 

A handful of spinach
Honey Strawberry Greek Yogurt
Raspberries, blueberries, banana (do what suits your taste!)
Peanut butter (though I prefer almond butter but I am out and need to finish the peanut butter)
Almond Milk (chocolate or vanilla - just depends what I have!)
Chia seeds (which I am also currently out of :( )
Rolled oats

It certainly doesn't look good, I know. The blueberries, raspberries, and spinach seem to always turn into this not so lovely brown color. But it does taste good! 

I don't have proportions that I follow. I do not add much peanut butter or greek yogurt. The great thing about smoothies is that the ingredients and proportions can vary and you have a new smoothie! 
I am hoping to try out a strawberry/banana/spinach/orange juice concoction soon.

I am also an avid eater of oatmeal the mornings that I do not have smoothies. Just remember that having breakfast kickstarts your metabolism! If you are busy like I am, smoothies are great to make and take on the go.

Do you have any smoothie recipes that you are particularly fond of? Let me know because I love trying/coming up with new concoctions! 


"We Look Like a Bunch of Clowns"

Monday has crept up on me once again.
I accomplished a lot this weekend - besides my normal grocery shopping and yoga/gym time, that is!
The one thing I did not accomplish was a lot of studying or cleaning. Okay, so I still studied a fair amount but my ambitious mind had this grand scheme of a plan on how much I could get done. Total fail. 

Friday nothing uber exiting happened. We had a huge thunderstorm that afternoon so I ended up studying and going to the gym instead of the barn like I was hoping. That night Daniel and I relaxed and watched some tv.
Saturday I woke up early to go to yoga. I love yoga every day of the week, but theres something so peaceful about going on a quiet Saturday morning. Daniel and I proceeded to take the puppies to the vet and all I can say is...mass chaos! I love our vet and they were kind enough to fit us in for the puppies last booster shot (even though I originally came in for their heart worm) but we waited for an hour. I don't mind waiting and at first the boys did so good! I was a proud nugget mom. Then it was a never ending rush of people and dogs (some not so well behaved) and the boys started get anxious. They finally received their shots and didn't even flinch/scream/cry! Good nuggets :) 
The nuggets and I had another round of anxiety as I took them to use the bathroom afterwards. All I have to say is it amazes that people don't use their brain when it comes to anxious puppies and anxious children. Nothing bad happened but it sure made the puppies more upset. 
After that anxiety producing vet visit, we took the boys home and settled them in before Daniel and I went to lunch. We went to a little place downtown called The Scullery. We love this place. The food is great/fresh/organic and the ice-cream is homemade. Yum!

Homemade Thin Mint Ice Cream!

Sunday I had high ambitions once again about how much I would get done. Once again I deviated from the plan. I woke up early to get work done and go to the gym because Daniel and I had plans to go fishing that afternoon. We ended up going fishing with Daniels brother who took us out on his little creek boat. We had this great plan to meet up around lunch and get back around 3:30 so that I could get more studying done and that Jordan could attend to the green houses. about Daniel and I didn't even leave to meet Jordan until 1 and we weren't on the water until about 2:30. To top matters off, fishing was rough. We were out there until 5-5:15ish and we only caught one Shad a piece. We all got snagged on something at least once, but Jordan was definitely the winner in this department. Not only did he end up breaking his fishing rod, but he also got Daniels line hung up while Daniel was helping me get untangled. Hence the title: "We look like a bunch of clowns." This statement may be accurate. 

Fishing Time

I have a lot to accomplish this week so lets see how it goes! Happy Monday everyone! 

“It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.” 
― Lou Holtz


Confession Friday

Join the link up here!

{1} I confess that I downloaded Candy Crush on Sunday night...might not of been a great idea. I was hooked in minutes!

{2} I confess that I went to Ulta and bought a few things because they had a 20% coupon available. Not that this is bad but I am really trying not to add to my make-up collection until I get rid of some stuff -which I did before I went to Ulta. Not sure if it's cheating or genius. Lets call it genius for my sake ;)

{3} I confess that I know where I ultimately want to go career wise, but trying to find the best route has been frustrating.

