
My Favorite Drug Store Makeup!

It's no secret that I have a makeup problem.
While I certainly love my high end makeup, I also love finding more affordable makeup that performs.

+Milani Color Statement Lipstick: Love this lipstick. I own three of them and they go on so seamlessly and have great color payoff.

+Revlon Photo Ready Powder: This is great, finely milled, powder. I have it in the lightest shade and dust it over my face once I am done with foundation and concealer. It also lasts a long time. I have had mine for close to a year and it doesn't look like I've put a dent in it! Very impressed.

+L'oreal Paris Color Infallible Eyeshadow: Best drugstore eyeshadow in my opinion. The eyeshadow isn't packaged as a normal eyeshadow. It is almost a pressed pigment. There is a variety of shades, they are pigmented, and they are smooth and easily blend able. I am always on the hunt for these when limited edition ones make an appearance. 

+Revlon Color Burst Lip Pencil: I have at least four of these because I am that impressed! Currently I am crushing on the color Elusive. Revlon has a matte and a glossier line and both perform quite well! 

+NYX Cream Blush: I've mentioned these in my favorite because they blend extremely well and are very pigmented. I am such a fan of cream blushes and am so happy there is a well performing drugstore brand. My only complaint is that I wish they would come out with more colors! 

+NYX Lipgloss: Love these lip glosses. They aren't too sticky, they are well pigmented, and I think they smell good. Some people do not like the smell of them but I think it's fine! They have a wonderful range of colors and I always find myself looking at them when I make a trip to Ulta.

+Revlon Whipped Cream Foundation: I haven't tried a lot of drugstore foundations but I was so intrigued with the formulation of this foundation that I got suckered in and bought two one. It can be a little difficult to find your shade because of the glass container they come in but I found a shade that matched me perfectly, both when I am pale and tanner! I used a stippling brush and a little bit went a long way with this stuff. Will definitely be purchasing this again. 

+Drug store mascara in general: Unless there is a high end mascara that you love Armani Eyes to Kill  then drug store mascara is perfectly fine. In fact, I think drug store mascara is equal to the fast majority of high end mascaras and the price is so much better! I am currently loving L'oreal's Telescopic Mascara. 

Since we are talking about favorites, take a listen and enjoy this song I have been loving!


Hopes and Plans Link-up!

Today I am joining Amanda to talk about my hopes and plans for the week.

Marry Mint

Feel free to link-up!

{1} To do two HIIT workouts this week. I needed to change up my routine a bit so I decided to incorporate HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts into my workout routine. I managed to add in two last week so I am planning on doing it again!

{2} Finish my micro class strong! Two more days, just two more days! One presentation and a final stands in the way of me and the end of micro!

{3} Study big time for the NLN Pax as soon as micro ends. Ugh, it's never ending. It's okay, it'll all pay off in the end :)

{4} Get Daniel his favorite cheesecake for his Birthday. Daniel has a thing for Fresh Market's cheesecake so I really want to go pick one up this weekend since he doesn't get it very often.

{5} Drop clothes off at the Salvation Army. I have a pile of clothes that need to be donated. I have had them for way too long and they need to go to someone who will wear them.

And that's it!
Do you have any hopes and plans for this week?


Confession Friday/Oh Hey There Friday

I confess that I am linking up with two bloggers for today's post. As always, I am linking with Leslie  (A Blonde Ambition) for Confession Friday! I am also linking up with Karli (September Farm) for 'Oh Hey Friday!'

Lets get to it!

{1} I am so ready for fall to make an appearance. I love fall - the color changes, my boots, the clothes, oxblood red lipstick, taupe nails. To help myself prepare for my love of the fall season I already painted my nails a nice taupe! 

{2} Quest Bars. I do not know why I didn't take a liking to these earlier. I finally caved and picked some up and I must admit that I am impressed. Not only do they taste good but I really think they are a great snack if I am stuck out and about or as a snack after the gym. I have tried the Oreo and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and have been impressed with both. 

