
Confession Friday

Happy Friday and happy Halloween! 

If you want to join in on the fun head on over to Leslie's blog

{1} I confess that I am having the worst time trying to order Daniel's Christmas present. I received the strangest phone call saying that my ordered would be cancelled if I didn't call back and answer some questions. I called customer service last night and they said my order was absolutely fine. Well today it was cancelled! ugh!

{2} I confess that I had a breakthough at the barn today. Theres not much to say besides the fact that it was a good day! 

{3} I confess that I am being boring tonight and handing out candy. I will be dressing up the dogs much to their dismay :)

{4} I confess that my Starbucks told me that the Oprah Chi was seasonal and that they no longer had it. I recently stopped at another Starbucks and they told me that the Oprah Chi is still around. So I don't know what is going on. 

What is going on in your life??


My {Current} Favorite Fall Nail Colors

We all know it is no secret that I love fall. As much as I enjoy summer nail colors (the bright pinks, corals, and neons, oh my!) I am always dying to pull out my fall colors. 

Now that it is fall, I have been painting my nails like a crazed person and admiring all the colors. 
Since I am slightly obsessed, I wanted to share my favorite fall colors with you!

{1} Essie Shearling Darling

{2} OPI's Friar Friar Pants on Fire

{3} OPI's Taupe Less Beach

{4} Essie's Hot Cocoa

{5} Essie's Cocktails and Coconuts

{6} Essie's Cocktail Bling

{7} Chanel Vendetta

What are you favorite fall polish colors? Please let me know in the comments below because I am a polish addict and am always on the hunt for new colors :)


Hopes and Plans {Link-Up}

I'm switching it up this Monday and am linking up with the lovely Amanda over at Marry Mint.

It's been a while since I have shared my hopes and plans for the week and I figured this was a good week to get back into is considering I have lots to do this week!

{One} Contact the harness company and get Boone's harness repaired. I don't even know what happened to Boone's harness but I noticed a nice clean (it literally looks as if it were cut) cut on the bottom of his harness. It is literally hanging on by a thread and I really don't need a loose nugget running around the neighborhood.

{Two} Get my plethora of jeans taken up. I have so many jeans that I have let sit in my drawer and now that it's getting cooler I really need to have them taken up so I can wear them.

{Three} Carve the pumpkins! If this does not happen this week then Daniel and I completely fail at having any Halloween spirit and I will be severely dissapointed 

{Four} Send in my application for nursing school! The time has come ladies and gentlemen and I am so nervous but so excited to turn all of my completed applications in!

Do you have any hopes and plans for the week?


Hey There Friday!

I am so happy that it is Friday. This weekend is jammed pack full of things to do so I may not get much rest, but here's to hoping!

Glitter Pumpkins
While I may have not gotten around to my large pumpkin yet, I did manage to take the time and glitter my little pumpkin and I am quite happy with how it turned out!

POM Pomegranate Tea
I grabbed a bottle of this while in Fresh Market last weekend and it is good! I plan on trying out a few other flavors this coming week.

Coffee RealBeanz
This coffee made with coconut water is incredibly good. I have a bad Starbucks fetish but cannot always afford it so I was happy to find a drink I could buy at the store that is good! They also have a caramel one that I will be trying

Maroon 5's New Single Animal
Such a catchy song! I have been listening to it constantly

Fall Shoes
I am obsessed with all things boots and I now have my eye on the Frye Carson Wedge Bootie. How versatile these booties are!  

I have a busy weekend ahead but I am so looking forward to dinner with Daniel on Saturday night. 
Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?


Baked Oats

Hello lovelies! 
I bring you my new favorite breakfast obsession now that it is cooling down.

Baked oats

You will need:
-Milk or almond milk
-Chocolate Chips
-Almond butter/peanut butter, etc

-Take a 1/2 of cup of oats
-1/2 cup of almond milk
-2/3rd mashed banana
-1tsp of vanilla
-Chocolate chips to your hearts desire

+Mix all the above ingredients together and stick ramekin in oven at 350 degrees for 35 minutes

+Once your oats are complete, top with any type of almond butter or peanut butter that you wish! I usually do almond butter or a tiny bit of chocolate peanut butter.

