
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Summer

You read that title correctly. 
While we may be two days away from Christmas, the weather in good ol' NC has been in the 70's and 80's the last three days! The weather has been nice, but I want it to be cold!

Anyway, let me tell you about this weekend! I already apologize for the lack of pictures - I forgot my camera…I fail I know! 
Friday I braved the traffic to get my nails done (it's not the Holiday season without Holiday nails to match.) I did my normal gym thing and hunted for some last minute presents. That night Daniel and I drove to a teeny tiny little town to see my trainer and her band. And let me just say, what an experience! They are an ecclectic combination of a dance/jam band and it was a blast! The little general store that they played at had all this neat stuff from the past that came from their town and surrounding towns. The place was packed! I had no idea this was such a hot commodity! I will definitely be going again next year. 

Christmas Nails!!

Saturday I did my morning yoga class before Daniel and I braved Greenville for more last minute Christmas shopping. It may of taken us half the day but we were successful! Now I just need to wrap everything today. We planned on going to dinner that night but after being away from the nuggets all day, and being exhausted because we are old, we ordered some pizza from one of our favorite italian restaurants and rented Man of Steel
Sunday we woke up early to head to the gym before going to church with Daniels parents. The weather was so nice, for summer that is, yesterday that I went to church in a dress. After church we went to lunch and then Daniel and I had to find one last present and run to PetSmart because the nuggets are constantly escaping and have destroyed one crate. They have now graduated to a mettle crate where there will be no escaping. I had plenty of ambition to wash the boys last night and wrap presents but once I got on the couch…nothing happened. I did fall asleep on the couch last night and Daniel snapped this wonderful picture

 This is normal for Boone. Such a mommas boy

This picture is actually from Thursday night but I wanted to share it because the sunset was so beautiful!

I'm sure this week is going to be crazy for everyone. It is definitely crazy for me - especially since Daniel and I are spending Christmas morning with his family and then heading to my parents house that afternoon! So I need to wrap presents and start packing. The nuggets have a vet appointment today and I know they will not be happy with me. Maybe I can accomplish present wrapping while they sulk this afternoon. 
Happy Monday everyone!!


Confession Friday

Recently I started reading Leslie's Blog, A Blonde Ambition (Click it now!) and decided to join in on her Confession Friday posts! Go check out her Friday Confessions and confessions from other bloggers on Leslie's blog!

Without further ado here are my Friday Confessions
1) I can't get enough Christmas music currently. Christmas is my favorite time of the year so I enjoy it while I can!
2) I get nervous driving during the Holiday's because as we know people on a regular basis cannot drive the crazies come out to play chicken on the highway. 
3) I am currently being lazy and watching Say Yes to the Dress as we speak. Guilty pleasure…
4) I've had a lot of conflicted feelings about weddings recently. Probably because I've had too much time to think and friends are getting engaged. Maybe we'll go more into this later - Maybe the next post.
5) I rarely go out on the weekends because I am a lazy homebody and I love it :)
6) I wasn't really sure if I would like where I moved too, but it has turned out much better than my cynical mind originally made it out to be. 
7) As good as I am at spending money, I am all about a great sale.

And that is it for this Friday! :) I hope everyone has a fun but safe weekend!


Oh the Places I Want to Go

As thrilled as I am to be on Christmas break (que the happy dance music), I sadly admit that I have been a bit bored.
I'm use to doing everything at once. I'm use to going from morning to night. And I'm use to studying - not saying I love it because I really don't. I am use to doing stuff, even if it's not anything I particularly like to do. With that being said, having all this free time is great - except I don' have much to do and I have apparently forgot how to just relax and lounge around all day. 
Since I have had all this free time, I have been thinking of places I wish I was spending my free time right now. Therefore, I have already planned my future trip to Middleburg, Va. Let me enlighten you with some pictures before I continue.

Christmas Parade!

Beautiful Country

Town of Middleburg

First and most importantly, it is horse country USA (besides Kentucky - which I love), great food, great shopping, spa days…need I say more?!

I haven't even been and I am already in love. I will get my butt there sooner or later (actually multiple times I hope!)


Resilience - Motivation Monday!

This quote can be related to many things in life. I, recently, felt this way about exams. It was exhausting but I know that hard work pays off, and I happy to say that I am done for the semester. 
With that being said, there will be many more updates and hopefully some exciting new paths to explore as 2013 comes to an end and 2014 begins. Just remember, every storm runs out of rain and no matter how impossible it may seem - keep going. Hard work pays off even if the results aren't immediately seen.

Have a great Monday and a fantastic start to the week!


