
Just Keep Swimming

Packing [X]
Unpacking [  ]
Classes [X]
Textbooks [  ]
Figuring out Second Degree [X]
Mountains [  ]
Getting the House Decorated [  ]
Flea Control [Partially under control]
Getting the Car in for Oil Change [  ]
Horse Taken Care Of [  ]
Pay rent/bills [  ]

Chaos [X]
Stressed [XX]
Emotional [XX]
Thankful [X Incredibly] 

I am not even sure if that is the entire list to tell you the truth...
But it is getting done, slowly but surely!
This is not a very fun post, but this is real life as an adult.
This wouldn't be such a stressful time if I didn't start classes on the 15th - That puts a slight dent on things, along with Daniel never being available. 
I have been on crazy unpacking mode and it doesn't even look like I have accomplished much if you see the pile of belongings stuffed into the two spare bedrooms!
I don't have the curtains up, there's hardly any food, and I am already questioning how I crammed all of this stuff into an apartment for a year...It's incredible really!

Sorry for the not exciting post, but this is a process everyone has to tackle at one point or another and as frustrating as it is, we are not alone! 
Tomorrow or Thursday (before Daniel's Birthday and the Mountains (Daniel will not be coming with - insert emotional/sad face), I will be sharing all the things that I have been addicted to recently. This includes food, makeup, clothes, candles, etc - basically everything that I have been LOVING! 

When we go through crazy times like this, it is always important to look on the bright side. This is a lesson that I am also learning and constantly reminding myself about.
There is always something to look forward to, even if it is hard to see.

Lovely graphic made by Aubrey from The Kinch Life Designs - check her out!


Happy Hump Day!

We are halfway through the week! 

Lots of love



This summer has been a big one for me.
Growing up causes a lot of excitement and chaos in ones life. 
It has been a growing experience, that is for sure.

This summer I have been living alone. Daniel has gone back to his hometown to be a partner on the farm and my roommate went home to work before Grad school.
To make matters even better, they both left a few days a part. 
I would be lying if I said I wasn't upset. I hadn't lived alone in the apartment complex and I wasn't particularly looking forward to it. It's not that I am afraid to do things alone - I am actually very independent and prefer to do everything myself if possible (maybe because I'm a bit stubborn!). 
BUT, I was horrified about being alone at night.

Now that my alone time is coming to an end, I can say that I believe every female should live by herself even if it is for 1 month, a whole summer, year, etc!
It has been a growing experience that I am thankful to have had (and I'm thankful that it's over!!) because it allowed me to really reflect on a lot -- Okay, maybe this was because I was a slight coward and had a hard time sleeping at first, but that is besides the point.
It really is a good experience, especially for those that are not comfortable doing things on their own, or for those, like me, who just aren't comfortable alone at night. 
I'm not saying that I ever become comfortable with being alone at night, but it made me realize that I could do anything and I was more capable than I ever imagined. 

It was a scary, horrifying, panicking at any strange sound, experience.
It really showed me how strong I was between the relationship and living situation changing all at once.
The joys of growing up, right?!

Love and kisses to all!

This coming weekend is the big moving weekend! Expect an update on how that goes at the end of the weekend or the beginning of next week :)


Ramblings and Big News!

Once again, sorry for the gap of time between posts! 
I am now going to tell you why...
I am moving!!
I will be moving to pursue my nursing career and I got very lucky to be able to move closer to Daniel.
After a lot of research and conversations with many different schools, the best choice was for me to move and take my pre-reqs closer to a particular nursing program who I have been in contact with.
Depending on what happens, I may attend the actual nursing program somewhere else, but for now this is the best option.
Fingers crossed that everything works out as good as I hope it to!
So, that is why I have been lacking on the blogging.
I originally had no internet for a week and a half because I've been going back and forth between the new house and my apartment for work.
I will not fully move until the end of July because I still have my apartment and I still have my job.
I am so excited and will be blogging about all the journeys and dead ends I hit with this new portion of my life!

Daniel and I saw this beautiful cloud when he came to visit me this past weekend!

This weekend was spent packing and working. Daniel came to visit me and bring packed belonging to the new house. We had a nice weekend that consisted of packing (it is never ending...), enjoying a nice meal, and spending a good chunk of our Sunday outside on a beautiful nature walk with little Bailey. I am not going to lie, I am beyond stressed out with all this stuff happening last minute, but I am also beyond excited. 
I feel as if all of my friends, along with myself, are opening a new chapter of our lives. I would be lying if I said it wasn't at all scary but I am so proud of all of my friends and the lives they have ahead of them.
With all the craziness that is going on, I am happy to say that my summer class will be over at the beginning of next week! Thank goodness.
There will be lots of talk about the new place and classes very soon! I hope everyone is having a good week thus far!

Until next time!

Sunset Sunday night

For kicks and giggles...
Yes, we are the crazy people who bring the dog to dinner


Little Lessons

Hello everyone! 
I am truly sorry for my lack of posts. I have been without internet since Sunday and it has been odd to say the least. 
Until I am back to having my internet fully, I wanted to share a little post and let you know that I am still alive.
I had a realization earlier last week that as you age life becomes more stressful. No surprises there, right?!
The problem: As we become more stressed, we tend to take our frustration and anger out on those dearest to us.
Not only do we take out our frustrations on those people but we tend to say hurtful things in the heat of the moment that are not always true.

So what is the point?
We are all going to become stressed and we are all going to make mistakes and take it out on someone who is undeserving of our wrath. 
Don't go fishing for a fight, and take the time to apologize when necessary. Just remember that our relationships are worth more to us than our egos. 
Also, take the time to show the people you love that you appreciate them.
Little gestures can make a world of difference. 

As I continue to grow up and navigate the joys of becoming an independent adult, I am sure I will post many more lessons that I have dealt with in my life. Just remember to be kind along the way. 

Until next time!

P.S. Sorry once again for my lack of internet and no picture :( I have some very exciting news to share soon and I will post more pictures!

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