If you try this out, let me know what you think!
Next week I am hoping to try out a new lunch - homemade chicken salad (with greek yogurt) stuffed into peppers.

Happy hump day!

The Hump Day Blog Hop


Ways to Jazz Up Your Pumpkins

Hello and happy Monday

Yesterday Daniel and I went to pick out some pumpkins. We ended up with two small pumpkins and two large pumpkins.

I have always carved my pumpkins in the past but started thinking about some other ways to decorate  my pumpkins this year. After doing some research last night here are some other ways to jazz up your pumpkin festivities this year!

1: Pumpkin Drilling

I am seriously thinking of doing this to my pumpkin. How simple yet beautiful are these pumpkins?

How beautiful is this Tinker Bell design? Tinker Bell is a carving and the drill was used to create her pixie dust! 

2: Stacked Pumpkins

 You can easily put these in a pot, paint them, or add some leaves, etc!

3: Fishnet Pumpkins

4: Glitter Pumpkins

Ahh glitter...You can do so much with glitter!

I glittered my little pumpkins last year (one purple, one gold) and I think I am going to do glitter initials on the little ones this year...

I hope this has inspired you during your pumpkin decorating festivities!
Are you going to carve your pumpkin or do something else this year? Share you ideas below!


Confession Friday

Today is a beautiful Friday in October.
We are finally seeing the weather cool down a bit and I cannot wait for the temperature to drop even more!

This weekend I have a horse show but I am hoping Daniel and I will have some time to go get some pumpkins and mums! 
Have you been enjoying fall so far?

This Friday I have a few confessions to share with you all and if you wish to share head on over here to join in on the fun!

{1} I confess that I have a new breakfast obsession. It still involves oats and I will give you a little sneak preview...
P.S. it's warm and perfect for the cooler weather ;) 

{2} I confess that I am obsessed with THIS scarf and I am trying to convince myself that I do not need to spend important money on it and save my money for food - because food is important to

{3} I confess that it has taken me a bit of time to get use to my hair and I really like it. I think I may let it grow out just a bit (to my collarbone) and see what I think about the length. I don't want my hair to be as long as it was so I am trying to find the 'perfect' length for now. 

{4} I confess that I am obsessed with neutral colored nail polish currently. Between Essie's Hot Cocoa, Essie's Cocktails and Coconuts, and OPI's How Great is Your Dane - just to name a few. I am trying to get my hands on Sand Tropez and Take It Outside (by Essie) next, but they always seem to be sold out.

Essie's Cocktails and Coconuts

{5} I confess that the one Starbucks I frequent the most can we say addicted mentioned to me that the Oprah Chi is seasonal and that they no longer have it. What?! Has anyone else heard this? I am now drinking their regular Chi's (which are good) but I miss my Oprah Chi's! 

Do you have anything you wish to confess this Friday? 
Let me know below!


Hairstyles for Shoulder/Medium Length Hair

As mentioned in my post on Monday, I had my hair cut over the weekend and went from long to shoulder length!
I have been loving my new hair thus far and while I haven't had a ton of time to play around with it, I have looked at ways to style medium length hair.

On a normal, daily, basis I spritz some Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray into my hair, scrunch it, and go. I do want to play with defining my waves some more so as soon as I do I will have a picture for you guys.

In the meantime, if you are looking for some hairspiration for medium hair then take a look at some of these tutorials

Classic Hairstyle 

3 Ways to Style

Messy Waves

Note: Her hair is shorter than mine but you can follow her technique on any length hair to get gorgeous waves

If you are using any heat on your hair make sure to use a heat protectant in order to minimize damage!


Sometimes All a Girl Needs is a Mani/Pedi

It's amazing what something so simple like a manicure and pedicure can do for your mind. 
Daniel and I went to visit my parents this weekend and I have already been a bit stressed this month and our drive on Friday didn't help. After driving through one of the worst thunderstorms I have seen in a while, I realized that Daniel had put my Vera Bradley suitcase in the bed of his truck...
Yeah, the bag and everything inside was soaked by the time we made it to my parents house.