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I know I have been MIA recently. I have finals coming up in two weeks (plus a test and two lab finals before that…let's not talk about it) so I have been spending all of my free time studying. Fun, right?!
Prepare to be bombarded with posts during Christmas break!

I wish I could have a picture for you, but I forgot my camera…
Stress does bad things to you.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful day and has lots of great food to eat!

I am incredibly thankful for my great family, friends, animals, boyfriend, and experiences that life has granted me. I hope everyone is surrounded by people who love them today :)

Maybe I'll get some iPhone pics while I'm at my parents!


Nom, nom, nom, nom

As I have been procrastating school work (not really - but I've had a few lazy moments) I have been thinking about Christmas Break (huge shocker since I am slowly dying) and I have compiled a list of sweets I want to bake as soon as I get the time.
I am hoping to make all of these, granted there's always crap going on so I never have as much free time as I think, and I wanted to share them. Also, if any one of you make any of these, please tell me how they have turned out! 

Prepare to magically put on 5 lbs…

S'mores Cookies

Picture will not work but go take a look at them!!
What is this failure?!

Peanut Butter Apple Crisp
Can't wait to make this!!

Cake Batter Cinnamon Rolls

Dairy Queen Blizzard CopyCat

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Scones

This picture won't work either but here is the link and go check it out. Yummy!!

I tried posting this yesterday but my internet decdided that it did not want to work. 
There's plenty more recipes I want to try out, but these have been the top ones for a while!


What is This Rare "Unicorn" You Speak of?

I hope I am not going to bore you with another article that I stumbled upon…
This article is…interesting to say the least. 

Please feel free to read it HERE!
P.S. there are some not so safe for work photos (you'll understand when you read it)
And please read the response article HERE

So, I have so many thoughts about this article.

I do not agree that us females are "broken." Thank you for already stating that our problem lies inside. I disagree. I believe that society is our problem and men like him. Yes, I have been to many a parties (*cough* I was such a frat rat in college) and I have always been aware that the vast majority of guys gave the scantily clad females lots of attention. 
Only if I were incredibly drunk and possibly PMSing did that ever both me. Why? Because, I do not want a 'boy' who is intrigued with these scantily clothed females. Thank you, boys, for making my decision of who to spend my time and conversations with a lot easier. 

*Important side note: I am not knocking any scantily clad female. Unless you approach my boyfriend and are fully aware that he is in a relationship - I have absolutely no problem! The whole double standard is ridiculous. Guys are not the only ones who can go around and sleep with who they want. Women have every right also. You cannot go around sleeping with all the women you want and then expect to find a 'Unicorn.' Let me spell it out to you…a 'Unicorn' is not going to want you. Maybe that is why you believe we are so elusive.

While I may not agree with the majority of the article. I do agree that times have changed and so have women. I am not a fan of YOLO, twerking, or the fact that our generation has seemed to lost some respect for itself. So you go to a party and dress in a tight/skimpy dress. So what? We all do that in college. But there is a difference between doing that at a party/club and posting half naked pictures on the internet. Just remember to be classy! 

I could go on and on about this article but I will spare you my any more pain. 


Food for Thought

If you haven't read this article I am about to mention…DO IT NOW! Seriously. I will threaten you with a spark if you do not read this article. 
I became acquanted with this article when everyone and their mother shared it on Facebook. 
At first I wasn't sure if I should read it because the title seemed foreboding. 
Do not let it discourage you! 

You can read the article HERE!
Click the link or die

So, what did you think?
It was incredibly eye opening to me. This article is a great remind for those who are single, married, dating, a cat lady, and, well, you get the point. 
Seeing as Daniel and I took a major step in our relationship by moving in together, starting a new phase of life (work for him - a career change and more school for me, ugh), buying two puppies, etc. 
Recently, I have been incredibly stressed out with school and I have not been pulling my weight as much as I normally do. I can usually get everything done without having any help from Daniel - not recently. And maybe I just feel odd asking for help vacuuming since I've never needed it, but Daniel has done so much recently and I haven't done as much. I know that a relationship, like a marriage, is give and take but I am stubborn so it's been a change for me.

My favorite thing about this article is the truth is bears. Marriage is not for you - it is for the other person and your future family. Moving here to be with Daniel was partially for school but the other half is because it offered Daniel a stable job, and property - for my future horses of course!
Is this city particularly where I want to be? Nope. It isn't Daniel's preferred place of living either, but there come times where you sacrifice things in order to help your significant other/yourself. and your future family. It's not for you or about it. It is for both of you and the people who are in your life/the future people in your life. 

