
Confession Friday!

Happy Friday! 
How's everyone doing? Excited for the weekend?
I don't have any 'fun' plans but I will be taking my CNA class tomorrow!

P.S. Join the link up here!

{1} I confess that I have found a new Starbucks drink that is my current favorite. The Oprah Chai Tea  Latte. Hot or cold, I love it! I was actually a bit apprehensive to try it considering I wasn't a fan of the Starbucks Chai Tea - but the Teavana version gets two thumbs up!

{2} I confess that, ugh so embarrassing, that I love the Mmm Yeah song by Austin Mahone. It is so catchy! Daniel couldn't stand it but now I'll occasionally catch him humming it, haha. 

{3} I confess that I have a new blog design coming your way! I am excited to have it all finished up so that I can show it off.

{4} I confess that I have eaten loaded nachos (recipe in last confession friday!) 3x this week because Daniel has been so sick and loaded nachos are the easiest thing to make when I have no time!

{5} I confess that I started compiling a list of all the recipes from the link up last week and I cannot wait to try out everything! 

{6} I confess that I listen to everyone's conversations when I get my nails done. It is incredible what people will say out loud at nail salons! I know, bad me. 


Sunshine Award

Thanks to Amanda at Marry Mint, I have been awarded for the sunshine award.
What is the sunshine award you ask?

Here are the rules:
:: Post eleven random facts about yourself
:: Answer eleven questions from the blogger who nominated you
:: Nominate eleven bloggers to receive the award (or how ever many is appropriate for you)
:: Write eleven questions for you nominee to answer

11 Random facts:

1) I am left handed
2) But I am also ambidextrous 
3) I have two tattoos
4) I played field hockey for a year in high school and wish I had stuck with it - though I was showing so much it would of been difficult
5) I am that crazy girl in the middle of the street helping the turtles cross
6) I can be lazy about shaving my legs because I have blonde hair. TMI? I get lazy, okay? :)
7) I don't really cook. The crockpot is my cooking and I have no problem with that.
8) I have a younger sister who is the total opposite of me
9) I work out a lot. I know it isn't mentioned on the blog much, but I work out about 6 days a week.
10) I have a love for mexican food. Fresh guacamole, ahhh.
11) I am a nosey person

Amanda's Questions

1) What is the story behind your blogs name? Shameful moment here folks. I originally saw the name when living in Raleigh. It was the name of a lingerie store and I thought what a great name that would be for a future hunter mare! It's stuck around, clearly.

2) If you are married, what song did you dance to at your wedding? If you aren't married, what song would you pick? I am not married and I am honestly not sure what I would pick as a first dance song. I have a few in mind but I'll keep it secret until that day comes ;)

3) What is your most embarrassing story? My worst blonde moment of all time - Drumroll please: I was standing in the driveway with my dad and my dad pointed out that at the top of one of my moms tires someone must have hit a curb because there was a piece of rubber that was slightly cut and coming off. You know what I said? That must have been a high curb. As soon as the words left my mouth (not kidding!) I thought wow Hanna, you really didn't think that one through did you. Fail.

4) When do you feel most confident? Hmm...this is tough. It depends on the day and the moment but in general I'd have to say either my drive to keep going and/or when I'm riding real well.

5) What is something you are proud of? I am proud of so many things! A major one is that I have become so much more adaptable when it comes to change. I hated change - not that I am particularly fond of it now, but I have become so much better at excepting it faster and adapting to new situations well.

6) What are your three favorite stores to shop? Sephora, nordstroms (online), and lululemon

7) What is something you like to splurge on? Oh, workout gear, shoes, horse stuff, my nails, etc, etc.

8) What is something about you that people would be surprised to learn? That I am not shy. Everyone thinks that I am shy because I don't just butt into conversations when I do not know what is going on and I am not into gossip. I prefer to listen to what people have to say but that does not make me a shy person! I can talk your ear off if given the chance!

9) What is the first blog you ever read? 

10) What are some of your goals? A major one is to keep on going in order to obtain a master degree as a nurse. I know it will take me a while but it'll be worth it. To ride competitively again (this may include another horse in the near-ish future *hint hint mom :)*).

11) What is your go-to meal to cook? Hands down mexican lasagna! 

