
Custom Der Dau's

Even though I haven't had the chance to ride in them yet, I just have to share my beautiful custom Der Dau's that I ordered at WEG.

I am in love! I am in the process of breaking them in and didn't want to go wild in new stirrups and new half chaps/boots while lessening all at once so I did the stirrups today and will ride in the Der Dau's later this week.

So I decided to go with a gorgeous chocolate brown leather instead of black. I did the inlay on the half chap and continued the trend down both sides of the zipper and toe of the boot. Close up pictures of the detailing below. 

They turned out even better than I dreamed of. It was so hard to make a decision with all of the options but the whole experience was wonderful and Der Dau really made my vision come to life. I cannot wait to ride in them! Though I am slightly dreading the breaking in process and have been working on that at the house - and woo boy! I haven't broken in any tall boots or chaps for a while and I forgot just how fun that process is. 

The gold details are the icing on the top for me. I absolutely loved creating my custom half chaps and boots and am so grateful to have had the experience. Maybe next time I'll get custom tall boots when I'm done with my parlanti's ;)

If you want to drool over some gorgeous boots, check out their website: http://www.derdau.com
Or go to their instagram page: derdau 

And I cannot finish this post without saying thank you mom for making this dream come true!

Looking for recommendations! Do you have a pair of tall boots that you love? Off the shelf, custom, semi-custom? Let me know! I have had my eye on a pair of Tucci's but I also love my Parlanti's. 


New Year - Same Me

Welcome 2019! 
I have a lot to look forward to this year: Growing and competing with baby Lucas, growing in my career, furthering my career, new adventures with friends and family, and continuing with my fitness goals. 

I wanted to take a moment to reminisce on 2018. 2018 was filled with many firsts, many ups, and a few downs. In 2018, I fell in love with a German stud, brought the poor boy to America, and thus the relationship that is baby Lucas and Hanna was born. Later that year, I graduated, accepted a wonderful job, bought a car (!), had the opportunity to spend a lot amount of quality time with family, and went to the World Equestrian Games. 

2018 was a year filled with transitions, new experiences, news/careers that tested relationships, and much more! I very much enjoyed 2018 and while I wish some things the transpired could magically be poofed away - life doesn't work that way. So here's to you 2018 and to the things to come in 2019. 

This is the year that I will take more pictures and hopefully get back to a more regular blog schedule. This year is going to be filled with horses and happiness. I am going to work hard to get one step closer to graduate school and my goals. 

I hope you all had a lovely Holiday and a Happy New Year 

Cheers lovelies! 

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