{3} HIIT workouts. I just started doing HIIT workouts this week and I must say that as much as I want to cry/die during them, I am addicted. I had to change up my routine a bit because there are a few things I want to improve on and I came to the realization that in order to achieve the results I want I needed to do something different. I'll keep you updated on how this is going but in the meantime feel free to share what HIIT workouts you like! 

{4} Mojito's are my new obsession. Grapefruit mojito's in particular. I have bought the grapefruit and sparkling water. I just need to run out to buy the rum, a shaker, and mint. I totally planned on making one tonight but I felt incredibly sick last night and am living off of brown rice and gatorade at the moment so I will have to postpone my mojito making plan. When I am back in business I am also going to make a watermelon mojito!

{5} Lulu Lemons Tracker Short II. I am going to just put it out there and say that I have a hard time fitting shorts because of my thighs and butt. In the summer I usually wear dresses but on those days that I am running around bumming it, I don't always want to put a dress on. Enter Lulu Lemons Tracker shorts! These shorts are fantastic. Not only are they incredibly comfortable, I literally live in my two pairs - but they are long and they fit! I can tell you right now that I will have a drawer full of these eventually. 


Mid-week Happenings

Wednesday means we are half way there!

Since nothing significant came to me for my blog post today, I figured I would let you in on the random things/thoughts going on in my life currently.


+So there is this big horse show every summer in the mountains, which is wonderful because it's blooming hot here, and I am so bummed that it isn't working out this year for me. Soon I will be back there!

+I am such a Starbucks Blackberry Mojito Tea Lemonade Snob that I know when they don't include the lemonade. It tastes so much better with the lemonade and I don't know why half the time it is not included even when I ask for it to be.

+The dogs will be 11 months in two days, which means they are almost a year old. How did this happen?! They use to be little guinea pig lookalikes and now they are about to be a year old.

+I ordered a new saddle and it's not going to be here for three months. Sad days.

+I downloaded Bubble Witch Saga and it was a mistake wonderful idea! 

+I need to buy a shaker so I can make grapefruit mojitos...yummm.

+Velvet thought it was too hot to ride today and wanted to be loved on and model instead

+I did a circuit workout today after doing my cardio and thought I was going to die. Everything hurt.

+I bought some Quest bars and already demolished an Oreo one. Oops.

So, what randomness is going on in your life? 


Hopes and Plans!

I am linking up with Amanda for todays post :)

One:: Groceries. There is nothing to eat in the house since Daniel and I went to the beach this past weekend.

Two:: Find out why I never received a receipt for my class payment. And why has it not been charged to my card??

Three:: Make a new crockpot dish! Honey sesame chicken that is!

Four:: Nail my interview on Thursday! 

Five:: Go back over and finalize my project for micro.

Do you have any hopes and plans for this week?

How was your weekend?

Daniel and I went to the beach with our good friends Mitzi and Tyler. 
They finally were able to meet the nuggets and deal with their craziness. I think we officially have scared them from getting a puppy anytime soon!
We managed to not get rained out (yay!) so we were able to lie on the beach and go play putt putt that night! Unfortunately we moved to other ends of the state so we had about a day and half with them before we had to say goodbye.

We had a great time and can't wait to see them again and/or head to the beach!
Here are some pictures I snapped from my phone.

Ash on the ride down, haha. 

Pictures from our morning beach walk


Confession Friday!!

Happy Friday! 

You know what that means...
It's time for some confessions!

Here we go!

{1} I confess that I am exhausted! I was at the barn later in the afternoon yesterday and being out there and on for such a long time just sucked the life right out of me. Heat and humidity will knock the life right out of you.

{2} I confess that I am hopeful about a job so cross your fingers that a few things I applied for recently will work out!

{3} I confess that Daniel and I are about to pack up and head for the beach and spend some time wit our good friends Mitzi and Tyler!

{4} I confess that I really didn't feel that good this morning and am doing a lot better now! Thank goodness because I was hoping not to have to drag myself out to the beach.