I am still blown away. It is a great read and really puts marriage into perspective. The article is not saying that aspects of the marriage is not for you, just that the overall concept of marriage is not about you, you, you - but instead your partner and the life you two live. 


Frustration Friday

As always, I am always happy to see Friday. 
Even though I am once again studying...
Anyway, there was a stabbing on campus this morning. Great way to start a Friday! 

Then, the class schedule for next semester came out and oh boy...can you say annoyed?!?!

I am going to have an awful schedule next semester. With 4-5 gaps between classes. 
I am use to having a bit of a gap, even a 2 hour gap is nice because I can get work done. Especially if I am not dealing with it every single day. 

Next semester I will be dealing with it every single day. Unless I take one class with a new teacher - but  I wanted the teacher I had this semester because I know what to expect and how he tests. So, do I go with him or do I go with the other teacher and not have huge gaps? 

UGH! Along with my language class which maybe posing a problem but I will talk to my teacher and find out before I totally freak out on you guys. 

To make Friday a little more exciting, let me tell you about Halloween last night. I got home late and Daniel got home late. We didn't have kids show up until 7:30. Even weirder was that they would show up in packs and then we would have a 10 or so minute lull before the other group. I wish I had time to buy a costume and dress up to hand out candy, sadly I didn't. Next year I will be dressed up! To compensate I carved pumpkins and dressed up the puppies!


 My pumpkin :) Clearly we love the Nightmare Before Christmas

I love my wreath!

Passed out after a long Halloween day. I had no idea this even happened until Daniel showed me this morning!!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Insane in the Membrane, Insane got no Brain - but Wait, I still need it

As I go through the typical motions of a nursing student,
A.K.A. no life, so much studying, your blood may be replaced with caffeine, and what is sleep again?
I may be on the brink of insanity - actually I might of been there for a while now and we may already know this...

Anywho, I wanted to share this great little article that I stumbled upon on Facebook this week.
It just seemed so fitting as I contemplate why I constantly stress myself out and spend my life studying.

Please read this. It is "Graduate School Barbie" and while I may not be in graduate school (yet), I believe that many college students of all majors/levels can relate in one way or more to this article. 

I can honestly say that everything in the article rings true and I have dealt with or thought about it all more than once. 

Stay Tuned for my next post...I'm sure it will consist completely of the first year being in a house and having trick-or-treaters along with two young puppies to deal with. Oh yea!


Shake It Off

We have hit the end of the week!!
I am so happy that it is Friday - except for the fact that I have to study all weekend. Yep. 
Who spends their Friday afternoon studying until their boyfriend gets home? I do!! 
It'll all be worth it in the end.
And tonight Daniel and I are carving pumpkins! I am so excited.
Tomorrow Daniel and I are going to a Fall Bazaar for a few hours and then doing normal weekend crap, like grocery shopping - I lead such an exciting life, right?
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend (and I hope you aren't studying, like me) and I will share what has been going on these last few weeks!

Velvet and I like to play even if the ring is too wet to ride in

It's official, I am an addict... (not that we didn't know this) 

The babies are two months old today!!

My google app is struggling today so I cannot show you the picture of my gorgeous fall wreath - I'll upload that with the pumpkin pictures!

I also cannot share my cupcakes and Starbucks that Daniel got me because he knew I was so stressed. It was such a sweet surprise. I love him to death.

So, since google apps is being a turd, enjoy this funny trailer Forest Gump made into a horror movie


Being a Puppy Parent

This post is a little rant - you have been warned - stop reading if you want rainbows and butterflies, so feel free to keep reading!
I have had the boys for a week and half and I have experienced the weirdest thing that, females especially, are warned about at one point or another. When it comes to babies (human, animal, etc) everyone and their mother is going to have an opinion on how you should raise said baby....


Let me name the multiple things that I have done wrong/should not do according to different people.
1) Don't let them on the couch/bed (oops)
2) No plush toys (...we have 4)
3) No tug of war toys (yep, broke that also)
4) No wee wee pads (...I have no comment for this)
5) Do they sit yet? (They just turned eight weeks - but we are mastering it!)
6) Don't leave them home alone yet (double oops)
7) Do not get litter mates (OOPS!

Let me add a little disclaimer so that you all do not think I am just a cynical bitch:
I fully understand that everyone has an opinion on what you should and should not do, but I do not appreciate being voicing their opinions when they are not wanted or needed. If you have legit advice (i.e. this worked when we went through potty training, etc) I will gladly listen. I appreciate tips and tricks that have been learned from experience. Also, the litter mate thing...I have gotten so much negativity about getting two puppies - let alone litter mates. I did my research before getting them, I fully understand why litter mates may lead to problems, but I also know (from having rabbits, horses, cats, hamsters, dogs, etc since I can ever remember - and we've known multiple families with litter mates) the best ways to combat the potential litter mate problems. Dominance and separation issues can occur with any animal, at any age, and every size. 