{4} I confess that I am pretty low key. I do not like drama in my life. Instead, I watch it on all my crappy TV shows :) Vanderpump Rules Reunion?? HOLY MOLY!

{5} I confess that the weather has been absolutely beautiful! Mid 70's and I am loving it. I am ready to break out some dresses!

{6} I confess that I LOATHE chemistry. Always making my life slightly more difficult.

{7} I confess that I can almost get my heels completely down in yoga during down dog! So excited!

Happy Friday everyone! Anyone have fun plans for the weekend? Daniel and I plan on socializing the boys a bit more while the weather is still nice. Other than that I will be studying because I have tests, midterms, quizzes galore before spring break.


I'm the Kinda Girl Who...

As I was procrastinating chemistry this morning I was reading Juliette's blog and saw that she was participating in a link up that Holly hosts and thought it looked like a blast! So I decided to participate!

I'm the kinda girl who...

...Plans ahead. Even if that 'planning ahead' is when I should switch lanes while driving.

...Enjoys getting dressed up but has no shame wearing yoga pants/sweats and a old shirt in public.

...Asks way too many questions while Daniel is watching the history channel.

...Loves animals. Especially my fur nuggets and my horse.

...Loves beer.

...Is a workout enthusiast. It may of taken some time but I really do enjoy working out.

...Always has a candle lit, the scentsy burner on, or a wall plug in. I love the house to smell good all the time!

...Believes crockpot meals are an adequate form of cooking.

...Doesn't give up (aka stubborn). I can keep plugging along and I intend to do so until I reach my career goals.

...Was always taught never to depend on a man - just in case anything ever happened!

...Is an old lady. Seriously. I like being at home on the couch in my pajamas. If anything starts later than 8 then the likelihood of me there is slim to none. Yep, old fart over here :)

...Loves getting a good deal. There was this one time I got a pair of Jimmy Choo's for 75% off. Deal of a lifetime! Why can't that happen everyday??

...Who likes makeup but isn't bothered when I leave the house bare faced.

...Who likes food. Okay, loves food - and chocolate! Yum!

...Who doesn't like drama. I prefer to watch it on tv rather than have it in my life :)

Happy Wednesday everyone!


The Crazy Never Stops

Lets recap the weekend shall we? It might of been a slight disaster but such is life!

Ah Valentine's Day. Daniel and I had reservations at a nice little restaurant off the waterfront about 30 minutes away. I had been looking forward to getting dressed up and having a nice dinner with my sweet Valentine. What could possibly go wrong on this exciting Friday?
1) Traffic. 30 minute drive to dinner? I don't think so! More like an hour.
2) I am not a huge meat eater. I stick to my chicken, turkey, and an occasional burger. The menu had three entrees - duck, tuna, and filet. Well darn. I was bummed at myself for not being an avid carnivore because I knew all three entrees were delicious. And I was bummed because I couldn't get my favorite chicken dish that night. I ended up with the filet and even though it wasn't my first choice it was so good!

3) You know that horrible feeling when you poke yourself in the eye with your mascara brush? Well I managed to do something even worse. I was taking off my makeup and managed to get mascara in my eye. The burn was awful! Daniel managed to get some of it out that night and I went to bed in pain thinking that my eye was incredibly irritated.
I was in a great mood Friday morning! And maybe I was trying to see what my new makeup looked like on camera...guilty!

Triple Chocolate Cheesecake. Heaven on a plate!

At 7 in the morning I had talked to my parents and was told to go to urgent care to see if there was something still in my eye and/or if my cornea was scratched. Low and behold I had another piece of mascara that had gotten lodged under my upper lid and moved across my eye every time I blinked. Ouch!! Good news - the numbing drops were so wonderful. I didn't even care that my eye had been poked and prodded at. Nor did I care that it was dyed neon yellow to see if I had scratched anything. The pain was gone and it was wonderful. Also, I didn't have to wear an eyepatch for the rest of the weekend. It's all about the little victories, people!
The rest of my Saturday was filled with boring adult things like grocery shopping, studying, and cleaning the house. I did manage to get to the gym and fall asleep by 11 on the couch - because I'm a wild child obviously :)

Remember how I mentioned that I am such a wild thing? Yea, I was up at seven taking care of the puppies and studying. I had a nice little workout and then headed to the gun and knife show with Daniel. This turned out to be a great thing because there was a woman there selling Scentsy products!
Therefore I splurged and bought a few too many Scentsy waxes.
Behold the power of Scentsy products! They suck you in with their wonderful aromas and they were on sale.

