
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Summer

You read that title correctly. 
While we may be two days away from Christmas, the weather in good ol' NC has been in the 70's and 80's the last three days! The weather has been nice, but I want it to be cold!

Anyway, let me tell you about this weekend! I already apologize for the lack of pictures - I forgot my camera…I fail I know! 
Friday I braved the traffic to get my nails done (it's not the Holiday season without Holiday nails to match.) I did my normal gym thing and hunted for some last minute presents. That night Daniel and I drove to a teeny tiny little town to see my trainer and her band. And let me just say, what an experience! They are an ecclectic combination of a dance/jam band and it was a blast! The little general store that they played at had all this neat stuff from the past that came from their town and surrounding towns. The place was packed! I had no idea this was such a hot commodity! I will definitely be going again next year. 

Christmas Nails!!

Saturday I did my morning yoga class before Daniel and I braved Greenville for more last minute Christmas shopping. It may of taken us half the day but we were successful! Now I just need to wrap everything today. We planned on going to dinner that night but after being away from the nuggets all day, and being exhausted because we are old, we ordered some pizza from one of our favorite italian restaurants and rented Man of Steel
Sunday we woke up early to head to the gym before going to church with Daniels parents. The weather was so nice, for summer that is, yesterday that I went to church in a dress. After church we went to lunch and then Daniel and I had to find one last present and run to PetSmart because the nuggets are constantly escaping and have destroyed one crate. They have now graduated to a mettle crate where there will be no escaping. I had plenty of ambition to wash the boys last night and wrap presents but once I got on the couch…nothing happened. I did fall asleep on the couch last night and Daniel snapped this wonderful picture

 This is normal for Boone. Such a mommas boy

This picture is actually from Thursday night but I wanted to share it because the sunset was so beautiful!

I'm sure this week is going to be crazy for everyone. It is definitely crazy for me - especially since Daniel and I are spending Christmas morning with his family and then heading to my parents house that afternoon! So I need to wrap presents and start packing. The nuggets have a vet appointment today and I know they will not be happy with me. Maybe I can accomplish present wrapping while they sulk this afternoon. 
Happy Monday everyone!!


Confession Friday

Recently I started reading Leslie's Blog, A Blonde Ambition (Click it now!) and decided to join in on her Confession Friday posts! Go check out her Friday Confessions and confessions from other bloggers on Leslie's blog!

Without further ado here are my Friday Confessions
1) I can't get enough Christmas music currently. Christmas is my favorite time of the year so I enjoy it while I can!
2) I get nervous driving during the Holiday's because as we know people on a regular basis cannot drive the crazies come out to play chicken on the highway. 
3) I am currently being lazy and watching Say Yes to the Dress as we speak. Guilty pleasure…
4) I've had a lot of conflicted feelings about weddings recently. Probably because I've had too much time to think and friends are getting engaged. Maybe we'll go more into this later - Maybe the next post.
5) I rarely go out on the weekends because I am a lazy homebody and I love it :)
6) I wasn't really sure if I would like where I moved too, but it has turned out much better than my cynical mind originally made it out to be. 
7) As good as I am at spending money, I am all about a great sale.

And that is it for this Friday! :) I hope everyone has a fun but safe weekend!


Oh the Places I Want to Go

As thrilled as I am to be on Christmas break (que the happy dance music), I sadly admit that I have been a bit bored.
I'm use to doing everything at once. I'm use to going from morning to night. And I'm use to studying - not saying I love it because I really don't. I am use to doing stuff, even if it's not anything I particularly like to do. With that being said, having all this free time is great - except I don' have much to do and I have apparently forgot how to just relax and lounge around all day. 
Since I have had all this free time, I have been thinking of places I wish I was spending my free time right now. Therefore, I have already planned my future trip to Middleburg, Va. Let me enlighten you with some pictures before I continue.

Christmas Parade!

Beautiful Country

Town of Middleburg

First and most importantly, it is horse country USA (besides Kentucky - which I love), great food, great shopping, spa days…need I say more?!

I haven't even been and I am already in love. I will get my butt there sooner or later (actually multiple times I hope!)


Resilience - Motivation Monday!

This quote can be related to many things in life. I, recently, felt this way about exams. It was exhausting but I know that hard work pays off, and I happy to say that I am done for the semester. 
With that being said, there will be many more updates and hopefully some exciting new paths to explore as 2013 comes to an end and 2014 begins. Just remember, every storm runs out of rain and no matter how impossible it may seem - keep going. Hard work pays off even if the results aren't immediately seen.

Have a great Monday and a fantastic start to the week!

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