{5} I confess that I will be studying while lying on the beach tomorrow. No rest for the wicked. At least I'll have a nice view, right?

{6} I confess that I've had too much Dairy Queen this week. It was hot, I worked out and rode so hey, why not gain some calories back with some delicious ice cream? :)

Have a great weekend everyone! 


#TotalSocial - Favorites

I am linking up with Helene and Sarah today for a fun little post about random favorites!

Helene in Between

Here are some random favorites of mine!

-Horses. They will always be a part of my life - sorry dad and Daniel!

-Caffeine. I have especially been loving the Blackberry Mojito Tea Lemonades from Starbucks and my homemade salted caramel coffee.

-Tv shows. Dexter, True Blood, Game of Thrones, Teen Mom, Say Yes to The Dress, etc.

-The color purple.

-Makeup. Especially mascara!

-Music. I love music. No particular genre - I'll listen to just about anything.

-The gym. Yep, I love the gym!

-The morning. Between 7-8AM it is just so peaceful and I love it :)

-Mexican food. I can eat it constantly. Give me some Mexican food and guacomole and I am a happy girl.

-Beer. I don't drink it that often because it bloats me but I love it.

-Gin and Tonics. I have a new found love thanks to my parents.

-Good smelling things. Yeah, it's broad but good smelling candles, wall plug ins, scentsy bars, etc make me happy. Plus it makes me believe that my house is cleaner than it is - no shame!

What are some of your favorite things?


Don't Let Your Face Melt Off

Ah summer time. Time for the beach, beautiful scenery, and sweating. 
I'm just going to put it out there...I sweat a lot and I live in the south where the temperatures are high and the humidity runs rampant. Bad combination, yes?
There's nothing like sweating as soon as you get into your car. 

You can use these products year round, but they are really great for the summer.

{1} Moisturizer
It's all about the palette aka your face. The summer heat and humidity will suck all the moisture right out of your face. Use your favorite moisturizer every morning to get your makeup started off the right way.

{2} A good foundation brush/blender that will pack your makeup onto your face.
Now when I say pack, I don't literally mean pack the makeup on. I mean, make sure it is blended into your face and pushed into your skin so that it will stay put!

{3} Cream Blush
Powder blush is great and I totally use it in the summer but I tend to transition to cream blush the hotter it agains. Cream blush stays longer, looks dewey, and is so easy to deal with. I am a fan of NYX cream blush because of the price point and I think the product is great!
Bonus: You can use the cream blush on your lips!

{4} Perricone MD No Bronzer Bronzer
I added this bronzer to the list (because it's summery) but more importantly because it is a liquid formula that, once again, will not stray. If you have a great powder bronzer you love then use that! I just love this bronzer because it is so natural and it stays on my face longer than bronzing powder does in the summer.

{5} Urban Decays All Nighter
This setting spray is fantastic. Once you have applied all of your makeup, spritz your face with this, let it dry, and your makeup is set! You may sweat but the makeup isn't going anywhere.

{6} Revlon Lip Butter
You can use any brand of lip product you like, but my lips become very chapped in the summer and it breaks my heart because I love my matte lip products. I love the Revlon Lip Butters period, but they are a life saver for me during the summer months!

{7} Water Proof Mascara
I did not add a picture of this because I forgot and I do not use water proof mascara (or very rarely) because I dislike scrubbing it off of my lashes and my eyes are sensitive. If you do not have this problem, I totally recommend water proof mascara during the summer.

That's it! What are your must have summer beauty products? 
Let me know below :)


Ready, Set, Grill!

This weekend Daniel finally decided to take the plunge and buy a grill.
Thank goodness! I have been missing grilled chicken.
Plus, I have seen these recipes for grilled pizza, grilled salads, and grilled desserts
Lets just say I am drooling over the grilled desserts. 

Since Daniel we spent about three hours putting the grill together last night, I think tonight we will christen it and have some sweet corn, chicken, and a nice cold beer.
No better time to grill out and enjoy a cold one than the humid summer weather.

