
Friday Top Five

We made it! 
Okay, I had an easy week between my lack of work and the weather but I hope I enjoyed it to the best of my ability because next week my original job schedule switches and I also start my second job. 
The little nuggets aren't going to know what has hit them when they get stuck in the crate - they've been spoiled and out all this week! 

To start Friday off I will be linking up with these ladies:

One// The nuggets have absolutely loved the fact that we had a good amount of snow for a day and a half! We went out and played and they couldn't be happier!

Two// I am never riding again. Seriously. Between the snow and the rain/all the rain we are supposedly getting next week I will never be able to ride. It has almost been two weeks since the show and the last time I've ridden! We have two upcoming shows and we all really need to get back into the saddle. Even though I can't ride I was finally able to make it out to the barn one day to play with my boy.

Three// I know a large amount of the south has been trapped inside their house -me included- because of the snow and ice. Since I have also been on my butt in the house I have been catching up on my lack of pinterest-ing and stumbled across this great specimen that I feel has pretty much summed up my life the past few days...

Four// If you have ever felt the need to donate to a great cause then I suggest you look into the Pet Food Pantry of Eastern NC. I learned about this organization through Facebook and learned that the Pet Food Pantry collects food/toys/treats/cat litter, etc to give to families in need. Currently there is a huge controversy over Purina's Beneful food and how it may be harming dogs. The Pet Food Pantry is taking all precautions and pulled all the Beneful bags from their shelves. Because of this, they have lost a hunk of their food to give. So please consider making a donation so they can replenish what food they lost so they can continue to give food to owners down on their luck.

Five// This weekend I am going to my parents, which means I get to make a run to Sephora! I am in need of a new foundation and have decided to take the plunge and get Nars Sheer Glow Foundation. I know it is a cult favorite and I can't deny that the coverage and finish is right up my ally. So tell me...have you tried the Sheer Glow Foundation? Do you currently use it? Love it? Hate it?

Happy Friday!


Healthier Spaghetti! Featuring Spaghetti Squash

Hello lovelies! 
Currently I am dealing with winter storm Quantum - anyone else living in the line of fire?
If you are, I hope you are staying warm and safe!

Since I've been stuck in the house a bit longer than usual I have had some time to experiment with new food.
On the menu last night was spaghetti squash.
And let me just say that I really wasn't sure how I was going to feel about it when I first cut it open. It is honestly really good. It doesn't have a strong taste and it reminded me of angel hair pasta.

You can alter this recipe to fit your needs but here is what I used:
-Spaghetti Squash
-Roasted White Onions
-Spaghetti Squash Sauce
-Ground Turkey (I seasoned mine with a little bit of taco seasoning)
-I was going to add peppers but I was out

So good! 

P.S. Daniel put sausage on his and really liked it

What to do:
-Cut spaghetti squash in half and place face down in a microwave safe dish
-Microwave spaghetti squash on high for 12 minutes
-Cook ground turkey/sausage during the time the squash is cooking
-Roast Onions
-Warm Sauce 

Tip: Once spaghetti squash is done cooking let it sit and completely cool. This way when you scrape out the squash with the spoon it will come out looking like spaghetti. If it's still to warm you will have trouble scraping it out. 

I added a little parmesan to mine

Are you thinking about trying it? I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I also found a spaghetti squash  and meatball crockpot recipe that I plan on trying out next week! After some trial and error I will share that recipe as well :)


New Experiences and New Favorite Places

Like everyone else, I need more time during the weekends!
I always have good weekends but all the sudden it's Sunday night and I wonder how it crept up so fast.
I vote we should have three day weekends at least twice a month. Any takers?! 

Even though I'm bummed that the weekend is over, I did have a good time.
Friday night I worked late so I wasn't home until around 9 but Daniel had dinner waiting for me when I walked through the door. I snuggled into the couch anticipating Say Yes to The Dress and it wasn't on! Such a bummer.

This is everything

Saturday I had the chance to enjoy Yoga and Zumba in the morning before meeting Ashley for lunch.
We planned on going to lunch and then to the barn and spend time with our four legged children considering we haven't been able to ride all week. Well during lunch the weather got worse and we decided it wasn't worth it so Ashley and I went to, my new favorite store, Jefferson's! 
They have so much wonderful stuff and I stumbled upon a limited season release Rewined candle called Wine Under the Tree!

I also gifted Ashley her little Valentine's present, lol. 

Since we gave up on the barn we decided to get our nails done instead. I ventured away from my neutrals and decided on a very pretty watermelon color in anticipation of spring aka I get to start showing my horse!

Sunday Daniel and I went to brunch after Daniel came home from work. We won't even talk about his 7 day work weeks...
Then I explored the Health Sciences Campus in order to find a place where I can park tomorrow when I talk to an admissions advisor. Cross your fingers and wish me luck on this!
Afterwards we ventured into a bridal show and ran some errands before going home and cooking dinner.

