
In Regards To Horse Showing...

There is no doubt that this year has has been quite different.
I hope that this uncertain time has found everyone safe albeit life changing I'm sure.

While horse showing is literally not a priority at this time of change and uncertainty, I sure do miss it.
As states are starting to reopen/have reopened it is safe to say that here in the NC/SC territories an announcement was made that we will be indeed allow to horse show again in June - under strict guidelines of course. 

One of these guidelines is the use of masks. I have seen so many equestrian based companies start to make masks and of course I am going to have to get myself one. You can find masks via Dreamers & Schemers, Milton Menasco (sold out), Rönner Design just to name a few.

I just ordered a pair of masks from Rönner Design - along with other items as they have some great stuff on their sales page right now! 

As Lucas and I prepare to get back into horse show mode...lets just say we both have different ways of surviving this quarantine. I have been house buying, working, planning a wedding, and thinking all about applying to graduate school. Lucas on the other hand, well take a look for yourself.

He's been snacking:


Becoming a trail horse: 

And just letting it all hang out: 

Full blown retired by his book. 

Between his lifestyle and my new facemasks we are for sure horse show ready. 

How have you been surviving quarantine? Let me know and stay safe out there! 

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