
Hey There Friday!

I have been looking forward to this Friday for about a month now. The reason being?? 
Check out my number one for this week - below!

Linking up with Karli and Amanda.

1//I am going to the beach! Ah relaxation, good company, good food, good drinks. What more could a girl want? 

2//How sweet is this?! I had this candle show up as a complete surprise in my mailbox all thanks to Nick. Surprises make my day.

3// Anyone have any products from Dose of Colors or LA Splash Cosmetics? I think they're liquid lipsticks are gorgeous and I am deciding what to order...
Any suggestions on your favorite colors or if you prefer one brand over the other?
Dose of Colors
LA Splash 

4//I am going to cave and buy a S'well Bottle. It's happening. I have stared at them forever and am finally taking the plunge. Now I am just deciding on which one I want...

5//Exciting news for Justin's Peanut Butter fans...They now come in mini's! I stumbled across these at my grocery store last week and I was so excited! My life is slightly more compete now.

Happy Weekending!


A Laid Back Weekend

I had a pretty boring weekend. But you know what? That was okay with me. As I prepare for the craziness that is the next 5 weekends of my life (beach, bachlorette, bridal shower, horse show, concert, etc) I was more than happy to lay on the couch, watch movies, and drink a beer.
I definitely felt like a granny as all the new freshman moved in (they are the class of 2019! AH what?!) and lived it up this weekend before classes started yesterday. I use to live for the weekend before classes started. Good days, good days.
Now I am very happy laying on the couch in my pajamas. 

While I may have not done much this weekend besides eat, sleep, have an interview, and buy a pair of horses had a much more productive weekend than I did.
Remi was away at a show and was a good little boy and ended up champion in his division!

Velvet enjoyed being spoiled by all the kids at her barn...
Such a ham.

On Sunday Nick and I were totally lazy but I did manage to scrounge up dinner at the last minute, and if you know me then you know that cooking - especially last minute - is not my thing. 
Thanks to the internet and the fact that you can search for "easy" and "quick" dinner ideas is my only saving grace.
I think it turned out successful enough. 

This week is a bit crazy but I am enjoying some quiet time this morning as the little one I am watching is still asleep. Ah sweet bliss!
How was your weekend?


Hey There Friday

Linking up With Karli and Amanda on this lovely Friday.

Since I currently do not work in an office, I will attribute this to how I feel when I finish my last class on Friday's - close enough!

1:: You May Have A Starbuck's Problem When...

2:: When Your Friend Comes To An Unfortunate Epiphany...
The only context I can give you about the above convo is that it involves a boy...

3:: Life Is Short So Buy The Shoes - Oh Nevermind You Are Broke

Look at these babies!! I literally drooled over them all day yesterday. They are so perfect and you can find them here.

4:: The Fate Of My Future Lies In A Seemingly Plain Envelope...
In this envelope lies my application/transcripts/all the other fun paperwork I need to apply to nursing school - wish me luck as I turn it in!

5:: When In Doubt Go To Target
And while you are there make sure to forget what you originally went in for and hit up the makeup isle instead to discover that your target finally has the new Maybelline Matte Lipsticks you have been searching for for months now. Then at 10:30 that night while you are home make sure to remember what you were actually seeking in Target and therefore make an online order that consists of more items than just that one thing...Addiction? Nah.

That's all she wrote!


A Bridesmaid on a Budget/Doing Your Own Makeup

This is my first year being invited to/involved in weddings. Not only do I get to be involved, but I am also a Maid of Honor in one of them!
Being involved in a wedding isn't cheap. In order to save some money I elected to do my own makeup as I am fairly confident in my makeup abilities - hair not so much, so that is where I'm splurging.

I have to start some makeup trial runs soon but in the meantime I have been trying to decide what look I am going for. These are my current inspiration pictures and maybe one of these pictures will help you. These looks are neutral enough that you could wear them as a quest at a wedding or basically anytime you feel the want to put on some make up!