 I nominate:
Alisha @ Alisha's Anecdotes
Rebecca @ Rebecca's Ramblings
Allison @ La Vie Ambrose
Kristin @ Crumbs and Curls

Questions for the ladies:
1) What got you into blogging? I know a lot of people ask it, but I am always curious to know what got you started!
2) Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 
3) What would your dream job be? It doesn't have to be practical - just something you would love to do as a job!
4) It is one of your guilty pleasures? 
5) If you have a significant other, how did you meet them? If you do not have a significant other, how did you meet your best friend?
6) If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
7) What's your favorite TV show?
8) What is your/one of your proudest moments?
9) What's your college degree in? If you could go back would you change it? If you are working on a degree, do you like it or do you want to change it?
10) What is one thing you really dislike doing but you can't avoid it?
11) Are you a beer drinker or do you prefer mixed drinks?


Hopes and Plans (Happy Memorial Day!)

So last week I joined Amanda over at Marry Mint to tell you my hopes and plans for the week.
Here are my last weeks hopes and plans and here is how I did!
Marry Mint

One:: Organize the Bills. Killed it!

Two:: Pick up the dogs heart worm and flea/tick prevention. I had to get this done so there was no question that it wouldn't be completed!

Three:: Hit the ground running with my online class. So far so good! Now I need to keep it up!

Four:: Continue studying for the NLN Pax. I also did well with this. The math is killing me, but that's no surprise.

Five:: Call the bank and see why my card keeps getting rejected by the Starbucks app. Okay so I kinda did this? I didn't have to call the bank because I tried to reload my card again and it worked! Hooray!

Six:: Budget my money for next month. Fail. I did it in my head but haven't written it down yet.

Seven:: Make dinner every single day this week - except Friday or Saturday. Success!! 

What do I plan to accomplish this week??

One:: Keep the pace going for my online class. Can't stop now. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.

Two:: Sign up for Evic for Harris Teeter. If you are not familiar with Harris Teeter I will fill you in and let you know that it is a grocery store. Not only do you get a card that is useful for weekly specials (if you need the items) but they also have an online version that has even better specials!

Three:: Go over all of the skills for CNA class. My CNA class is approaching and while I took the pre-test in the booklet I was provided, I have yet to make it through all of the skills.

Four:: Ride my wild mustang multiple times this week as we prepare for our first show in a few years! I already have a head start on this because I rode Velvet today :)

She was thrilled, clearly.

Five:: Keep studying for the NLN Pax. You will probably see this every week until I finally take the test. But putting it on my blog holds me accountable and I don't want to disappoint you guys and not be able to cross this pain off the list!

Six:: Wash the nuggets. I've been saying this for weeks. Let's see if I can do it.

That is it! What are your hopes and plans for the week? 
Also, Happy Memorial day everyone. 
Thank you to everyone who has served/is serving and protecting our country.


Confession Friday - Three Easy Go To Meals Edition

Today confession Friday is going to be slightly different. 
Everyone who links up will be sharing three easy recipes!
I know I have three staple recipes - and I am excited to see what other's enjoy eating on a regular basis so that I can add them into my rotation!

If you want to play along - or see what everyone else is eating - go here!

{1} Ground Turkey and Couscous Chili

I originally saw the recipe on Elise's blog but I adapted the recipe slightly and I must say that I love this meal! And depending on the size of your family, you may be left with tons of leftovers!

-Package of ground turkey
-1 onion
-3 garlic cloves -minced
-Salt and pepper
-3 cups of chicken broth (I used the low sodium kind)
-28 oz can of crushed tomatoes (I used a smaller can of chopped tomatoes)
-15 oz can of baked beans
-Can of black beans
-1 cup of uncooked couscous (or quinoa!)
-1 large sweet potato peeled and chopped
-2 tablespoons of chili powder (I totally forgot to add chili powder and it was still delicious)
-1 teaspoon cumin
-1/2 teaspoon of paprika
-1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
-Whatever toppings you want - I cheated and bought guacamole

Cook up ground turkey, onion, and garlic. Once done, place in crockpot and begin adding the rest of the ingredients - no particular order! Stir it all together and let cook on low for 5-6 hours.

{2} Mexican Lasagna 

You can find the original recipe here.

- Corn Tortillas
- 2 cups of shredded Mexican blend cheese
- Packet of fajita or taco seasoning
- 28oz can of tomatoes
- 15.5 oz can of black beans
- 15.5 oz can corn 
- 2 cups of salsa (I don't always add the salsa)
- 2 cups of shredded chicken 
- 1 onion, chopped

Cook your meat, shred your cheese, and chop your onion. Start by putting a layer of tortillas at the bottom of your crockpot and then start layering! Chicken, beans, corn, tomatoes, salsa, cheese, taco seasoning, onion, tortillas. Just repeat until your crockpot is at capacity and let cook on high for 3-4 hours.