So here's my question to you. Do you grill out a lot? What do you enjoy grilling?
Has anyone done a grilled dessert recipe? I am dying to try one I saw on Pinterest where you grill the peach, add some vanilla ice cream and drizzle with honey!

No grill session would be complete without my favorite beer. If you can get a hold of Red Oak's Hummingbird then do yourself a favor and grab some. To put it into perspective about how good this beer is...remember that beer fest I went to at the beginning of the year? It was safe to say I tried plenty of beers and had plenty to drink. Even in my alcohol haze, all I wanted was the Hummingbird beer. I even asked if I could buy some from the guys right then and there. Slightly embaressing but now you understand how good it is! 

Besides the grill story, I also got to see my mom on Saturday during our meet ups for our hair appointments. We had a good time and died in the heat, as always! Take a look at my moms drink with its cute little sushi decoration! 

Hope everyone had a great weekend! 
On Wednesday I plan on sharing my favorite summer makeup! 


Confession Friday: A Day In The Life Of

So you want to know what a typical day in my life looks like?
Want to tell us all what a typical day of yours looks like? 
Then head on over to Leslie's blog and link-up!

I could tell you that my life is super exciting and my life is jammed packed with cool stuff on a day to day basis - but let's be real. This is simply not the case. 
I live a pretty wild routined life.

There are little things that change on a daily basis but I am just going to give you a typical day so that you can get the idea.

6-6:15 AM: Wake up because the dogs decided that it is time to rise and shine.

6:15-6:30ish: Take the dogs on their mini walk so that they will do their business before breakfast. 

6:45AM: Lay back down in bed and snuggle with the fluffy demons nuggets. 

7-7:15: Get up and get breakfast for the nuggets and make breakfast for myself.

8-10AM: Study, study, study.

10:30: Go to the gym and study while doing cardio.
*Some days I go to the barn after the gym. When I do I'm usually at the gym by 8 or 9 so that I can ride before the humidity fully sets in.

11:30AM: Run errands while sweaty/gross already out. Today I ran to three different post offices - yes, three! Thankfully third time is the charm so I now know what post office I will be using.

12:30: Walk the dogs before I shower if I didn't do it that morning.

1-1:30PM: Shower and make lunch

2-4ishPM: Study more

4:30ish: Those dishes in the kitchen? I should probably wash them. That mountain of laundry in the closest? Eh, I should probably throw some stuff in the wash. There's stuff still in the dryer? Crap, better fold that.

5:30PM: Boone reminds me that it is in fact dinner time for the nuggets.

6PM: Think about dinner and wonder what would be good.

6:30-7PM: Decide it's late to make something. Maybe Daniel can pick something up?

7:30PM: I guess I will be making loaded nacho's for dinner.

8-10PM: Watch tv and cater to the nuggets and their potty demands. 

Somewhere between 10-11PM I crawl into bed.

And there you have it! I just blew your mind, huh? 

Anyway, I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


June Favorites!

This year is really flying by for me.
I know everyone says it, but I cannot believe it's July! It'll be December before I know it. 

I wanted to share with you all a few things I've been loving in June!

From left to right - top to bottom.

1) Voluspa Candle in Crane Flower. I have not had this candle long but I love it! If I could have one burning in every room of my house, I would! I bought mine from Anthropologie. Not only are they pretty but all the scents smelled amazing - clearly I am partial to Crane Flower, though. Since I cannot give you a great description of the scent, I will tell you what the website describes the sent as! "Ripened grapefruit combines with geranium, lavender, and nectar inspired by the Birds of Paradise flower."

2) Benefit's Push Up Liner. I was excited to get my hands on this (thanks mom!) after hearing great things about it. Now I don't mind doing a winged liner with a felt tip liner pen or gel, but I have to admit, this little baby makes doing a cat eye a breeze! If you struggle with doing a cat eye, this can definitely help!

3) The Freedom No Pull Harness. Both my lovely little angel puppies pull. They have gotten better but they're energetic little Aussie's! I was introduced to this harness during puppy class and now both the boys have one. They are fantastic. Walks are so much more enjoyable now! You can purchase one here.