Yep...Definitely had some fun!

As always the weekend flew by. And in typical weekend fashion, things didn't go as planned! Even when you think you have it all together life has a way of changing it a bit, doesn't it? I suppose life wouldn't be life (or near as fun/enlightening) if it didn't! Remember, some of the most frustrating moments at the time may become somewhat that you look back and laugh at in the future! I hope you all had a great weekend and here is your Motivational Monday quote!

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson


Five on Friday

Today I decided to link-up with Christina for 5 on Friday!

To join the link-up click here!

{1} Menkes Syndrome Awareness! I had originally read about Teddy on Leslie's blog - you can read the post here. I found myself, once again, reading about Teddy on Christina's blog. You can find her post here. Menkes Syndrome is  disease that affects about 1 in 450,000 male babies. If you wish to learn more, please follow one of the links I have included!


{2} More snow this week for the south! I managed to make it to class on Wednesday which is great because that means I will not be losing my spring break!

{3} I have re-kinkled my obsession with Dove chocolate. 
I agree, Dove. I agree :)

{4} I decided to stray from the pack and get my nails painted a color other than red for Valentine's Day.

Essie 'Shearling Darling'
P.S. the picture makes it look almost black - it's not!

{5} The Valentines Festivities have started at the household. I think I hit the nail on the head with Daniel's Valentine card this year...

Happy Friday!!


Take a Moment for Peace

If you are anything like me and lean towards a solid 8-9 on the Type A personality spectrum, the idea of Peace may not be a top priority. 
I have been slightly neurotic these past two weeks because of all the snow - make-up assignments; I don't have time for that! More snow means potentially losing my spring break. No thanks! Constant schedule changes because of all the moved tests/labs/etc. Also, Bailey's Birthday is this Sunday and it kills me that he is gone - and it has made me realize that I am already slacking on my (somewhat) New Year's Resolution on taking some time for myself and finding as much peace as I can find. 

We live in a crazy world and finding any part of peace may elude us on a daily basis. What to do, what to do? 
Find something that makes you happy. Something that gives you a sense of accomplishment and gives you some time with yourself - and realize it may change depending on the day. Somedays I find peace in knowing that I cleaned the house, or spent time teaching the puppies a new trick, etc. 
As I've said before, yoga has really helped me have a new perspective on aspects of my life. So I originally did it for the strength and flexibility aspect, it also gives me an hour 2-3 times a week to put my focus into something, other than the house and school, that leaves me feeling accomplished. 
Even if the rest of the day went to hell in a hand basket, did I just beast that hard yoga class? Yes I did!

I also find peace out at the barn. Okay, sometimes I don't - especially since I've moved and had little time to ride. So when I did ride and jump, it was not awful but I was off. Me being me, that is not a failure per say but definitely disappointment and frustration because I know that I am better than the way I had been riding. I expect the occasional off day, but I could not seem to get it together. Finally, I went to the barn this past Sunday and had a lesson and just like that I was back in gear! I was ecstatic. I had been frustrated because I hadn't been looking forward to the barn recently because I was so frustrated with everything not coming together. For me this is huge because the barn has always been a place of relaxation, fun, and peace for me. And if it is no longer fun...we are in big trouble. 

In your crazy day to day schedule, what brings you peace? 

I know this post was slightly out there, but it has pertained to a chunk of my life recently. Plus, I feel that everyone has daily struggles and we often forget about ourselves and what makes us happy as we try to get stuff done. 

I will leave you with a saying that I learned in yoga:

"May I be filled with loving-kindness
May I be well
May I be peaceful and at ease
May I be happy"

On Friday come back for some confessions and I will also be telling you all what I made Daniel for Valentine's Day!

Happy Wednesday! :)


The New Kid on Blog World

I'm a baby blogger :) 
Thanks to Amanda @ Marry Mint, I have been nominated for a Liebster Award!