{3} Turkey Burgers (sliders)

Mine never turn out that "perfect" :p

Daniel and I love making turkey burgers. We have made our own turkey burgers without a recipe for a while now, but we are really excited to try Bobby Flay's recipe soon! Try it here!

-Package of ground turkey
-Package of onion soup mix
-1 onion, chopped (we cook our onions and caramelize them a little before adding them)
-Goat cheese, pepper jack, etc
-Olive oil
-(Little) buns (if doing sliders)
-Lettuce, tomato, apple - any topping you would like!

Using a little olive oil (or whatever you prefer) make the turkey into a burger shape while incorporating the onion soup mix. Cook burgers until done. At the end of their cooking stage, add a little cheese and onions if you desire. Add any toppings you like and ta-da you're done!

Simple, easy, delicious :)
Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe Memorial Day Weekend!


A Miniature Nightmare

These last couple of days have been a little rough around the edges, to say the least.
Monday started off real good and ended with Ash projectile vomiting all over the living room floor - twice! Came out of nowhere. I think he was just as surprised as I was that it had happened.

Tuesday - another good day until around dinner time. I get home from the gym/yoga, shower, and throw on some loose pjs (aka I neglected to put a bra on - it's not like you could tell with me just standing there!), throw my hair in a towel and prepare to make dinner. Naturally, the nuggets had to go pee as soon as I was out of the shower. Of course the night that I run out there for two seconds with no bra and a towel on my head is the night everyone decides to walk their dogs. The dogs and I made it to the side of the house (after the boys barked at a Rottweiler puppy). Ash pees and Boones leash slips from my fingers, but this isn't something to fret about because this happens all the time and he comes back. Well then I remembered that the Rottweiler puppy had just passed and, apparently, so did Boone. As Boone starts trotting after the puppy, I am trying desperately to step on his leash - total fail. Boone ends up in the street barking and I end up running after him/apologizing to the guy who owns the puppy all while having no bra on and my hair in a towel. Cute, no? 

Today...ah today is already a bit stressful because I start my summer class. Spend way too much time trying to figure everything out for my summer class/start assignments - I decide it's break time and I will walk the dogs and go to the gym. Well as I changed for the walk, Ash did the most heinous thing ever...ready for it? He peed on my bed. Yep, that is correct. The dog who, first off, could of held it or peed on the floor decided that the bed was much more appealing. I think they knew I was not pleased because they were fantastic on the walk. Afterwards I took them to cool down and play in their pool only to discover Godzilla the spider was now in their pool. It was a wolf spider that was the size of a writing spider. Yep. My picture doesn't do the thing justice but you get the point. 

I hope you can tell how big it was by looking at its size compared to the fish on the bottom of the pool. 

As the dogs were lunging to get into the pool, I didn't want an all out massacre so I decided it would be okay to tip the pool slightly over so that the spider would flow with the water and end up in the grass. Why I thought this? Not sure. I was trying to be a good person even though I was ready to run away screaming. So getting the spider out results in absolutely no problems! Hooray! The thing lands on the grass and I realize I literally scared it to death. That's right - it was dead! Mkay, so as I creep up on it to verify that it is for sure dead I noticed a ton of baby godzilla spiders had managed to be birthed unharmed. People, I do not like spiders - this one was huge and I completed the circle of life in a mere 10 seconds and unleashed baby godzilla spiders into the world! I shudder just thinking about it. Clearly I have to move now because they were unleashed right next to my house. 

So, how is your Wednesday going? I hope it has not been as "eventful" as mine :) 


Hopes and Plans

Today I am linking up with Amanda over at Marry Mint!
She has started a new link-up where you jot down your hopes and plans for the week and then the next week you can re-visit your hopes and plans and see what you managed to get done!
This is my first week participating so I will hop right to it...

One:: Organize the Bills. While I have managed to keep the bills, I have not managed to organize them. I ran to target last night and got an accordian binder to organize everything so hopefully I can get it all together!

Two:: Pick up the dogs heart worm and flea/tick prevention. If only the vet would allow me to buy in bulk so I wouldn't have to go back every month to get more. Alas that is not possible and it is cheaper for me to get it from my vet versus a pet store so I can't pass that up.