So how do I feel about all of this?

Okay, so that above statement is not exactly true - I do my research and I make the best decision for myself and anyone else involved from there. 

I hear it only gets worse when it's actual children - the horror!

Sorry for my little rant, but I could not believe it! Within a week and a half and everyone has something to say. Such is life I suppose!


We survived!!

Friday!! I don't know about you, but I don't think I've been so happy to see a Friday for a while. This week has been a doozy - and that's putting it lightly. 
I am ashamed to say how many Starbucks runs I have made. I will be making my second run later today when I pick up shampoo.

Besides school, and keeping the puppies alive, I have done absolutely nothing. I finally vacuumed this morning, it's been a week (I am obsessive and vacuum every other day - hello white carpet!). I should be cleaning, or doing my online class, or doing the laundry but I have plopped my butt on the couch and I am prepared to do absolutely nothing but snuggle with Daniel and the puppies later while drinking a beer. 

As I procrastinate adult responsibilities, let me share some pictures from my cousins wedding! My dad, Daniel, and I flew to MI (as Daniel says my homeland - I've lived down South longer, but I love them both) and I was able to see my dads side of the family who I haven't seen for a while. Daniel has never been to Michigan and he was ready to move. The wedding was beautiful and I should of gotten more pictures but I was having too much fun.

 Me and my Cousin Destiny (The Bride!)

 Yep, we rode a ski-lift up to the ceremony :)

 The view from the ceremony

 Walking down the aisle!

 Destiny looked stunning

Photo booth fun!! Literally, Daniel and I would of taken a ton of pictures with all the different props if there wasn't a line.

Have a great weekend! I am taking the boys to the vet tomorrow - they've gone twice before I got them but tomorrow could be interesting!


Puppy Madness!!!

I haven't even been a puppy mother for one whole week and it is exhausting.
The fact that I had two quizzes and two tests this week may have something to do with the exhaustion and I'm sleep deprived from the boys waking up at 6 every morning.
Meet my new munchkins! 
  Ah, peace and quite!

They've actually been quite good, I can't complain that much. Being a first time puppy mommy, I am discovering a few things.

1) Potty Training is H-E-Double Hockey Sticks
The munchkins are only seven and a half weeks old. I am very aware that potty training is not going to fully happen for a while, but nothing is more frustrating than sitting outside and watching them play/explore, while I run frantically to catch them, and within five minutes of being inside one of them pees. I understand that they don't have control of their bladder but my non-existant patience wishes they could magically go outside every single time. Thankfully, the are doing well and accidents are minimum.

2) Puppy Training is a Must
I planned on enrolling them in puppy classes before I got them, but watching them run around and towards the driveway/road is not a pleasant sight. They are curious little buggers who are just exploring, but the little buggers do not realize the road is off limits. The backyard is starting to get boring and apparently the side/front of the house is much more interesting now. Obedience training should be fun! I'm sure there will be a story, or two, to accompany puppy class. 

3) The Joys of Learning to Wear a Collar
Didn't you know that the foreign object that goes around your neck is much more fun to rip off your brother vs. actually wearing it?! To get acquainted with the collar, the boys wear it for a few hours each day. It is best when they are eating, playing, and going outside because they are distracted and don't notice it as much. Key point in that sentence is 'as much.' They still notice it and scratch, wine, attempt to get it off of each other, but overall they are taking to it quite well. Next will be the leash - that oughta be fun. 

4) They Will Mouth Everything and Anything
As I said, they have been well behaved little munchkins, but they do have a tendency to put their mouths around anything that they can reach. They aren't really chewing on anything, just seeing what it is. That is why having many toys is wonderful because they can rip those to shreds all they want! Boone did bite the brick step leading to the backyard cookie isn't he?

They really have been better than what I thought they were going to be! I already love the little goobers and am so happy to have them, except yesterday when I was so stressed because of a chemistry test and the whole potty outside thing wasn't going to so well. I cannot wait to form a bond with them. I had such a bond with Bailey that it has been difficult because I want to have that bond with these two so badly. It will take growing up and life experiences together, but I am hoping to share a special bond with them and I think one day I will. 

 Little Ash taking a much needed nap - being a puppy is so hard.


It's love :) 


21st Birthday Mash-Up!

Adriana (Dog Hair Is An Accessory - check her out here!) is doing a 21st Birthday story mash-up! 
While my Birthday story may not be as good as hers, I decided to share my story.
Prepare yourself for the 21st Birthday/Spring Break gone horribly wrong.

