
One Crazy Fun Weekend

Hello all!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and that your Monday has not been as stressful as mine. But who wants to talk about a not fun Monday? Let's talk about my crazy weekend while I look forward to the next one.

Friday took too long to come but it was worth it once it rolled around. I went to dinner and then finally had the opportunity to watch Gone Girl! I have been dying to see the movie since I heard it was coming to theaters but never had the opportunity. All I can say about that movie is, wow! I love crazy mind blowing movies like Gone Girl. I was not okay with the ending though. I am so type A and leaving having the ending be so open for interpretation is painful to me, lol.

Saturday I headed to Raleigh to get my hair done and spend some time with my mom and sister/celebrate an early Birthday with my sister. I unfortunately did not get a picture of my sister and I since it was blazing hot and all I wanted to do was get into each store as quickly as possible so I could be in AC asap. After such a fantastic day I drove home and low and behold my car overheated again. So once again it is back in the shop and hopefully I'll get it back soon. After that disaster I had a low key night and enjoyed activating my new phone! Though I did learn something interesting while setting up my new phone...my old text messages (yes, texts from the Ex while we were together) magically made their way back onto my phone. Super fun. 

Sunday I went to the beach and spent all day there. I figured the dogs would shun me as I left them crated longer than expected but I was having such a good time and I had good company so leaving the beach was not a priority. It was windy at the beach yesterday, which was fine with me because I didn't boil out in the sun. Of course I managed to get slightly burnt but considering how pale I am and how little sun exposure I have had this year I am very impressed how little I actually burnt. 

Curious about who's in the picture, eh? Maybe you'll find out soon.

I also wanted to share a picture of my dad and I since fathers day was yesterday and I wouldn't be where I am without both of my parents!

It was a Photo Booth at a wedding...don't ask what is going on here because neither of us know. 


Adult Things I Have Learned The Hard Way

Please note that I am not complaining and that this post is meant to be funny and hopefully you all can connect with some of my discoveries.

+ You learn the inevitable when it comes to life sucking. Shit happens, change happens, you may feel like your life is partially over, but then you learn to move on.

+ Your car is out to get you once it gets around the 100k mile mark. I'm talking about you baby beamer, I'm talking about you.

+ When your car overheats and you are stuck sitting in a McDonalds parking lot while profusely sweating in the summer heat, you learn that triple A should be involved in your life. Oh, and you also learn where the appropriate spot is to put coolant in your vehicle.

+ Adult relationships are a new and horrifying experience. Things are getting more serious people. You either break up or get married. People are figuring out their careers so that means that moving is a possibility for one or both of you. And last but not least...crazy exes do exists - I repeat they are not a myth. 

+ When you are a single fur parent you learn how hard it is to coordinate your life so that you can get back in time to let out/feed the fur children.

I hope I can entertain you with my discoveries. My life is certainly never boring!


Hello Friday!

Hey everyone! 
I hope this week has been treating you alright and I am sure you are ready for the weekend :)
Today I am linking up with:

My good friend Ashley is off in Australia and I am so jealous! I know she is having a blast, but I miss her and wish I could also be in Australia. Hopefully we'll get the chance to go to Germany together.

Since I have been horrible about posting this week, I didn't get to tell you about all the wonderful food I ate last weekend with my mom. I ate SO much and enjoyed every second of it! I did not do a good job at taking pictures because I was enjoying the eating part. I did snap a picture of my watermelon mojito from Friday night. I wish I had taken a picture of my desert drink on Saturday night. It was berries and cream and if I were a drink...I would be that berries and cream one, no doubt!

I went to the umbrella market the other day and bought some macaroons! Now I have never tried a macaroon before and I must say that I have been missing out all my life! The above macaroon is birthday cake and I also bought a chocolate and Dulce de Leche macaroon. So good!

If you want a good laugh then please watch this. I haven't laughed so hard in a long long time. 

PSA: I need to get back on the blogging train. I have had so much going on and while I have wanted to talk about it...I've been nervous. It makes me vulnerable and I do not like being vulnerable. I suppose I just need some inspiration and a little more time. Now that I am doing everything by myself it has been hard to make time for blogging. I am not going away, I think I just need to re-vamp   everything and keep moving forward. I promise I will get back into it.


Hey Friday!

Linking up with the lovely Karli today!

I am currently living in a flood zone. Okay, not really, but it has rained for the past three days and every time I step on the lawn water rises around my feet. I am usually caught off guard when it rains but knowing about the mini monsoon early on made me prepare. I literally lived in my Hunter boots all week. But that's okay because I do love them.

I use to be a gum addict in college. I think part of the reason was because chewing gum during class entertained me. I have fallen off the gum bandwagon...until recently. I found this gum at Target and I am obsessed. If you don't like sweet things then this gum isn't for you.

I am not sure exactly why, but I have been loving blue nail polish recently. I have had all different shades of blue on my nails and last night when I was changing my polish color I tried to stray from blue, but failed when I stumbled upon Essie's In The Cabana. 

It's so pretty. 

I have a horse show this weekend - which is exciting - but because of all the rain I haven't ridden. So while I was suppose to be working on stuff this week I have been far from the saddle and will get to test out my skills this weekend in the show ring. Promising. As long as it doesn't go like this, I think we'll be okay.

Poor Remi won't even know what hit him.

My mom is coming to town this weekend for my horse show. That means we will be eating lots of good food, which is oh so exciting! Now that I don't have someone who cooks for me...I have been left to fend for my own, which isn't a problem, but I really miss all the good food.

Prepare yourself for food and alcoholic beverage pictures come Monday.

Happy Friday!

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