4) OCC Lip Tar in Trollop. I love OCC's lip tars - they have great color pay off and they stay put without drying out my lips. Trollop is a coral/pink color and it is so pretty for the summer. Trollop is a matte finish but OCC offers other finishes for their lip tars. Look here!

5) Anastasia'a Brow Wiz. Considering I had a post dedicated to this product I don't think we need togo back over the details. I had to include it because I love it so much!

6) Asics Gel-Noosa Tri. Yes, I have the color that is pictured. These shoes are my favorite workout shoes. They are so incredibly comfortable. I know shoes fit everyone differently, but if you are on the lookout for some new workout shoes then check these out.

What did you love during the month of June/are still loving?


Hopes and Plans

Marry Mint
Last week: 
One:: Sign up for the NLN Pax. Must be done!
Two:: Pay for fall classes. Nope totally forgot. 
Three:: Pick up hemmed maxi dress! Hooray!
Four:: Apply, apply, apply - I am determined that a job will present itself soon!
Five:: Make a toe and nail appointment. I think Daniel is going fishing on Sunday so I am going to relax and enjoy myself. Well - that's the plan! **Nope. The boys were all up in the air so by the time I knew Daniel was going (ahem 2:30 Sunday) I couldn't get in. 
Six:: Do something fun for the 4th.

This week:
One:: Pay for my classes. Have to!

Two:: Get Ash's harnessed sent back and repaired. Devil chewed through it in less than a week.

Three:: Call about the shoes I need to pick up.

Four:: Work on my project for micro. I do good and then I slack. 

Five:: Not go to Fresh Market to buy sushi every other day. Seriously, this is a goal because I am addicted to the stuff. 

Have a great week everyone!
I hope to have my June favorite post up on Wednesday :) 


4th of July!!

Hello everyone!
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and had an amazing fourth of July!

Daniel and I went to dinner and watched fireworks over the water :)
It was a nice ending to the day since Daniel had to work until 6 yesterday and I studied - exciting, yeah? 

Since my day wasn't jammed packed with adventures and pictures, I will share some stuff I've been loving/stuff going on this fourth of July!

 Hurricane Arthur! 
We weren't hit really bad, thankfully! 
But it was still a new experience for me.

Sephora's X Formula nail polish

I had to do my nails for the fourth! 

Nice weather and fireworks!

After Arthur blew through, the weather has been so gorgeous. It almost feels like the beginning of fall - which isn't cool because I love fall! 
Daniel wouldn't take a picture with me (hair issues) so I documented myself and a firework! 
I was so excited to watch fireworks because they were originally cancelled because of the hurricane.

These mini s'mores cupcakes from Fresh Market.
I should not have picked these up because they are sooo good. 
I will definitely be enjoying them :) 

Have a great weekend everyone!


Easy Peasy Pork Chop (Slow Cooker)

My cooking skills are currently reserved for all things involving a crock pot. 
I have little time to make large spreads, but if I could I would!

I have staple crock pot recipes that involve about three dishes and after a while you get tired of rotating those few dishes/occasionally ordering out to spice things up a bit.

To switch things up a bit, I used pork chops instead of my usual chicken or ground turkey.

Here is how simple it is.
All you need is:
Boneless Pork Chops
Vidalia Onion (though a white onion would probably taste great!)
1 large apple peeled and cut into small cubes
A bit of brown sugar

What you do:
Prepare pork chops. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.

Chop up onion

Peel and chop up apple

Place chopped up apple and onion in the bottom of the crockpot. 
Sprinkle some brown sugar on top of the apples and onions.
Place pork chops on top 
I cooked it on high for 4-5 hours because I was pressed for time. Next time I will cook it on low for a longer period to see the difference.

I would show you a picture except Daniel and I devoured it...
It's good!

I will be experimenting, a bit, next time I make this dish. 
If you change anything up, let me know!! I love to revamp recipes :)

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