My Birthday is on March 3rd which is always the very beginning of Spring Break at NC State. I wasn't expecting to go wild that night (I had a 7:30 plane ride to Florida and I did enough partying freshman year that, it's incredible I survived, I didn't feel the need to go crazy until Florida). 
The exciting news was I was 21 and Spring Break started the next day! The bad news, EVERYONE left that night to head to their Spring Break destination - thanks friends! To make up for it, Daniel took me to a nice dinner at the Melting Pot and I wasn't even carded. How disappointing. Why is this disappointing? It was my first 'legal' drink and my first 'legal' time getting alcohol, and the waiter didn't even bother. 
Fast forward to after dinner, Daniel and I made our way to the Ale House where the bartender was hell bent on getting me drunk. A few beers and a shot, or two, or three, later it was time to go home and sleep. Thankfully for me, and to the dismay of the bartender, I have a high alcohol tolerance.

Florida time! I was so excited to spend Spring Break in Florida - on the beach with a few drink(s) in my hand! First day (Monday) in Florida was boring because it was two cold to go on the beach and we had to go get a rental car. Finally, day two (Tuesday) rolled around and it was gorgeous. Then we got a phone call from Daniel's dad - his grandfather had passed away and we had to get our butt on a plan early Thursday morning. Que the crying (all me) and emotions out the wazoo from both of us. I felt so bad for Daniel's family, but I also had a little pity party for myself since my family rarely vacations and I had been looking forward to this trip for months. After I attempted to drown my sorrow with a few drinks, Daniel and I had a nice dinner (where I attempted to drown my sorrows yet again). We decided to make the best of Wednesday so we drove around and spent the day exploring. So there you have it! My Birthday/Spring Break bash all ended within 2 1/2 days (it was originally 6) and for a very sad cause. 

It definitely is a story to tell! I wished a lot of things would have ended differently, but that is life, my friends! Share your 21st Birthday stories! I would love to hear them - and then link up at Adriana's blog (Here!)


Down Dog is NOT so Easy

Two posts in one day?!?!?! I am trying to make it up for my slacking and I'm worried that I will be too distracted with puppies next week, that I am posting a quick post all about my new found love for yoga!
I am an avid workout junkie - no it does not get in the way of any aspect of my life, but I truly enjoy working out. About a month ago I decided to incorporate yoga into my routine. Now I wish I had been doing it for years!! I absolutely love it. Am I that great at it? Nope. My hamstrings are tight, my hip angle needs to be opened up, and my balance isn't as good as I thought it was. Nothing will make you hurt and make you realize how not flexible you are quite like yoga!

But I love it. It relaxes me, it pushes me, and did I mention it relaxes me? I am a stressed out little lady on a regular basis. Thank god for Daniel and yoga. They keep me grounded. If anyone is an avid workout junkie and you have not tried yoga - I highly suggest it. I use to think you didn't work that hard in yoga...I was very, very, wrong. It works your arms, core, legs, balance, and it makes you focus on your breathing. Moral of the story? Do yoga!! It switches up your workout routine and will make you realize that your core isn't as strong as you thought it was.

One last thing, I want to praise Hard Tail's Yoga Pants. I adore them. I am a yoga pant junkie (it's shameful, I know) and I have many pairs of VS yoga pants but Hard Tail's are just fantastic. They are made from great material and I have had no problems with the stitching stretching when I work out in them (problems I've had with VS yoga pants - sorry VS! I love you, but Hard Tail's Yoga Pants have been better for yoga), and they come in a multitude of colors. I am also a fan of their sports bra's and jackets. Comfortable and made extremely well. 

I hope everyone has a great night! I am watching Tangled instead of working on an Anatomy and Physiology Lab (shocker). 

Also, I was not paid or asked to say anything about Hard Tail gear, I have worn it for a while and just love the quality so I wanted to share!


It's Fall Y'all!!

Side note: The 'Ya'll' above is the most southern I will get. I may have been in the south the majority of my life, but I cannot bring myself to say 'y'all, soda, bless your heart, etc.' I love the south, but being born up north, I still have a few things that stick with me!

October is my favorite month. Sadly, it was 86 degrees here yesterday...
Get it together weather! Thankfully the temperature has dropped today but it won't stay low consistently so I can wear all my cute fall clothes. Boo. Even if I can't consistently wear everything yet, I am going to share my favorite fall clothes and accessories. These are the things I love and pretty much live in.