I have a few new experiences/information coming at me this week so we will see how it all goes!
I hope you all had a good weekend and have a good week!


Friday Favorites!

Linking up with this trio of lovely ladies:


Yep, that is all ice! I took this picture on Wednesday so you can imagine what it was like on Tuesday. Everyone had a snow day ice day on Tuesday, even Daniel! I ended up working for a bit and am thrilled that Daniel was able to drive me in a vehicle that has 4 wheel drive because I don't think I would have made it in my car.


Dreaming of warmer weather. It has been absolutely freezing this week and all I can think of is spring and some warm weather! Today I am heading to the Horseware Ireland Tent Sale in the frigid cold so of course I need some warm Starbucks to keep me motivated!


This is hard for me to say because in my mind I failed encountered a set back. At the end of last week I learned that I was placed on the alternate list for the accelerated nursing program that I applied to. Heart breaking. So what's a girl to do? Persevere. I know this is what I want to do and one way or another it will happen.


On a brighter note you may notice a new accessory I have been rocking...
That's right! A day after I had my heart ripped out I learned that I get to spend the rest of my life with a person who truly cares about me. Then we went out to a fabulous dinner so that definitely didn't hurt ;) 


I am excited to share with you all that I tried spaghetti squash for the first time this week and I loved it! I will share the recipe I made this week as well as try out a few more recipes and hopefully find some more to share! 


Recent Drug Store Makeup Finds

I am always on the hunt for a good deal. While there are a few high end makeup items that I do think are totally worth the money - there's also another hunk that is just 'meh'. 

Every time that I sneak into the drugstores or Ulta (the drugstore section), I always see what is new in the makeup department. 
I have had the chance to play with a few of these items but I really want to test them out a few times/a few ways before I tell you my thoughts on each one.

Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso
I will give you a full rundown on this blush but it is safe to say that I have played with this and it is currently my favorite blush.

L'oreal Infallible Pro-Spray
I managed to snag one of these in Ulta but I haven't been able to try it out. I am wondering if it will be good enough to replace my Urban Decay Setting Spray!

Milani Fierce Foil Eyeshine in Florence
Saw this little sucker when I went to pick Luminoso up and almost died of happiness. I love foiled shadows and finding some at the drugstore was even better. I will play around with them a bit and see how they perform before I give you the full rundown! 

L'oreal True Match Foundation
Always on the hunt for a good drugstore foundation with a luminous/natural finish. I have heard that people like this foundation so I wanted to give it a shot. Unfortunately I do believe that I am in-between two shades right now but that will change come summer.

Almay Smart Shade Lip Butter
I will admit that I have played with these also and I am impressed. If you see some I suggest you grab a few if you have a love of lip butters like I do. I am hoping to snatch some of the NYX Intense Butter Gloss soon!

If you are dying to have an individual review on any of the above items - or any thing else for that matter - just let me know :)


Why Do We Do This Again?

That was the famous saying from this weekend - why do we do this again?
We were referring to horse shows and why we go out and ride in blistering cold, and windy, 30 degree weather. Oh yes! I didn't even show but I went and watched my baby go around the course like an old pro at his first show! Definitely worth standing outside in the freezing cold. Us horse people are either A) crazy B) totally dedicated to our sport or C) all of the above.

So it is safe to say that I spent the majority of the end of week/weekend at the horse show.
On Saturday my mom came to visit and watched me have a lesson on Remi. Then we stayed and supported the rest of the crew before eating a super late Valentine's dinner at the Mexican restaurant.

Remi thinks horse show life is tuff stuff

My mom brought me some super cute Valentine's present and they are perfect for me! I got this adorable Beenie Boo (I have wanted one forever!) and a Starbucks cup so I can further my addiction :)

Sunday we went to the grocery store and then my mom, Daniel, and I enjoyed some blood orange mimosas and a piece of chocolate orange cheesecake at brunch. It was SO good!

So good!

This weekend was such an enjoyable, but cold, one! This coming week is going to be freezing. Look at this madness. I usually don't mind the cold but every single day that it has been cold here it is always accompanied by wind. Yesterday we had 20-30mph wind gusts. No thanks! 

How was your weekend?
Are you also frozen or have you been enjoying some nice weather?


Friday Favorites!

Linking up with these wonderful ladies:

Let's go!

Yes, I am sitting on my sleeping horse. He was enjoying his down time before his first show this week!

I decided to try this stuff and drank it for breakfast one morning. Not only did it taste pretty good but it also kept me full longer than I anticipated! I may be trying a few more of these in the near future.

I made Valentine's for the kiddos that I watch. Target is my go to for cute little baggies like these!

Remi at his first show! I unfortunately didn't get to watch him go yesterday but I am excited to see how he does today!

I told myself that I would be good and not buy any Girl Scout Cookies this year. I actually succeeded! ...And then Daniel brought a box of Thin Mints to me. It is safe to say that half the box is already gone.