What is a Liebster Award? It is awarded to bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It's a way to get to know new bloggers and make new connections! Feel free to grab a button (let me know and we can swap!) and stick around for a while.

Lets get started!

11 Facts About Me
1) I have two tattoos
2) I have broken both my wrists
3) I'm ambidextrious
4) I was a total tom boy when I was young - no dresses for me!
5) I grew up on ten acres - wouldn't trade it for anything
6) I've been homeschooled, gone to public school, and private school
7) Chocolate is my friend
8) I started my fitness journey a few years back and am hooked!
9) I don't like seafood
10) I took latin in high school because, you know, it was suppose to help my SAT score and all. Ha, nope.
11) I will always have horses in my life. FACT.


1. How did you decide on the title of your blog?
Okay, great story. Simply Teasing is the name (well was...I don't know if it still exists) of a lingerie shop that I use to pass in Raleigh. Classy, no? I thought it would be a cute show name for a future hunter mare (female horse) of mine and it stuck. I still haven't gotten that new mare yet, but I liked name and figured I'd use it!

2. Dog or Cat?
I am such an animal lover and truly like both. If I had to lean one way I would have to pick dog.
Look at the cuteness! Awe, they were so tiny then.

3. What does your dream house look like?
I saw this great floor plan in Southern Living and would really love a floor plan like this: 

Or this one...

A girl can dream, yeah??

4. Who is your fashion/style icon? [Ok, pick three.]
I love Blake Lively's style!
I am also a big fan of the whole Ralph Lauren look.

5. What are your 3 must have beauty products?
Better than Sex Mascara by Too Faced

Nude Beach Eyeshadow by BareMinerals

Laura Mercier Silk Cream Foundation

6. Hot or Cold?
Cold all the way! Except when living in the South because the houses are not insulated for the cold and it makes things slightly more challenging - Oh, and the electric bill for last month, HA! Lets not talk about it.

7. Which blogs do you check daily?
Amanda's @ Marry Mint
Leslie's @ A Blonde Ambition
Presley's @ Run Pretty
Basically everything on my blogger timeline that pops up every day!

8. If you have children what are their names? If you don't hit me with your favorite boy & girl names.
Girl Name: Hayden
Boy Name: Colton

I think??? Picking out child names is difficult and I'm not even pressed for time yet.

9. What's your drink of choice?

I mean water :)

10. In your opinion, what is the best blog post you've written so far? Give us the link.
I really liked the Confessional Friday 'Getting to Know You' Link up! You can learn more about me here :)

But, the best is yet to come!

11. What is your favorite restaurant?
This is hard...I love food and I love a ton of restuarants. 
I might have to say Bella Monica. Fantastic Italian restuarant.

But I would miss guacamole...

There you have it!
I nominate:
Alisha @ Alisha's Anecdotes
Dana @ Rockin' Mad Ranch
Mary @ Enjoy The Ride
Go check these ladies out!

Here are your questions if you chose to partake!
1) What's your favorite season of the year?
2) Are you a planner or spontaneous?
3) How did you decide on the title of you blog?
4) If you have a magic lamp, what would you wish for?
5) What was the worst date you've been on?
6) What is the number one quality you look for in a significant other?
7) Favorite animal? Why?
8) Morning or night type of person?
9) Any hidden talents?
10) What do you like to do during your leisure time?
11) Why did you start blogging?

And since it is Monday, I have to throw in a little motivational quote, one of my favorites!

"You just can't beat the person who never gives up." - Babe Ruth


Confession Friday - Getting to Know You More!

First off, I would like to say that I am oh so happy that it is Friday! It's been a long week after having so many days off due to snow last week.
For Confessional Friday we are adding on from last week and sharing a bit more about ourselves! 
If you want to link-up, check out Leslie's Blog here!
Lets get started!

1. What's your middle name?

2. If you could live anywhere else in the world where would you live?
Hmm...Probably somewhere in Italy. Though I am leaning slightly towards Germany since I have a good friend that lives there and they have fabulous horses!

3. Tell us about your guilty pleasures.
Chocolate. Gotta have chocolate in my life. Also, trash TV. I don't like drama in my life but I totally love watching it on TV. Vanderpump Rules, anyone??