1) Free People Sweaters
I have a ton of Free People sweaters/pullovers. I am pretty much a sweater whore as soon as the fall rolls around. 
2) Joe's Jeans The Skinny
I love these. Finding a good pair of skinny jeans is incredibly hard to find. Now that I found a pair that I like, I will be buying another pair.

3) Frye Boots 
What can I say...I can never have enough Frye boots!

4) Red Lipstick (Menace)
I love red lipstick. I have a few brighter reds, but I plan on picking up this wine/red this weekend when I am at my parents to pick up the puppies!! Sadly there is no sephora around my house.

5) Dark Nail Polish
Essie's Smokin' Hot. I have this color and I love it. I also have way too many nail polishes. But for the fall I love the grays, purples, and reds. 

6) Drink (Starbucks - I am addicted I know!)
The chocolate chai tea latte is on point. I may buy too many of them. It actually is sad how much money I spend on Starbucks, but I love it.


Preparing for Puppy Madness!!

Notice: I apologize for the lack of pictures - I am getting back into the swing of things after my heartbreak.
Growing up, it's a funny thing. I have been heartbroken, overjoyed, incredibly frustrated, and I've cried a lot. This does not pertain to a male per-say, but all aspects of life. So, as I keep plugging along - I am learning how to prepare for puppies!! Life is all about growing, and let me tell you, I have had many growing experiences. These puppies will be another one!

Let me just say, I am overjoyed and overwhelmed to receive these puppies this weekend - but I have a lab practical/midterm and two tests right after I get them - womp, womp. womp. I guess I will have to spend my study time wisely while the boys sleep.
I have grown up with dogs, and loved every single one of them. But, I never had to raise the puppies before. Am I up for the challenge? Hell ya! But I didn't realize how much planning it would take.
I have a collapsable crate √
I have toys √
I have treats and a treat container √
I have bowls √
Leashes/collars √
Name tags √

I am ordering a bed for them this weekend that they can grow into and I am on the hunt for puppy pads and a baby gate tonight! Finding a baby gate is difficult. There are so many and you don't know which one will work best until you try it (I sound like a crazed mother, don't I?).
I have to be careful on what I buy because I am getting two Miniature Australian Shepherds and they are smart cookies! They are very athletic and can get bored easily - that is why the toy hunt was also interesting. 

I have stocked up on toys (these boys are so spoiled and they don't even know).
Kong toys are recommended for dogs who need brain stimulation. So, I got a Kong, Kong balls, and a Kong Wubba. 
See Kong toys here

I also got this ball which has been a favorite of many of our past dogs 

For my dog treats...I got a massive Mason Jar. I kid you not! I am slightly obsessed with it and got it from Target. 

If this is what it's like preparing for a puppy, I cannot imagine what it will be like preparing for a child later in life. Craziness! I also am so sorry for no puppy pictures. When I went to see them, I neglected to take pictures because I was happy way to much fun playing with them (oops!!). But I get them this weekend and I promise you will be flooded with puppy pictures and might even get sick of the cute ones.

Until next time!


...What Has Been Going On?!?!

So, in my last post I said that I would be updating more regularly.
That was the honest intention - in fact, I had multiple posts planned out!

What happened?
Life got in the way and hit me like a ton of bricks. 
It still pains me to say this (in fact, it always will), but my little love muffin of joy, my little Bailey has passed away unexpectedly. 
Even though I know he is gone, I could not find the strength to type it out. It was hard enough to drag myself to class the next morning and try to function somewhat normally.

For the first week, I was in shock. It stayed away from the house until Daniel was home and when I did find the strength to go home - the silence was sickening. 
I had a few bumps in the road - the major one being I left my keys in Daniel's truck and he went to work one morning and after getting ready for class I walked into the kitchen and realized that my keys weren't there. Que the panic!
I am slightly neurotic about being clean and having things in there place. I don't forget things, I never leave things, and I am always 10 steps ahead (in my head) of a situation. 

I fully intend on getting everything on track again - I just had to take sometime and try to get everything as back to normal as I could.

Bailey was the best dog there ever was. I know everyone says that about their dog, but Bailey was my knight in shining amour when no one else was there. I will forever miss him and he will not and cannot every be replaced. I wish things didn't end so tragically at the age of 7. He should still be here with me - but this is life. And life is a bitch and we either give up, give in, or continue plugging along. 

So, if I am a little slow with updates for a little bit, please forgive me. Things will fall back into place.
I need to share my Cousin's beautiful Wedding Weekend and I have some other exciting news...I am getting two puppies. I can pick them up next weekend and I am excited to share them with you.

I hope life has been treating everyone well. Either way, remember to keep plugging along.