All of these photos via this board on Pinterest 

I am going to try to recreate some of these looks and blend a few of the looks until I decide what is right for me. They are all beautiful and within a few weeks I will hopefully have created my look from these pictures!


You're Getting Old When Your Friends Start Getting Married

How you realize that you are getting old...Your friends start getting married and people start talking about children/grand babies. 
When did this all happen? I am not quite sure. 

So remember in my last post when I said I had many things going on this weekend? Couldn't be more true. First and foremost...this is how I spent the majority of my ride to Harmony for the wedding.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Nick... 

Not only did I drag the new boyfriend to a wedding within a month of us dating but I also forced him to meet my parents as I had to drop the dogs off. Never fear though because not only did we get to go through the fun of my parents, but I also got to meet his. 

The wedding was good. I am not near as close to this friend as I use to be but I wanted to show up because I am happy for her. She is the first of my friends to get married and in about a month and a half my good friend Mitzi is getting married. Ah, we are getting so old! It is exciting though.

So since both Nick and I fail miserably we managed not to get a picture until we left the wedding and since it was in the car it is blurry, but enjoy nevertheless.

As I open a new chapter in my book, I closed an old one by getting rid of my engagement ring this weekend. 
And speaking of new chapters...I have to brag once again about my baby girl with her new rider because she was champion in both her divisions at the show! Get 'em lady!

Relaxing after being a champ!

The dogs also had a good weekend while visiting Grandma and Grandpa and then they snoozed on the car ride back last night.

So I had a very interesting/fun weekend. How was yours?!


Fun On Friday

Another weekend is upon us and many big things are happening for me this weekend, but we'll get into that in Monday's post.

In the meantime, I am linking up with Karli and Amanda for this Friday's post!

//My Horses - I want to brag about them. Are you sick of it yet? Prepare to hear about it forever. First of all I have had a great week with my baby Remi and am thrilled with how he is coming along. Secondly, the second picture is my baby girl with her new rider and they have killed it this year! Such a proud momma over here!

//Funnies. Both of these have made me laugh and I still find them funny! Always have to find something to smile about during the week even if it is a silly picture.

//Things that describe me. These are so accurate. Hysterical! How could we all forget the Milkshake song??? If I posted that before, I apologize but it always cracks me up.

//This was my morning. I believe last year I blogged about watching Derby Finals (it's a horse thing) at the gym. This year I not only watched it at the gym but also as I sat waiting for my car to have its tires rotated and have it aligned. You know you're a horse addict when...

//St. Tropez is my new shit. How have I gone so long without purchasing this phenomenal tanner?? I bought it on a whim this week because holy moly my legs are so pale - workout pants/riding pants anyone? - and I decided that I could not blind people at the wedding I am attending this weekend. Tried this on my legs yesterday and I am so impressed. 

Have a good weekend and see you Monday!


July Favorites

It has been a while since I have done a monthly favorites and because of this I have so many new items that I am excited to share with you all.

I did manage to narrow it down to the things I reached for the most often in July!

If you want the description of this scent you are going to have to click on the link as I suck at describing how it smells. What I will tell you is that this is becoming/has become my signature scent. I am not a big flower/girly smelling perfume type - and this does the trick! It is feminine enough and it also has black currant which makes it for me. They have many other scents that I hope to try, but I am currently hooked on kimono rose.

I have become obsessed with these. I have way more than three, but I decided not to overwhelm you by sticking all seven in the picture. While I love doing a full face of makeup, on a usual basis I apply a light layer of makeup that is way more natural looking. NYX Butter Glosses are moisturizing and give my lips a nice tint of color. So much love for these!

Once again I have so much love for this product. While wearing my no makeup makeup look, I always grab this blush. It is gorgeous and it gives you just the right amount of color with a little shine. I only have one (though I plan on getting more - sorry mom!) and the one I have is watermelon/moonstone. 

Okay so I am sorry to say I just came to the realization that Deviant is discontinued - but I did some research and the color Abyss is very similar! I have been wearing a bronze color on my lid most the summer and applying deviant in my water line for a pop of color. So pretty! 