4. What do you like best about your job? If you weren't doing that, what career would you have pursued?
My current 'career' is being a student. I can't say there's much I love about it, except for the fact that it is getting me in the right direction for the career that I want.

5. Five items you'd grab during a fire. (People and pets don't count. Those are a given.)
1) My purse
2) My computer (for all my pictures/memories!)
3) The ring my parents gave me for my 21st Birthday
4) Little Bailey's shadow box
5) My bracelet made from my old pony's tail

6. Marathon running...something you'd like to pursue or just plain crazy?
I would like to pursue it. I don't run well - plain and simple. But I really enjoy the gym so motivating myself to run wouldn't be too difficult - it would just kill my shins :)

7. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Yikes...This is hard because I love food. I think I would have to say the loaded nachos that Daniel and I have been making recently. So good!

8. Last person you spoke to...annnnnd....go!
My boyfriend

9. Favorite childhood toy
I was obsessed with Breyer horses. Horse crazy since age 5!

10. Breakfast cereal of choice
I don't eat cereal anymore. I did love frosted flakes, though.
I've been on a smoothie/yogurt and granola kick/oatmeal kick 

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 


Five Things I Learned While at College/Things You Learn as You Grow Up

Happy Wednesday! We are halfway there! Thank goodness. This week has been a long one, to say the least. After having snow days last week (hooray!), I am starting to wish I didn't have them ONLY because I have all this make up work - including labs. Ick. I've been spending a lot of time on campus these past few days, and today will be another long one. 
Today is just blah - rain, rain, and more rain. On the brighter side, I am going in for a meeting with a health advisor so that I can apply to the nursing program. As I progress down my long and winding road towards a career, I figured I'd share the top five things I learned while getting my first degree.

It's funny and accurate

1) Freshman year is likely to be filled with drama, chaos, a sense of loss, partying, and it may leave you standing at a crossroad. Sounds awful, huh? It's not. It's just a time where you really come into your own and start to realize that maybe what you always wanted to do is no longer right for you. Or you may realize that it is exactly what you've dreamed of. In that case - more power to you! I walked into freshman year thinking that I knew exactly what I wanted to do in life. Boy was I wrong. I also noticed this trend in many of my friends/people in my dorm. Between your first dose of major freedom and multiple major changes you may feel directionless. Never fear - it is normal and I among many of my friends went through this. And room mate horror stories? Oh yeah. Lets face it, it's hard to live with someone when one of you likes the place hot, doesn't care about how messy it is, and invites people over all the time. Not all of this happened to me, but rather it's a collection of room mate experiences I have encountered or friends have encountered. 

2) That leads me to my next point. We aren't suppose to know exactly what we want to do at 18, 19, 20 years old. With that being said, some people do know exactly what they want to do and stick to that path - but many others do not. As you progress through the semesters, you will start meeting people who are in their mid 20's - early 30's. I am one of the younger people in my pre-requisite classes now because people decided to change up their path or decided that they were not happy with their job and are coming back for a more specialized degree. It is okay to not have a set direction (and if you are like me, that's hard. I like everything planned to a T), just make sure that you are heading in a direction and not giving up.

3) Don't let people and the number game discourage you. I cannot stress this enough considering I am a bad test taker. Have I managed to keep my grades good? Yes. Did I have one terrible semester that forever haunts my GPA? You betcha! Moral of the story, advisors, schools, teachers, and students are all wrapped up in this number game. What grade did you get? You need to have a GPA above such and such if you want any hope of getting in there. Ugh! I have had teachers who have stated at the beginning of the semester, "By the end of the semester, half of you won't be here." Encouraging, right? While ladies and gentlemen, life is hard and even though numbers do count for something, being a doer and fighter will also count for something when you are one of the remaining who did push all the way through. When applying for Graduate school (before circumstances changed) I had heard from many fellow students and teachers that there's a hunk of people who don't get in until their second time around. Both my parents will also attest to that. They knew plenty of people in Medical school who did not get in their first year. It's the one's who want it and keep trying who will get there. 