Long Time Gone

I'm back! Sorry for the delay. Things have been nuts between another class starting, a wedding coming up that I will be leaving the state for, my first round of tests coming up, and my labs literally suck up my life.
Thankfully, during the midst of this all, I managed to get away to the beach (for the first time this year-AHHH YAY!!). 
The beach was so fun! It was incredibly nice to get away even for two and a half days. We were joined by our good friends Mitzi and Tyler who we rarely get to see anymore - Mitzi moved to Charlotte to teach :) I'm so excited for her, but I miss her so much!
Anyway, the beach was great. We went shopping, laid on the beach, had some good food, and enjoyed a friendly, but competitive, round of putt-putt golf.
The beach trip was very much needed and I hope that everyone was able to get to the beach at least once this year!

 Playing on the beach!

Before our intense game of putt-putt

Mitzi and Tyler (love them!)


I will be getting updates out more regularly. If they are a little all over the place the next two weeks, it's because I am going to be all over the place. I plan to be getting my August favs up asap!
Have a great weekend!


Playing Chef

As Daniel works all day and I run around going to class, the barn, the gym, errands, cleaning, etc. 
Dinner can become quite a hassle. I feel as if I have no time to make anything and we generally do not eat until 8 or so because Daniel is off so late.
My saving grace? The crock pot! 
Granted I do not make food everyday (I'm not that good!), but when I have the time I love preparing crock pot meals and not having to worry about them for 6-8 hours.
So without further ado, here are some crock pot meals that have been a hit with Daniel.
I should also warn you that the majority of these crock pot meals are pork related. I do not eat pork and Daniel rarely gets it so he really enjoys the pork and I can give him the leftovers for lunch.

Crock Pot French Dip 

Picture and recipe credit here

This may have been one of his favorite recipes!

Crock Pot Chicken Noodle Soup

Picture and recipe credit here

Here's another simple recipe that I made up - I'm sure it exists elsewhere but I just did it one day.
1) Get a rump roast (or anything else on sale/cheap)
2) Your favorite meat rub
3) Favorite BBQ sauce

Trim your meat, rub the meat rub all over the meat, place some tinfoil (rolled into balls) at the bottom of the crock pot, place the meat on top of the tinfoil, and poor as much BBQ sauce over top. 

Simple as pie! And it tastes quite good!

What I am making tonight:
Crock Pot Brown Sugar and Balsamic Glazed Pork Tenderloin
Photo and recipe credit here

We will see if this is a hit or not tonight! 

And what I am hoping to make Thursday or Friday!
Crock Pot Mexican Lasagna
Photo and recipe credit here

In the fall I will be experimenting with a lot of soups and stews! I'll have to have an updated post on all of that come the fall. Speaking of fall, I cannot wait until the weather cools down. Fall is my favorite season and I have already been stockpiling clothes for the fall (oops!)

I hope one of these recipes looks appealing to you. If anyone decides to try one, let me know what you thought!
And also, let me know if there are any recipes that you love!

Until next time :)


RIP My Football Career as a Student

A moment of silence, please.
Why? I am no longer a student and get free tickets to the football games.
I am so sad!
I know a lot of people I follow have been posting about their nostalgia on how classes started today and how us old farts miss it. I agree 100%! I miss State - which is funny considering I was ready to leave.
While I am still in school, my heart lies with Wolfpack Nation and any other school I am attending, or will attend, will not compare to my school.
I do have the honor of being an alumni, but I no longer get free sports tickets (why?!?!), and not only do I have to pay for tickets but making the drive for the games (while in another school) is more difficult!
Yes, I plan on making the drive, but I am bummed that I can only go to earlier games (have to make the drive back!) and if I am really busy with homework and tests I no longer have the luxury of a short drive back to my apartment. 
Sad days. I feel so old posting this :p
I know NC State does not have the best football or basketball team, but the one thing I loved about State was the school pride. We knew that we weren't the best (but we definitely pulled off multiple miracles!), but the student body was always supportive.
We had multiple shortages of football tickets (even to the crappier games) if that helps you better understand. 

Roommate! (We quite possibly had a little to drink) 

Great times, great friends, great memories

There are plenty of pictures from my college years (of course I know wish I took more - go figure) but a good chunk of them involve parties and we just won't get into that ;) 



I am going to warn you now that this is not the most uplifting post, but it is something I had not thought about and I doubt many people think about on a regular basis.
To preface this, Daniel gets out of bed around 6:30 every morning for work. This would be okay if we ever went to bed at a decent hour. During this time, he usually wakes up (6:30 late? I know, right?!) and says "Oh, shit I'm late!" while proceeding to gently push me off of him as he flies out of bed.
As you can imagine, I am beyond groggy and do not appreciate being rolled off of him so suddenly when I am trying to snuggle.