Three:: Hit the ground running with my online class. Guys I didn't realize that my summer class starts Wednesday. Don't get me wrong, I knew it started this week but I thought it started Friday - wrong. Good new is that I have my book so now I am just waiting for my syllabus so I can get going on that.

Four:: Continue studying for the NLN Pax. I bought the book and managed to start studying the day I bought it! I did some studying yesterday while Daniel worked. Lets hope I can keep this motivation to study going!

Five:: Call the bank and see why my card keeps getting rejected by the Starbucks app. Why cruel world?!?! I need my caffeine and while I can pay with my card, I want to upload money so that I can earn my little stars and get a free drink! Addicted? No...

Six:: Budget my money for next month. I don't blow through money. Okay I do, but it goes to the essentials like bills, groceries, gas, etc. While I know everything I am spending the money on is essential I plan on keeping better track of where everything is going versus just looking at my bank app and making a list in my head. 

Seven:: Make dinner every single day this week - except Friday or Saturday. I tend to do pretty well with this until we get towards the end of the week and laziness kicks in/Zoe's greek salad sounds really good. I have planned out meals this week (huzzah!) so lets see if I can make this happen!

Do you have any hopes and plans for the week? Join the link-up :) 
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Did you do anything fun??

I am off to spend time at the barn while I have the time :)

Marry Mint


Confession Friday!

Woohoo it's Friday guys! 

If you want to join the fun confessions go here!

{1} I confess that the new nail place I go to offers beer as one of their drinks. Can we say win?!

{2} I confess that we have signed up for puppy agility with the nuggets! We are very excited to begin. Ash will definitely love it. Boone will like the food aspect.

{3} I confess that I have struggled to find a sunscreen that I like. A lot of them leave me feeling oily and that is not comfortable. I recently got the Neutrogena Beach Defense Sunscreen and I love it! After it dries I don't feel like I have anything on. Daniel is so against sunscreen on his face but skin cancer runs in his family so I constantly nag ask him to put sunscreen on his face - and he will put this stuff on his face because it is that non-existant once it dries!

{4} I confess that for any of you who are ice cream/chocolate lovers...Go get the Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Fudge Core ice cream. As long as you don't mind the possibility that you might destroy it within a day - go for it!

{5} I confess that I bought a review book for the pre-nursing entrance exam I need to take before applying to the ABSN and I just found it on Amazon for half the

{6} I confess that even though I am kinda bored during the day, being able to go to the barn so often is the best! I actually get to enjoy it without worrying about getting home to eat dinner and study for a few more hours.

{7} I confess that I was good child and put back the necklace that I found in Target that I really wanted. That's right people, self control! It comes out scarily fast when you have no job and will have to pay your parents back :)


She Wore an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie...

Now that it is blazing hot in the south, all I can think about - besides a job, is going to the beach! Or pool. I'm not picky! 
As I dream of the beach I also dream of cute bathing suits.
I have been browsing the internet and want to share the ones that I am loving through the computer screen!

{1} Trina Turk 'Plumas' Ruffle Top and 'Plumas' Shirred Side Hipster Bikini Bottoms
I have always love Trina Turk bathing suits. They are also so colorful and so well made. 
Look at the top! It's love.
Here is the link for the top and here is the link for the bottoms.

{2} Maaji 'Daylight Aquarium' Reversible Underwire Bikini Top
We all know that bikinis tend to be on the expensive side and that is why reversible bathing suits hold a special place in my heart and wallet. And this bikini has so many cute details!
Check the top out here and the bottoms out here to look at all the little details!

{3} Luli Fama 'Samba Caracol' Tassel Bandeau Bikini Top and bottoms
While I am not tan enough to pull off this bathing suit, if I was I would have to get my hands on this suit. It is so bold with it's colors but so feminine! 
Check out the top here and the bottoms here!

{4} Robin Piccone 'Raquel' Portrait Back One-Piece Suit
I currently do not own a one piece suit but I am all for the one piece bathing suits. They are classy but nowadays there are so many options that also allow them to be cute.
Check this one out here.

{5} Roxy 'Sunset Stripes' T-Back Halter Top
Roxy always has cute bathing suits and they won't make you cringe as you pay for them. This top is so cute and you can pair it with many different colored bottoms. Cute and versatile! 
Here is the top and here are a pair of bottoms you can pair the top with.


