
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I know I have been MIA recently. I have finals coming up in two weeks (plus a test and two lab finals before that…let's not talk about it) so I have been spending all of my free time studying. Fun, right?!
Prepare to be bombarded with posts during Christmas break!

I wish I could have a picture for you, but I forgot my camera…
Stress does bad things to you.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful day and has lots of great food to eat!

I am incredibly thankful for my great family, friends, animals, boyfriend, and experiences that life has granted me. I hope everyone is surrounded by people who love them today :)

Maybe I'll get some iPhone pics while I'm at my parents!


Nom, nom, nom, nom

As I have been procrastating school work (not really - but I've had a few lazy moments) I have been thinking about Christmas Break (huge shocker since I am slowly dying) and I have compiled a list of sweets I want to bake as soon as I get the time.
I am hoping to make all of these, granted there's always crap going on so I never have as much free time as I think, and I wanted to share them. Also, if any one of you make any of these, please tell me how they have turned out! 

Prepare to magically put on 5 lbs…

S'mores Cookies

Picture will not work but go take a look at them!!
What is this failure?!

Peanut Butter Apple Crisp
Can't wait to make this!!

Cake Batter Cinnamon Rolls

Dairy Queen Blizzard CopyCat

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Scones

This picture won't work either but here is the link and go check it out. Yummy!!

I tried posting this yesterday but my internet decdided that it did not want to work. 
There's plenty more recipes I want to try out, but these have been the top ones for a while!


What is This Rare "Unicorn" You Speak of?

I hope I am not going to bore you with another article that I stumbled upon…
This article is…interesting to say the least. 

Please feel free to read it HERE!
P.S. there are some not so safe for work photos (you'll understand when you read it)
And please read the response article HERE

So, I have so many thoughts about this article.

I do not agree that us females are "broken." Thank you for already stating that our problem lies inside. I disagree. I believe that society is our problem and men like him. Yes, I have been to many a parties (*cough* I was such a frat rat in college) and I have always been aware that the vast majority of guys gave the scantily clad females lots of attention. 
Only if I were incredibly drunk and possibly PMSing did that ever both me. Why? Because, I do not want a 'boy' who is intrigued with these scantily clothed females. Thank you, boys, for making my decision of who to spend my time and conversations with a lot easier. 

*Important side note: I am not knocking any scantily clad female. Unless you approach my boyfriend and are fully aware that he is in a relationship - I have absolutely no problem! The whole double standard is ridiculous. Guys are not the only ones who can go around and sleep with who they want. Women have every right also. You cannot go around sleeping with all the women you want and then expect to find a 'Unicorn.' Let me spell it out to you…a 'Unicorn' is not going to want you. Maybe that is why you believe we are so elusive.

While I may not agree with the majority of the article. I do agree that times have changed and so have women. I am not a fan of YOLO, twerking, or the fact that our generation has seemed to lost some respect for itself. So you go to a party and dress in a tight/skimpy dress. So what? We all do that in college. But there is a difference between doing that at a party/club and posting half naked pictures on the internet. Just remember to be classy! 

I could go on and on about this article but I will spare you my any more pain. 


Food for Thought

If you haven't read this article I am about to mention…DO IT NOW! Seriously. I will threaten you with a spark if you do not read this article. 
I became acquanted with this article when everyone and their mother shared it on Facebook. 
At first I wasn't sure if I should read it because the title seemed foreboding. 
Do not let it discourage you! 

You can read the article HERE!
Click the link or die

So, what did you think?
It was incredibly eye opening to me. This article is a great remind for those who are single, married, dating, a cat lady, and, well, you get the point. 
Seeing as Daniel and I took a major step in our relationship by moving in together, starting a new phase of life (work for him - a career change and more school for me, ugh), buying two puppies, etc. 
Recently, I have been incredibly stressed out with school and I have not been pulling my weight as much as I normally do. I can usually get everything done without having any help from Daniel - not recently. And maybe I just feel odd asking for help vacuuming since I've never needed it, but Daniel has done so much recently and I haven't done as much. I know that a relationship, like a marriage, is give and take but I am stubborn so it's been a change for me.

My favorite thing about this article is the truth is bears. Marriage is not for you - it is for the other person and your future family. Moving here to be with Daniel was partially for school but the other half is because it offered Daniel a stable job, and property - for my future horses of course!
Is this city particularly where I want to be? Nope. It isn't Daniel's preferred place of living either, but there come times where you sacrifice things in order to help your significant other/yourself. and your future family. It's not for you or about it. It is for both of you and the people who are in your life/the future people in your life. 

I am still blown away. It is a great read and really puts marriage into perspective. The article is not saying that aspects of the marriage is not for you, just that the overall concept of marriage is not about you, you, you - but instead your partner and the life you two live. 


Frustration Friday

As always, I am always happy to see Friday. 
Even though I am once again studying...
Anyway, there was a stabbing on campus this morning. Great way to start a Friday! 

Then, the class schedule for next semester came out and oh boy...can you say annoyed?!?!

I am going to have an awful schedule next semester. With 4-5 gaps between classes. 
I am use to having a bit of a gap, even a 2 hour gap is nice because I can get work done. Especially if I am not dealing with it every single day. 

Next semester I will be dealing with it every single day. Unless I take one class with a new teacher - but  I wanted the teacher I had this semester because I know what to expect and how he tests. So, do I go with him or do I go with the other teacher and not have huge gaps? 

UGH! Along with my language class which maybe posing a problem but I will talk to my teacher and find out before I totally freak out on you guys. 

To make Friday a little more exciting, let me tell you about Halloween last night. I got home late and Daniel got home late. We didn't have kids show up until 7:30. Even weirder was that they would show up in packs and then we would have a 10 or so minute lull before the other group. I wish I had time to buy a costume and dress up to hand out candy, sadly I didn't. Next year I will be dressed up! To compensate I carved pumpkins and dressed up the puppies!


 My pumpkin :) Clearly we love the Nightmare Before Christmas

I love my wreath!

Passed out after a long Halloween day. I had no idea this even happened until Daniel showed me this morning!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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