Between the early morning, the rolling me off of him, and his dad tending to call to make sure he is awake, I am not always in the best of moods when Daniel is leaving.
One particular morning - after this happened repeatedly, I was just not having it. It probably didn't help that I slept like crap the last three nights in a row because of thunderstorms and a scared little fluff ball flying at my head when there was thunder.
Every morning that Daniel leaves (even if it is frantic) he gives me a kiss and says "I love you."
I mumbled something not so coherent along the lines of "see you later" not meaning to not say "I love you too."
All of the sudden Daniel said something that hurt just a little (I hadn't thought about it this way!) and really made me think. He said, "Hanna, I don't like leaving without hearing you say 'I love you' in case something happens to either of us."
Dumbfounded...literally, I wasn't really awake nor was I expecting to hear that.

The scary part is, it's true. I don't wake up in the morning and think, "Oh, maybe Daniel wont come home tonight because something happened." I know we should be thankful for everyday and that anything could happen but I don't wake up and think that!

So what do you do now that the scary realization that you repress has hit you smack in the face?
You say "I love you" any chance you get, you don't take things for granted, and you appreciate the people and things in your life. 

Yes, life is/can become very stressful and at times we do not think about anything deeper than what we need to get done, dinner, has the dog gone outside, I haven't done laundry, or the dishes, or cleaned anything, etc. We need to take a breath (me included - most definitely!) and appreciate and be thankful for the "I love you's" and that our house hasn't burnt down and the car still runs (okay those were a little extreme, but they do happen!) and just be thankful. 

Appropriate, no?

Enjoy yourself because we truly don't know what might happen. 


It's That Time of the Week...

When we get to kick back and relax just a little bit!
Welcome back, Friday!
As always, my week ended up being more stressful than I anticipated. 
I started classes yesterday and I was not ready to get back into the swing of things.
I know it will all be worth it in the end, but I felt a little uncomfortable going to a Community College after being at State for four years.
State was my school and I thoroughly enjoyed my time there! Needless to say, it felt as if I was cheating on State when I went onto campus today.
 The good news, my Anatomy and Physiology teacher seems pretty cool - which, as we know, makes a class so much better!

I have no "definite" plans for this weekend; besides the gym and my horse, obviously.
Daniel and I plan on going to dinner tomorrow night, but I am hoping we do some fun things!
Daniel and I do not get to spend a lot of time together because of his job and my schedule. We will definitely broach this topic in a later post.
I look forward to the weekend and being able to relax (just a little!) and spending time with Daniel.

It is definitely going to be a rainy weekend here! Which means I get to wear my Hunter rain boots, which I am in love with! Yep, I know...I have a shoe problem :)
Plus, I cannot wait to wear them (along with my frye boots and ankle boots) come the fall! 
The weather has been so wonderful here that it makes me want fall to come even faster.
But fall means football, which I know longer have :'(
It's so sad!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Let me know if you do anything fun.



As I have gotten older, I have managed to get busier and busier.
I start off every semester thinking that I will have more time than I actually do.
Actually, I tend to take on too much just to prove that I can do it - This may or may not involve a partial meltdown at the middle/end of the semester.
I am a control freak and a perfectionist. This might be part of the reason I think I can balance a ton of things - and I do actually get it all done!

The point of this post is to not be like me. You can take on a lot, just make sure you balance it well.
I need to follow this advice as I start my new semester tomorrow (I'm NOT ready yet!!).
For me, I balance classes, the gym (guilty pleasure/stress reliever), and my horse (need I say more on this subject?). This semester I am also looking into getting a job.
Yep...I may be crazy but I think we established that pretty early on.
I know I can handle all of this - that is not the problem.
What I need to do is make sure I make time for the things that matter like surprising Daniel with dinner, walking the dog, and spending more time at the barn.
In the past semesters I noticed myself neglecting the little things that made others and myself happy in order to get everything else done and get good grades.

This past semester (my last semester at NC State - so sad! No more football! Ugh, I'm sure there will be a rant about that), I began to realize that I was giving up my horse (bad idea - stress reliever and makes me so happy!), I never had time for Daniel, and little Bailey had to cut back on his walks. I also noticed that I was becoming a cranky female dog because I was spending all my time reading for school.

This semester, I am not taking as many courses and I am making the promise to myself that I will manage to get everything done and I will make time for the things I enjoy. 

Follow me as I prep to do this and prepare for nursing school!

P.S. I start classes tomorrow and have not gotten one e-mail/syllabus from any of my teachers!
See the control freak coming out? 

Love you all!

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