So on Saturday my mom suggested we go get our nails done. 
If you don't remember, I use to have fake nails, and I use to get my nails done every 2-3 weeks.
After I had my nails taken off I was determined to save some money by doing my own nails but boy I didn't realize how badly I missed the nail salon.
As I was sitting in the chair getting pampered, I was totally at ease and remembered how nice it was to take some time for myself. Yes, I plan on saving some money by painting my own nails but every once in a while I plan on going in and having someone do them for me. 
While it still feels like summer here ewwwww I am determined to ring in fall by doing my nails fall colors

My nails are OPI's 'How Great is Your Dane?'

My toes are OPI's 'German-icure'

The above picture is from Ulta and it definitely looks more purple in this picture than it does in real life. On my toes it looks like a darkened red. It's very pretty. 

On Saturday I was also determined to find costumes for the nuggets and I succeeded! Unfortunately neither of the costumes fit either of the boys the best, but it was still a hysterical photo opportunity. 

Can't you tell how thrilled they are?! Oh man, they tolerate so much and then stare at me pitifully. To top everything off, the eyes of both costumes light up :) 

Sunday my dad and I drove to Raleigh to get my haircut. My mom was suppose to come with me but she ended up not feeling good so I ended up spending some time with my dad! I also did something drastic for me...I cut a good amount of my hair off! I haven't been able to get a good picture of it but I will, I promise! It is a change but I really like it. Just need to work on perfecting it a bit!

So, how was your weekend?
Also, if you are stressed, go get your nails done and take a moment for yourself.


Confession Friday!

Happy Friday!
I hope it has been going well so far.

I have a few confessions for this Friday...

Join the link-up here!

{1} I confess that I am going to visit my parents this weekend and I am looking forward to it! The poor dogs will probably think we are dragging them to the kennel again but they'll get a happy surprise when they realize they are coming with us.

{2} I confess that it needs to be cold - now! I am so tired of it being in the 80's during October. The only nice thing about the warm weather is that the horses have not gone crazy yet and I've been enjoying my rides recently.

{3} I confess that I have so much stuff to do and very little motivation to do any of it. I need a day where I don't do much. Therefore, I will get bored when I do not have a jam packed day and be re-energized to do all the stuff I need to get done. 

{4} I confess that my hear hurt yesterday. Why? If you have a Facebook then you have probably seen the article of the young woman with brain cancer who has decided to move to Oregon to take advantage of their Death with Dignity Act. So many people left hateful comments on these articles and it was sad. I completely understand that not everyone has the same viewpoint about things, but just because she made a choice does not mean you have to make the same one if you were faced with a similar situation. Is it that hard to support people nowadays and respect their wishes like you would want yours respected?

{5} I confess that I really need to go pack...

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 


Fall Makeup Tutorials

We all know that I am a makeup fanatic. I am a huge fan of fall makeup looks - mainly because I love red lips. Not to say you can't rock red lips in the summer, I definitely do, but there's just something about fall and a red lip that I love. 

I enjoy wasting my time watching youtube beauty videos and have been binging on fall tutorials when I have the chance. I wanted to share the fall looks I have been loving the most recently.

I will link all of the videos in case they do not show up on your screen :) 

And since it is so popular right now, and also a great makeup look, here is a Kylie Jenner look

What are some of your favorite fall looks?

Also, anyone else incredibly excited for American Horror Story?!?!


A Fun Filled Weekend and An Engagement Party

This weekend Daniel and I headed to Raleigh to attend our good friends Mitzi and Tylers engagement party! 
We left Saturday morning after dropping off the boys at the kennel. It was tough to say the least - on both ends. 
After dropping them off we headed to Raleigh and the day begun! 
The girls had a jam packed day. We got ready (minus one of us) and headed to lunch. 
After a quick lunch we made our way to our fittings! 
Fittings went pretty smoothly considering a few things. We also saw the guys as they got fitted for their tuxes. 
We had some time to kill before heading over to set up for the engagement party so this is what we did...