I wasn't sure how I would feel about this mascara but I actually ended up really liking it! Is it my holy grail mascara? No, but I would definitely repurchase it until I find something I like better. The small rubber wand grabs on to all my lashes - including the ones at the outside corner of my eye and makes my lashes look fuller!

Forever one of my favorite highlighting shadows. I always come back to it no matter how far I stray.

Bath and Body Works Apple Blossom and Lavender Body Spray
Sadly this is also not available, except for on amazon. It smells so amazing and I wish I had bought multiple bottles of this. I hate showing this to you but I have been drowning myself in it. 

What have you been loving recently?


Dating After College/Coming Out Of A Long Term Relationship

While it took some time to heal, it is no secret that my engagement ended and I was like a cougar on the hunt baby horse trying to learn how to stand as I was thrust back into the world of dating.

One of the first things I thought of was how do people date nowadays?! Coming out of a 4 year relationship was definitely tough. Once I got past the initial shock of the breakup, I hit a whole new set of hurdles. 

For instance...

Dating is scary. I hadn't been on a first date in 4 1/2 years and in college first dates, or at least mine, were way more casual than actual dates. In college you can hang out with friends together, go to parties, etc, and then start dating. Now it's dinner, pick you up, take you back home.

The next step? Going out and wondering if you can meet a decent guy at a bar. The good news about this is that you can get free drinks even if there are no promising prospects. The bad news? You have to fend off the creepy guys who think they may get lucky because they bought you a drink. 

As soon as you come out of a long term relationship you may come to that scary realization that during your relationship, you become totally comfortable with that person, meaning you could bum around, makeup was a choice, and anything weird that you did was acceptable. Now you can't act quite like your weird self and if you were anything like me, you had to go out to get clothes to go out in. Yes, I had hit old lady status and an acceptable bedtime was 11 o clock. Going out again was a whole new experience. 

On top of caring about your appearance all the sudden you also go through a phase called, "How do I meet anyone now that I am not in college?" I literally asked everyone this question within hours of being single. In college it is so easy to meet people. You meet new people in every class and every semester. People literally just fell into your lap! Now? Now you have to actively go search for people and accept that the majority of them are in a relationship.

And just remember...during this trying time make sure you have a good friend who does not judge your sudden increase in alcohol intake, who awkwardly talks to the friend of the guy you end up talking to, and who drives you home/doesn't judge you if you suddenly become overtaken by confusing emotions. So thank you Ashley for being that friend for me. 

And that my friends is basically all the scary realizations I went through as I stepped back into the dating world. 

Happy Monday!


My Week In Pictures

Guess what? I may have fallen off the face of the earth but I am back! 
I know I said I was coming back a million and one times before, and I really thought I could do it with classes, but it turned into an uber fail. 

Now that classes are over and I am bored half the time because I don't know what to do with myself I have lots of time on my hands, I will get back into the full swing of things! 

Since this was my first full week without classes I made sure to make the best of it.

I started the week off right by riding with good friends and of course Ashley and I managed to match. It was a complete accident of course! Ashley and I are literally the same person if you haven't figured that out yet.

Besides riding, Ashley and I decided to pamper ourselves and go get our toes done and then stuff our face with food later that evening. I call that a successful night!

On Tuesday I headed downtown to try out the street food festival. While I wanted to try all the food trucks - the lines were longer than expected so this was a short lived dream - I ended up choosing Funky Fresh Food Truck and I was not disappointed! I had the Kobe Beef Sliders with Pimento Cheese and Candied Bacon. SO good!

I am dog sitting for two different families and one of the families has chickens and I get to keep the eggs. Yesterday I got 7 eggs and I still have a few more days to go. Anyone want some eggs? 

So...if you are a Starbucks fanatic then you have probably have seen/heard about this pretty drink in the below picture. It is an iced caramel macchiato with raspberry syrup and it was really good! I honestly got one because of how pretty the pictures were that people had been posting, but it ended up being really, really good! I suggest you try one if you are a Starbucks fan.

And that's all she wrote! How was your week?

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