Mother's Day Weekend Recap

This weekend was packed full of everything and everything.
My mom came into town on Friday night, after battling traffic for an hour and half, she finally made it! We got take out and watched Say Yes to The Dress together instead of texting about it.
Saturday morning we grabbed some breakfast and coffee before heading to Raleigh to have our hair done and spend some time together. Even though it is always a bit stressful meeting in Raleigh because of time constraints, I always look forward to getting away for a day and seeing my mom!
We ate at CowFish Burger Bar and I forgot how good their Apple, Brie, and Cranberry Turkey Burger  is! 

Sorry for the not so lovely iPhone picture but you get the idea of how wonderful the food is.

Afterwards I went on the hunt for some plain, but fancier, tshirts. Great description, huh? I have a lot of cotton crew neck shirts that I throw on when running quick errands or when I go to class but I wanted something a little nicer. Thankfully I managed to find a few and now I know which brand fits me well so that I can keep an eye out for more shirts. 
That night Daniel, my mom, and I drove to Little Washington to eat dinner at The Bank Bistro. It's a neat little restaurant that resides in the original bank of Little Washington. The vault isn now part of the bar! Dinner was pretty good and the weather was gorgeous that night. 
Yay for iPhones pictures this weekend :p One day I'll remember my camera.

Sunday my mom and I drove around town and went grocery shopping. Then we all went to brunch and made a quick trip to the barn so that mom could see Ms. Velveeta! Then my mom had to head home as she was trying to avoid traffic. Too bad we forgot it was graduation weekend on top of Mother's Day. That night Daniel and I headed over to his Cousins house for a little cookout and to see his mom for Mother's Day! 

If you are a fur momma like I am, I also hope you had a great Mother's Day. Ash decided that since this is our first Mother's together that he would wake up at 4:30 that morning and throw up twice throughout the day. Thankfully his day was turned around when we bought the boys a tiny pool! Boone is all about water and took to the pool real quick! Ash was a little more interested in a cricket but I think he'll take to it eventually. 

I hope everyone had a great weekend and that your week gets off to a good start!


Confession Friday!


Anyone have any fun plans for this weekend?
The weather is going to be beautiful here and I wish I wasn't just renting a place - otherwise I would be outside working on a garden! 

Lets get to it! Join the link-up here!

{1} I confess that I am DONE with the semester! AHH!!! Next stop: A summer class.

{2} I confess that I had/kinda have a promising potential job until they e-mailed me yesterday and said that that their hiring needs might change. No, I was looking forward to this job!

{3} I confess that if all else fails I am going the CNA route for now. Glamorous? No. A job? Yes.

{4} I confess that my mom is coming to town for the weekend and I am so excited! We have a few things planned for the weekend so it should be a fun one :)

{5} I confess that real life is scary you guys. I haven't had to worry about paying my rent, not being able to find a job, will I ever find a job, what if I spend all that time getting my Masters degree and can't find a job around here where Daniel has a good permanent job? The struggle! Can you tell I'm a worry wart? I know it will all be okay but sometimes you feel like you are constantly walking up a hill and never making it to the top - but I will!

{6} I confess that I am use to having so much work that I didn't know what to do with myself this morning when I couldn't sleep in. I did succeed in cleaning the house before my mom makes it here!

{7} I confess that in my boredom I contemplated the thought of picking up my book for my summer class so that I could start reading it. Yes I am crazy - judge away!

Have a nice weekend and Happy Mothers Day to all you mommas out there! 


April Favorites

For those of you, like me, who are almost done with finals...Keep going! We're going to make it! 
Everyone else, well, it's Wednesday so you are halfway to your weekend!

Here are the things that I have been loving during the month of April.

{1} Purely Perfect Cleansing Creme
Let me just preface this with saying that this product is now a holy grail product for me. 
I do not, I repeat, do not know how I went so long with out this miracle worker.
It is an in-between wash that you massage into your scalp on the days that you are skipping the shampoo and condition. It's kinda like a shower dry shampoo.
It leaves me hair feeling so soft, so clean, and it gives me volume! 
It's pricey but if you can swing it I totally recommend it!

You can purchase it from their website here.

{2} Rimmels Show Off Lip Lacquer 
This product has been released in the UK for a while (under a different name: Apocalips) and it finally made its way to the US not so long ago - and boy am I glad! 
I love finding good makeup with a price tag that doesn't make you grip your chest as you hand over your cash. The lip lacquer feels good on my lips, it doesn't dry out my lips, and the staying power is very good! If you are like me and do not have time/do not reapply your lip product because you are lazy...This stuff will be your best friend. I originally bought one color (Nova) but enjoyed it so much that I went back for a few more...oops!

