
{2016} Year In Review

A lot has happened in 2016. As I reflect on the year, it is hard to believe how much things have changed. Overall, I would say things changed for the best, but every year has it's hardships and this year was no exception. While 2016 isn't quite over yet, I am looking forward to the new experiences I will encounter in 2017.

I Got In/Started Nursing School

Not to sound totally cliché but...I knew nursing school wasn't going to be easy, but I didn't realize how much it would consume my life. Especially first semester. First semester was brutal and I am so happy to report that I survived first semester and am moving on to second semester! This next semester I have my Peds and OB clinical, which I think I will really enjoy. My goal is to only have 3 mental breakdowns this semester! That may or may not be a joke...I will report at the end of 2nd semester and tell you how I did. Thankfully, I accepted that being a straight A student was likely not happening after I found out the nursing school grading scale. Let's just say I had multiple moments of panic about how anyone get's into grad school when this is all said and done. Needless to say... I'm looking forward to next semester! 

Nick Got A New Job

I honestly don't remember if I touched on the struggles of Nick's job hunt earlier this year, but after about 6 months he was finally abel to say farewell to his old job and start his new one! This was a tough situation because, while Nick was thankful to have a job, he was miserable and the job hunt seemed never ending to the both of us. Thankfully, everything worked out for the best and he was offered a position with his number one pick. I don't know which one of us was happier. 

We Sold Velvet

One of the most heart breaking moments of 2016  my life. Queen V was sold, and while I know she is at a very good place, it was so hard for me to let her go. Thankfully, she is not that far away from me so I will see her at horse shows and I occasionally I will get the opportunity to visit her like I did in the above picture. She looks fabulous and is such a happy girl in her new home so that definitely softens the blow a bit. Plus, I know she is adored by her new little girl and that makes my smile. No matter who she belongs to or where she goes, she will always be my Velveeta Cheese Puff. 

Remi Got Injured

Not only did Velvet leave me earlier this year, but Remi ended up injured pretty early on. I was really disappointed about this because not only did I miss the majority of the show season, but his injury was unique and while they expected him to recover, no one knew exactly how well he would recover. Would he be sound enough to ride again? Would he be as sound as he once was? Will I be able to still work towards my goals with him or will I have to give them up? It was a really rough time for me as I watched him recover and hope for the best. While this was a nerve wrecking time, I am happy to report that Remi has recovered incredibly well and I was even able to show him in some of the final shows of the year! We really didn't expect that! And dare I say, I think he has come back a better horse than when he was first injured. Having the time off really seemed to help him mature and grow from a silly baby into a horse. I am so excited about this up coming show season with him! 

What does 2017 have in store? It is only a matter of days until I start finding out. What good and/or unfortunate events did 2016 bring for you? And what are you looking forward to in 2017?

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