4) Speaking of life isn't fair, school isn't fair either. You are bound to have the horrid teacher where getting a B in the class is a hard fought battle only to discover that the next semester your friend is taking that class but with a new teacher who basically gives away EC points. Your friends teacher cancels class all the time? Yea...
How about that one class your friend has that allows for open book tests and/or an optional final. It's the way of the world people. Is it fair - especially when you got a B with a roughened teacher while your friend took the same class/different teacher and got an easy A? Nope, but that's the way of the world. Maybe this is not such a problem at small private schools, but if you go to a large university like I did, I dealt with this happening a lot. 

5) Last but not least - enjoy your college years. Junior and senior year may seem like a huge headache as you apply for grad school, a job, or are trying to decide if you should change your major, etc. Seriously - go to parties (just be responsible!), take advantage of the things that your school has to offer - $2 movies, free food for special events (this will save you when you are broke!), sororities/fraternities, whatever floats your boat - just do it! Also, go to sporting events. Some of my fondest memories are tailgating and going to the football games. Even if you don't like football/basketball/baseball, go for the school spirit. You will get sucked in. I am definitely going to be buying season tickets whenever I can afford them. 

What did you learn in college? I could ramble on and on about all these great stories involving classes, teachers, room mates, (ex)boyfriends, sporting events, and parties but I don't want to bore  you ;)


January Favorites

Another Monday and a new month means I am getting one step closer to ending the semester!
I was playing with some of my make-up/hair care products during one of my snow days and thought I would tell you guys about my favorite items that I either discovered in January or was still loving throughout january!
Here we go!

Favorite Eyeshadow: Hands down my favorite goes to Nude Beach by Bare Minerals. I love this eyeshadow SO much. I do not know why it took me so long to discover it, but I am so glad that I did. It is a great shade to swipe on and go - plus it looks great and brightens your eyes. 

Current BB Cream/Tinted Moisturizer/Foundation: Oh boy, I tend to swap around depending on the day but throughout most of January I was wearing OCC's tinted moisturizer. It's nice coverage for a tinted moisturizer and they have such a large range of colors that you are bound to find a great match for you!

Favorite Lipstick: Syrup by MAC. I forgot I owned this lipstick, possibly because I own too many, and found it in my lipstick drawer. This is such a great every day shade. Syrup is a Lustre lipstick - therefore it has a nice sheen without laying lipgloss over it. I've been loving it on my lips when I wear Nude Beach on my lids - effortless but pretty look that takes minimal time.

Favorite Make-Up Brush: Real Techniques expert face brush. I love using this brush for any of my face products. It has applied thicker foundation well as well as a thinner BB cream or tinted moisturizer. Plus you cannot beat the price!

Favorite Blush: Warm Soul Mineralized blush from MAC. I was a bit iffy about it at first but once you apply it; love! It gives your cheeks a bit of color and a nice glow. I tend to bring out the pinks and corals in the spring/summer, but all fall and winter I've been wearing Warm Soul. 

Favorite Hair Product: The Wet Brush. I have thick hair that can be a pain to brush out when I get out of the shower. Not anymore! The Wet Brush is seriously the best thing I have bought in a while. It works on any hair type and glides through wet hair. A definite must if you are looking for a new hairbrush! 

Random Favorite: My Batiste Dry Shampoo. I do not know how I managed to go for so long without dry shampoo, but now I am a believer and there is no turning back. I have tried quite a few dry shampoos and so far the Bastiste is my absolute favorite. You can get it in a color to match your hair type or a scented one. Out of the scented I've only been able to get my hands on the 'Cherry' and 'Fresh' scent. Both of them smelled good to me and they were by no means overpowering. 

Favorite Snack: Pita and Hummus. That is literally all I've eaten as a snack this month. Addicted. I figured you all didn't need to see a picture of pita and hummus :p

Favorite Super Bowl Commercial: The Budweiser commercial with the puppy and the clydesdales! The Budweiser Super Bowl Commercials never fail me. A close second was the Doritos commercial with the kid riding the dog. And I also loved the Jaguar commercial.

What was your favorite commercial?? And if you have any products you've been loving, comment and let me know! I hope everyone had a great weekend and lets start this week off with a motivational quote! I know I do to get my butt in gear since I've been out of class.

"All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney

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