{3} MAC All That Glitters
I have owned this eyeshadow for a while and, I admit, I forgot about it. Recently I pulled it back out and the rest is history. I slap (not literally) this shade on almost every single day. It is such a pretty color that is great for anytime of the day. If you like neutrals, are interested in a new eyeshadow, want one that versitile, then check this one out.

{4} NYX Cream Blushes
During the warmer months I am all about creme products here in the south. I want something that will stay on my face even when the humidity is about 90%. I have multiple different colors of the NYX cream blushes and I have been impressed with every single one.

{5} L'Oreal Infallible Super Slim Eyeliner
Another product that I have had for a while and use almost every single day. Such a great product that gives such precise control. Stila also makes a slim eyeliner that is another one of my favorites. Lately I've been making the smallest wing at the corner of my eye that makes my lashes look a bit fuller after applying mascara.

{6} It's a 10 Miracle Leave In
I have heard great things about this product for a long time. I finally got a hold of it when Ulta popped one in my bag for free because of some promotion going on. 
I spritz some in my hair while it's still damp and then brush it through my hair.
I think this product will work well on all hair types but if you have thick hair like I do then you may really love it.

{7} Tory Burch Miller Sandals
Now that it is finally warm enough to wear opened toed shoes on a regular basis, I usually reach for my Tory Burch Miller Sandals. These go with just about everything if you get them in a neutral color. Or you can pick up one of the fun colors and rock those babies! 

That is it for April! What will I discover in May? Who knows but I am sure I'll find some new stuff to love! 
What did you love in April?


"I Am Currently Having a Freak Out Session" - A Weekend Recap

Hey everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
I want to preface this post by telling you all that I am sorry for the lack of a post today.
I had an emotional weekend to say the least.
Granted, I understand that I am about to hit finals and my stress level is through the roof but I may of lost it just a bit this weekend.
After having little sleep Saturday night I had a rough Sunday. Between the stress and seriously wondering why the heck I have not heard back about any jobs/debating about getting a CNA certificate/worrying about how to pay rent and utilities...I took a little trip on the crazy express. 

The good news is:
I have chocolate!
The weather was absolutely beautiful this weekend.
I only have to survive until Thursday. 
The nuggets and I worked on clicker training.
I had a really good workout and yoga session.
I found a new book!
I managed to get my nails done and am loving the color!

And I made the cutest little friend while walking the boys!

Meet little Michelangelo!
I did not keep him but I did rescue him from the asphalt and death by motor vehicle. 

A) Sorry for the terrible phone picture but I literally had the leashes under my foot so I could try to snap any pic of the little cuteness!
B) For reference, so that you understand how tiny he/she was, I have teeny tiny hands. I literally have a "childs size" wrist. I learned this when trying to find a pandora bracelet that would not slide off my hand. 
C) It took a lot of effort to not bring him home! 

I promise to be back with a more exiting post on Wednesday with my April favorites!


Confession Friday!

Hows everyone doing this week? 
Did any one else deal with the bad weather in the south?? 
I hope everyone stayed safe if you did endure these crazy storms.

Because it's Friday

Lets get to confessing shall we?
Join in on the confessions here!

{1} I confess that since we are on the topic of the storms this week, I was absolutely thrilled not to recieve a tornado watch and/or warning text from my phone. I had never recieved so many tornado warnings, in my life, as I did on Tuesday. 

{2} I confess that I still am job hunting and I am slightly bummed. Something good will come...just need to be patient. Which is hard because I have no patience.

{3} I confess that I have one more week and then I am done with chemistry forever!! The excitment is just oozing from me.

{4} I confess that I went to TJ Maxx the other night and found some cute workout gear. I love a good deal. Plus I am broke so TJ Maxx is currently a good friend of mine. 

{5} I confess that I know that I am old because I am excited about my furniture arriving tomorrow. Also, I have been waiting for this furtiture for months so can we say hallelujah?!?! 

{6} I confess that I have short arms and being able to do half moon pose in yoga is nearly impossible for me. Sad days. 

{7} I confess I have been trying to stick to my makeup hiatus but have you seen the packaging for MAC's Alluring Aquatic collection may be my kryptonite. The packaging - LOVE!

{8} I confess that I am a sucker for packaging. Please see above confession.

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