We ended up in Target! Mitzi is the next pro boxer and Logan found her Halloween costume. 

We finally made our way over to where the engagement party was held, decorated, relaxed, and ate food! 

Sunday Daniel and I were up bright and early to go have some brunch! We ended up at one of our old favorites, Brio's!

We started off with some bacon and onion jam bruschetta...I could eat this every single day! I wanted a better picture but my camera was not cooperating so I ended up taking it with my phone before Daniel touched it.

After brunch we did a little shopping damage and then headed downtown to a Joule coffee. I had the Chai and it was incredibly good. They also have very good looking food but Daniel and I just enjoyed a drink since we were still full from brunch. 

We had to stop at Dover afterwards and then we headed home to grocery shop and eat dinner before trying to settle in for the night. 

Today I picked up the boys (who were beyond pitiful) and got back into the school and work routine. 

How was your weekend?


Friday Means We Will Confess

Hello and happy Friday! 
I hope your week has been a good one. All my friends said that this week has dragged on for them, but not me...

Maybe this is why...

{1} I confess that this weekend I will be spending it celebrating the engagement of my good friends! We will be being fitted for dresses (the guys for their tuxes) and then enjoy the engagement party.

{2} I confess that tomorrow morning the dogs are going to the kennel and I am upset about it. I am not worried that anything bad will happen to them but I feel as if they will think I am abandoning them. AND it doesn't help that Ash is sick today. Can we say anxiety level through the roof?

{3} I confess that I also think this week/month will fly by for me because I do not want to send Lulu back to foal. I know she has to but we are making progress and I just love her. I have tried not to get attached and it was actually going well because I wasn't totally thrilled with her at first but now she is just blossoming and I see all the potential.

{4} I confess that since I never get to dress up anymore, I have had my outfit, for the engagement party, planned out for a good week now. 

{5} I confess that I will take pictures this weekend and will have plenty to share on Monday. It's going to happen!

{6} I confess that we are stuck in this in-between weather and I want it to be cold so I can wear my boots! Soon...

What do you have to confess this week?


September Favorites

It's October! I absolutely love October.

To kick off October I am going to tell you about a few items I have been loving/fell in love with in September! 

1st: Maybelline Creamy Matte Lipsticks
Do not let the color of the lipstick in the picture scare you. I did not have time to take pictures of all of mine yet (so please go to this blog to see all the swatches and colors) but I have worn them and they are just phenomenal! The formula is just fantastic. Creamy but a beautiful matte. There are ten colors to choose from and I may have gone slightly crazy when buying these.

2nd: MAC Woodwinked
I have had this color for a long time and I have always loved it. It fell to the wayside for a while as I experimented with new colors and different brands/formulas. I also end up going back to Woodwinked. It is a gorgeous antiqued gold and looks great by itself on the lid. I use to wear it with a little black eyeliner all of the time and it looks great. Even if you aren't a huge MAC fan I definitely recommend woodwinked.

3rd: Mario Badescu Facial Spray
I picked this stuff up on a whim because I was intrigued. The facial spray is formulated with aloe, herbs, and rosewater. I really like spraying this on my face before bed to seal in moisture. It says that it can also work as a makeup setting spray but I haven't tested it out yet.

4th: The Body Shop Chocolate Body Scrub
I cannot say enough good things about this stuff if you are a chocolate lover, like myself :)
It smells so incredibly good and when you open it...It looks like you can go get a spoon and start eating it. I am obsessed with the smell and of course the gentle body scrub is so nice.

5th: Mario Badescu Almond and Honey Gentle Face Scrub
Once again, I picked this up on a whim when looking for new face products. What drew me to this facial scrub was that it is exfoliating but gentle. The rest of my scrubs are a bit more harsh on the skin. My face feels incredible after using this scrub. If you have sensitive skin but want a facial scrub I would definitely take a look at this scrub!

What were some of your favorite items in September?

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