Current Makeup Wishlist

Being a makeup addict means that there is always something out there in the makeup world that I want. I told myself I have enough makeup because I do, but that hasn't stopped me from wanting more! Even though I am failing at taking a makeup buying hiatus, I DID clean out all of my makeup and get rid of things that was either very old and gunky or stuff that I just don't use/turned out to not be so good. 

In hind sight I should of kept a hunk of all that stuff because I could of made a blog post out of disappointing items...I'll do that next time.

Even though I am trying not to pull the trigger on these wanted items, yet, I still wanted to share!

Mac Face and Body Foundation

Living in a hot/humid state means that finding a foundation that stays on my face all the time is hard! I have heard absolutely wonderful things about this foundation. It is water based which really helps it stay all day long while you sweat. This is a definite want! I have told myself I cannot purchase it until I am out of my current foundation.

Tarte Maracuja Oil

I have wanted this for such a long time but haven't pulled the trigger because I always thought why do I need an oil? And the price tag isn't exactly small. I received a small Maracuja oil in my Tarte advent calendar - then I proceeded to fall in love. It feels so luxurious, it doesn't leave my face feeling oily, and I really do think it has slightly helped my complexion/dryness during the wild winter here in the south (70 one day and 39 with rain the next - ugh!).

Chanel Soleil De Tan

I will be truthful and say that I do not see this product floating into my hands anytime soon because it is pricey - and I'm currently obsessed with another bronzer that will be discussed soon! I have watched and listened to beauty bloggers/youtube beauty girls rave about this stuff and I know that I would love it. First of all it is so natural looking! It is also a cream product which is music to my ears. Even though it is pricey, you may be able to justify that because a little goes a long way from what people are saying.

Tarte Tartelette Palette

I will not be purchasing this. I CANNOT. I have plenty of palettes. If I didn't have a plethora of other palettes I would most definitely purchase this. Look at all those beautiful neutral shades. Gorgeous.

I know most of these products are on the expensive side of the cosmetics spectrum, and that is exactly why they are on my wish list! Some of this stuff I have wanted for a long time and could go on wanting them for a while :) I did have a few drugstore products that I have been eyeing but I went and picked them up this weekend since I can actually afford them, haha!

So tell me...What is on your makeup/cosmetic wish list?


A First Glimpse Of Spring?

This weekend I was able to enjoy the most beautiful weather!
Friday wasn't super warm but it wasn't near as cold as it had been. So that night we headed out to a local steak house with one of Daniel's high school buddies and his fiancé. Brent and Jamie have continuously been fun to hang out with and Friday night was no exception!
I of course was so caught up in talking and my food that I didn't take any pictures on Friday night. Utter failure.

But never fear because I made up for it on Saturday and Sunday!

Saturday was spent partially working and then in the evening Daniel, Ashley, and I a banquet for one of the horse organizations I am a member of. Even though it was a mad rush for all three of us to get ready on time, it all ended up alright! We made it on time (little miracles!) and arrived to a free bar - score! 

Ashley and I

I unfortunately do not have the final/group barn picture on my phone but I did snag a few of barn members in their divisions.

Beautiful iPhone pics, no??

We enjoyed food and good company before going home for the night to crash.

Sunday was such a beautiful day. Temperatures hit the mid 60's and there was a a slight breeze. In order to take advantage of the day we ended up outside as soon as possible. The nuggets enjoyed a nice long walk before Daniel and I headed out to run some errands and grab brunch!

Mmm, eggs Benedict

Enjoying the warm weather

After running errands Daniel went home and I headed back out to get my nails done. I am loving the dusty pink/rose color!

All ready for Valentine's Day!

I ended the day by getting my car washed and cooking some lettuce tacos.
Did you have a nice weekend? Let me know :)


Hello Friday!

Join in by linking up with these ladies!

Please meet my new Youtube obsession! Nikketutorials. This girl is hysterical! Some videos may have a few curse words but overall she's pretty toned down. Her Katy Perry Superbowl look is beautiful!

Link Here!

Breakfast for dinner is a favorite around here and lately we have been enjoying poached eggs on top of risotto cakes. We had an egg down at one point so we had to resort to making the egg in the ramekin this time. Thankfully Daniel enjoys cooking and I enjoy eating :)

As we all know I have a Netflix obsession. Recently Daniel and I have been watching Peaky Blinders and I have found my new Netflix addiction! I had never even heard of it until I was flicking through Netflix and figured I would give it a shot. Definitely worth it!

As promised here are our final paint your own pottery products! My lip has herpes...
I have no idea what happened since it did not have a mark beforehand. Daniel calls it a beauty mark. 

Daniel's Old/Worn Out Mug

Boone wanted to help

The nursing school debacle. I have had so much trouble with my transcripts showing up at the correct locations which as caused a lot of stress on my end. Little do they know that I am already prepared so I really hope I get in!

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