
In Regards To Horse Showing...

There is no doubt that this year has has been quite different.
I hope that this uncertain time has found everyone safe albeit life changing I'm sure.

While horse showing is literally not a priority at this time of change and uncertainty, I sure do miss it.
As states are starting to reopen/have reopened it is safe to say that here in the NC/SC territories an announcement was made that we will be indeed allow to horse show again in June - under strict guidelines of course. 

One of these guidelines is the use of masks. I have seen so many equestrian based companies start to make masks and of course I am going to have to get myself one. You can find masks via Dreamers & Schemers, Milton Menasco (sold out), Rönner Design just to name a few.

I just ordered a pair of masks from Rönner Design - along with other items as they have some great stuff on their sales page right now! 

As Lucas and I prepare to get back into horse show mode...lets just say we both have different ways of surviving this quarantine. I have been house buying, working, planning a wedding, and thinking all about applying to graduate school. Lucas on the other hand, well take a look for yourself.

He's been snacking:


Becoming a trail horse: 

And just letting it all hang out: 

Full blown retired by his book. 

Between his lifestyle and my new facemasks we are for sure horse show ready. 

How have you been surviving quarantine? Let me know and stay safe out there! 


Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone. Cheers to another week and another upcoming weekend.

Let's get to it.

Curves and combat boots. I am in love with this brand. They are veteran owned and holy moly they are such good quality! I can only vouch for the bottoms at this point, but I plan on trying out some tops and sports bras soon. 

These earrings! You better believe I will be getting myself a pair. How cute are they?!

For my equestrian people - I just started reading this and am hooked. 


Please drink responsibly 

Have a great weekend!


Favorite Breeches

In honor of The Little Breech Book brought to you by the lovely lady of The Hunt blog, I am going to share with you my favorite breeches and why.

The book highlight's all different equestrian's with all different body types. Basically, they highlight their body type and their favorite pairs of breeches that they feel best suit's their bodies. Cool, huh? 

Let's face it, we all share in the struggle of finding breeches that we feel comfortable in. Even those who I think look great in breeches have voiced their insecurities to me. I on the other hand, well I really hate trying breeches on. I am not tall and long legged. I am an average 5'5" and have hips, thighs, and a booty. I do work out and would say I am hourglass shaped. So what breeches are my favorite? Continue reading to find out!


These are the American Breeches in the color Ocean, which I adore! I have these in beige to show in and they are my favorite. 

Outline breech! They are so fun to school in. I have them in grey with burgundy piping!

Perforated breech. I have them in navy! 

I am the same size in all of these styles, which is incredibly nice. Also, the material is like butter. No other breeches feel so great to me. The price tag is a bit of a downer, but these are my all time favorites. 


These fit me so incredibly well. They hug me in all the right places and provide incredible support. Major bonus - they come in half sizes!! 25, 27, 29. etc! Why can't all companies do this? The price tag is also very favorable in the world of breeches. The only thing I don't absolutely love about them is the material. They are not baby smooth like the Cavalleria Toscana's.


Let me be clear, I cannot figure out which pair of breeches I have...I do not see them anywhere and I did get them a few years back so they may not even make the style I have anymore. In general, these breeches stay in place even though they sit right on my hips, the material is comfortable and holds up well. I hadn't worn them for a while but pulled them back out for a lovely two weeks in Aiken and remembered just how much I loved them. The one's in the picture/link aren't exactly what I have but incredibly similar. 

What are your favorite pair(s) of breeches?

Also, is anyone a member of the Cavali club? What do you think? I'm considering joining!


The Sunshine State {Ocala 2019}

A hunk of my horsie dreams came true in the span of ten days this February. I finally had the opportunity to go to Florida and show Lucas for the first time. This year we went to Ocala. I have heard lovely things about Venice and Wellington and hope to experience both of those as well.

So, how did this exciting opportunity happen?? Basically everything just fell into place this time. The barn left a week or so before me so I was without a horse and a saddle between my legs for three weeks arriving in Florida and it just about killed me. When I left work the night before my flight, I could barely contain my excitement.

Up, up, and away I went!
If you want a good lighthearted book, I recommend Horses Adored and Men Endured by Susan Friedland-Smith. 

So I'll spare you all the long winded details of my day by day account of the horse show and instead just cut to the most memorable parts.

1) My hotel has a resident clydesdale and the offer carriage rides

Clearly I lost the pictures I took of Buddy as well. Basically I toggled back and forth between instagram stories and photos and clearly didn't save them all like I thought I did. Blame it on the pure bliss that I was experiencing. 

2) I jumped my first course on Lucas less than a week before I showed. That's right. What a monumental moment. I have been waiting a year for this, okay?

3) I showed Lucas for the first time! Not only did we compete and jump our first course together less than a week ago, but we ended up champion. Literally, all the waiting and hard work has paid off. Plus it certainly helps to have such a talented horse, even if he is young. 

Now for some outfits of the day!

Hunter(front)/Jumper(back) shirt: SilverOaksFarm
Belt: GhoDho
Belt: Same as above
Breeches: Struck Apparel
Socks: Dreamers & Schemers
Top: Rönner
Belt: Same

I did make a new breeches favorite discovery while in Florida and plan on sharing that soon. So I will get new pictures of those breeches so that you all can see! 


Custom Der Dau's

Even though I haven't had the chance to ride in them yet, I just have to share my beautiful custom Der Dau's that I ordered at WEG.

I am in love! I am in the process of breaking them in and didn't want to go wild in new stirrups and new half chaps/boots while lessening all at once so I did the stirrups today and will ride in the Der Dau's later this week.

So I decided to go with a gorgeous chocolate brown leather instead of black. I did the inlay on the half chap and continued the trend down both sides of the zipper and toe of the boot. Close up pictures of the detailing below. 

They turned out even better than I dreamed of. It was so hard to make a decision with all of the options but the whole experience was wonderful and Der Dau really made my vision come to life. I cannot wait to ride in them! Though I am slightly dreading the breaking in process and have been working on that at the house - and woo boy! I haven't broken in any tall boots or chaps for a while and I forgot just how fun that process is. 

The gold details are the icing on the top for me. I absolutely loved creating my custom half chaps and boots and am so grateful to have had the experience. Maybe next time I'll get custom tall boots when I'm done with my parlanti's ;)

If you want to drool over some gorgeous boots, check out their website:
Or go to their instagram page: derdau 

And I cannot finish this post without saying thank you mom for making this dream come true!

Looking for recommendations! Do you have a pair of tall boots that you love? Off the shelf, custom, semi-custom? Let me know! I have had my eye on a pair of Tucci's but I also love my Parlanti's. 

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