
Hey Friday!!

Hey guys! Long time no see. 
I promise I will get back into a normal posting schedule's just taking time. 

So lets get going! 


My baby boy. He is my love and I am so thankful for him even if he tries to misbehave at times. This poor horse doesn't even know what he is helping me get through right now.

The perks of nannying. I enjoyed a day out at the pool with the kids the other day! The family I work for has a salt water pool and it is incredible. 

This hits home. I had a conversation with one of my good friends the other night about how terrible we are at remembering people's names when we first meet them. Now we make a conscious effort when we go out to remember everyone's name we meet. It's kinda joke now, haha.

I am in love with this song. Eric Church was around about a month ago and I am so bummed that I missed him! Next time.

I am dying to get a hold of these shorts! They seem perfect while walking around the beach if I want a little more cover.

Happy Friday everyone!


Memorial Day Weekend - 2015 Edition

Happy Memorial Day! 
I hope you all were able to do something exciting or manage to relax a little. 

I spent most of the weekend at a horse show towards the mountains of NC. It was a beautiful show and I cannot wait to go back. 
Between not feeling good on Saturday and not happy with how I rode, I was a bit disappointed Saturday night. On Sunday I had to take the time to remind myself that I am on a baby horse who is still learning his job and we are both still learning the best way to communicate together - with that being said, I took the time and set a goal for my riding and a goal for Remi and myself. While we still had a few bobbles, we managed to tackle both the goals and ended on a good note. 
Plus, the show grounds were absolutely amazing and I enjoyed it immensely! 

Remi getting his beauty rest

Exploring the grounds

The cute (but noisy) cabin we stayed in

Today I have caught up on grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, and schoolwork before I head back to class tomorrow. While I wish I had done something more exciting, I at least accomplished a lot. 

What did you do for Memorial Day Weekend?


A Life Update

Hey everyone! I hope everyone has been doing well. I have not had much time to read all of your lovely blogs, but I am hoping to catch up soon.

I think my posting may still be slightly sporadic, but I do have a good explanation.

As I have mentioned before, I moved. I am still in the same area, just in a different house. The move was super stressful but thanks to my parents the house is almost completely set up. Moving from the old house to the new one was super emotional because I thought my next move would be with Daniel. Sad I know, but it's true and I want to share my feelings.

Thankfully we knocked the move out of the way so I was able to go out and spend some time with my sweet boy before he headed off to the horse show.

I also had the opportunity to go out with Ashley and her cousin on Friday night. While heading home that night Ashley showed me the "Before I Die" chalkboard - I had no idea that this thing existed!

Saturday night I went on a date. That is right everyone, I had a date Saturday night. It honestly went better than I expected and I appreciate the fact that someone wants to take me out. Makes a girl feel good about herself when she is feeling down on her luck. 

Today my summer classes started and unfortunately it is more work than I wished for considering I am only taking these classes to earn a point that will, hopefully, get me into the nursing program. 

So I just wanted to give you all a little update and let you know that if I am slow again this week it is because of the final unpacking, my classes, and the horse show this weekend.

Here is a beautiful picture from my new place! There is no filter on the picture and it just makes me so happy to be in a better spot!


A Busy Mother's Day Weekend

I know I haven't had the chance to tell you all but...
I found a house! Woohoo!
Now that I have found a new place to live I am dealing with the joy that is packing. 

Since my life is in a state of chaos, my mom came to help me pack and I was able to spend some time/have an early Mother's day together. 

We spent a hunk of the time packing but we did manage to get out and about a few times! I was able to take my mom to see the new place, we did some shopping for the new house, and we managed to spend part of a day in New Bern! 
New Bern was beautiful and even though it rained on and off so we didn't get a chance to walk around by the water we did manage to find some art for my new place and we both discovered that we really enjoy New Bern.

One night I also managed to take my mom to The Creamery and we sat on the porch and enjoyed some ice cream.
This time I tried the peanut butter cup and it didn't disappoint. 

How was your weekend?
I am moving into my new place this week so if my posts are slow, I apologize. Once I get settled in and my classes start I will get back on a normal schedule!


April Beauty Favorites!

Hello May! 
I was very much in need of a new month so I am thrilled that we have made it to May.
I have discovered a few new beauty products that I am loving and am excited to share with you all.

Let's get to it!

Colourpop Eyeshadows//Heaven, phenomenal, best thing ever. I could go on and on about how wonderful these eyeshadows are! Want to know the best thing? They are $5! Yep, that's it! I am loving the first four that I have ordered so much that I ordered more. I will end up getting my hands on more in the future I'm sure. Currently I am loving, I Heart This and Sequin. 

Tarte's Lights, Camera, Lashes//Currently this is my holy grail mascara. I am in love with the length and volume that it gives my lashes. It really makes them look full and on the verge of fake lash territory. Absolutely fantastic.

ELF Small Stipple Brush//I don't know how/why I went so long without this little beauty gem in my arsenal. It is small and applies blush effortlessly. I use it for both cream and powder blushes and it is great!

IT Cosmetics CC Cream//SPF 50, nice coverage, and a beautiful finish - what more could I want? I use this almost everyday and it has not let me down.

OPI Infinite Shine Nail Polish//No surprise that these have made it onto the list! 

Let me know what your April favorites are in the comments!

I am currently in the process of moving so if my posts are slow/on odd days of the week that is why!


Happy Happy Joy Joy - It's Friday!

Welcome back to my lil old blog! 
This week is the first week I have gotten back into the swing of things since doomsday. 

Once again I am linking up with Karli for oh hey, Friday!

Let's get to it!

1// Family
I honestly cannot thank my family enough for being such a great support system during this rough time that I am facing. I have horrified when I opened the mailbox the other day to discover a thick card in a nice envelope. Automatically I was afraid that it was an engagement card and my heart sank. Turns out it was something much better!

Yes, my Uncle sent me this card and it is wonderful!

2// Love
I know I have mentioned the OPI Infinite Shine polishes and that is because I am absolutely in love. I have three of the colors and have switched between them for a month. I personally haven't received 10 solid days of wear on my left hand (I am left handed) but I have had no problem with my right hand! I'll talk more in depth in a review post but I had to share the pretty picture and my love of  these polishes.

3// S'mores
With spring in the house and summer around the corner it means bonfires and s'mores! I love bonfires and s'mores but today I tried out a different kind of s'more...Starbucks S'mores Frappuccino and it blew my mind. So incredibly good. AND it comes with a cookie straw! My excitement level shot through the roof when she handed me the cookie straw, lol.

4// Obsession
I believe I have mentioned before that I have a slight obsession with Alex and Ani. Well you pair that obsession with horses and the bank account is not happy.


5// Saying
While I deal with the test that has been placed in front of me, I take comfort in knowing that I will be okay in the end. If it's not okay that means it isn't the end!

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